Charles didn’t expect that his accommodation problem was solved so quickly. Although he was laying the floor in the utility room, it was better than setting up a tent in the wild. At least save the daily entrance tax.

But the utility room should also be divided into which utility room is. At least the utility room in the church of Radiant Shrine is neat and clean. It also contains pots and pans. It's okay to stay here for a few days.

Charles had just laid out the bedding, thinking that the Old Lady in the robes walked in.

Charles hurriedly saluted her and asked: "Mary Bishop, can I help you?"

The smile on Mary Bishop, the leader of the church, never seemed to disappear. Later, she said to Charles: "Don't disagree with me like this. Just call me Nun. Holy Angel and I are both sisters." Mary Nun closed her backhand while talking.

Doorway to the utility room.

She went on to say: "It's really wrong to let you live here."

Charles replied: "There are tiles to cover the wind and rain, so I don't dare to ask for too much. "

As a result, Mary Nun said: "You can live with your elder sister."

Charles' head shook like a rattle. Just kidding, the girls' dormitory is right or wrong. Many, now the summer is very windy, when the wind blows off a piece of underwear or something, he is the first to be suspected.

He doesn't want to go through the process of being misunderstood. In case when the time comes to check his storage ring, he can't take out those "ultimate weapons".

It’s good to live in the utility room. Even if you lose a few bowls, no one will doubt him.

Mary Nun turned out two small chairs from the corner, and then asked Charles to sit down with her.

She said to Charles: "Charles, your elder sister Mira has been here with the team for two months. I think she has great potential. I am very optimistic about her next Saintess."

"But there is a problem that needs your attention. Some things require you to make a sacrifice for her."

Two hours later, Charles left the church with a look on his face. hehe ".

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This time he has seen it.

In the central square of Granada, to the west is the registration point for this tournament, and to the east is the free medical point organized by Mira and their Radiant Theology Court students.

Back then, Mira followed the "Three Going to the Countryside" team of the Rurik Kingdom, and then she took this approach to the Radiant Shrine.

Those temples that used to rely solely on personal awareness of the lower grassroots are now beginning to send teams to the grassroots in an organized manner.

Because it was the last day of registration, there were not many people in the line, and Charles had his turn without a few cranky thoughts.

"Name?" asked the person in charge of registration.

"Charles Megadon."

The other party didn’t care. The staff member wrote Charles’ name, shua~ shua~ shua~ on a card and registration book. After gender, he merged the card with the column of Charles on the register, and then asked Charles to press a stamp with his right hand thumb fingerprint, and then the staff also stamped a stamp with the stamp.

In the end, Charles handed over the registration fee with one hand, and took the parchment veneer with the other hand to make the entry certificate.

On the opposite side of the square, Mira is busy at this time. She is a fighting nun and she can treat traumatic injuries. She is now in charge of receiving patients and doing "medical counseling."

Charles saw Huntington, the little adventurer he met in the morning, helping a middle-aged woman with a thin body and complexion pale to find her, so he didn’t bother and went to the south of the square to forge a temple. Look at the good stuff in your stall.

This tournament is organized by the City Lord of Granada, and the co-organizers include Temple of War, Forge Temple, Radiant Shrine and Commercial Temple.

Among them, the Temple of War is the referee, the Forging Temple is responsible for providing and selling weapons by the way, the Radiant Shrine is responsible for treating the wounded, and the Commercial Temple selling lottery tickets.

The first three temples are okay, but the business temple's involvement in the gaming industry really scared Charles.

It's just that Charles is not interested in gambling, nor dare to be interested. If Mira knows that his younger brother is taking money to gamble, Warhammer will wait every minute.

Because of the large number of adventurers here, the dwarves sell equipment suitable for adventurers.

Charles took a fancy to a pair of half-finger gloves. The outer part of the finger cot is covered with a thin layer of crusty leather and the inner part is a soft cushion, so that he can usually wear the power ring and the storage ring. Let people find out.

The dwarf looked at Charles’ paws and asked him to move his fingers a few times, then turned around and took a new pair of gloves out of the box at the back of the stall, and said, “You wear it and see. The size of this payment should be right for you."

Charles moved his fingers after putting it on, and found that it was really suitable, so he asked: "How much is this pair of gloves?"

The dwarf asked him: "Which country's money do you use?"

Charles replied: "Can spirit essence be fine?"

Because the southern countries have their own currencies, their real value It's different, so dwarf people will ask, and Charles has replaced most of the money he earned from selling bears with hard currency spirit essence for this reason.

The dwarf replied: "I'm ready to close the stall, sell it to you cheaper, two hundred."

There are denominations on the spirit essence, which is very convenient to use.

Charles said: "Praise your beard, it is more beautiful than the beard of your Pope He Dou Dagger, can a hundred dollars work?"

The dwarf gave Charles a sideways look." In the last beard pageant tournament, I was runner-up, and Pope Your Majesty was fourth. One hundred and eighty. It can’t be less."

Charles: "Your heart is as good as your beard, one hundred One line is not enough."

Dwarf: "My heart and stomach are very healthy, two or three barrels of ale will quench my thirst, one hundred and seventy-five, no less."


Finally, Mira who had closed the stall at the medical center came over to help Charles raise the price of the gloves to 130.

On the way back to the Bright Church, Mira told Charles about her experience with the group this time.

They set off at the beginning of the year and went to the slime basin along the way from east to west.

It’s just that Mira didn’t expect to meet the younger brother here.

She said to Charles: "Be careful about tomorrow's game."

Charles shook the head and said: "I will start the day after tomorrow."

" en? !" Mira suddenly stared at Charles, "Are you in the adult group?"

Charles nodded, "Because the bonus of the adult group is high, I deliberately lose if I earn enough."

Mira sighed and said: "Be careful, if it weren't for Elizabeth elder sister, I wouldn't allow me to pay you..."

Charles just laughed and said nothing.

Then he asked: "Sister, just now a ten-year-old boy took a very thin woman to the doctor. They were your receptionists. What's wrong with that woman?"


Mira thought for a moment, and said: "The patient was shot by an arrow before and was rushing to treat him. As a result, the arrow was sealed in his lungs. Now it has developed into an inflammatory granulation package, causing a long-term bacterial infection. If surgery is required, the patient’s body is too weak."

Charles thoughtfully said: "so that's how it is."

This kind of problem is not among the adventurers. Rarely, this happens when a wound is wounded in a field battle, and the wound is not cleaned up, and the foreign body is left in the body by using the treatment technique.

If the foreign body is only in the muscles, it will be fine to come back for a second operation, but the foreign body in this relative of Huntington is in the lungs. It can only be said that she is still alive today. NS.

But this is not a problem for Charles. He was pierced by a knife and he could remove the knife. It took minutes to take an arrow and the tissue around it.

But the lesion can be removed, but he is not good at subsequent hemostasis and other treatments. A hole in the lungs is more troublesome than a cut on the body. Maybe the patient suffocates on the spot due to lung bleeding. die.

So Charles asked Mira: "Sister, if a person’s lungs suddenly become empty, can you cure it right away?"

Mira doesn’t know what Charles is going to do , She still replied: "I can stop the bleeding, but I can't do anything to let the hollow place grow back."

Charles nodded, if it is so simple to let the defect grow back, his nose would be divided back then. Minutes are back.

However, the lesion can be resolved first, and the next step can be treated.

Mira asked: "Why, do you have a way?"

Charles nodded, said: "The lesion can be removed, but hemostasis is not good."

Mira thought for a while and said, "Let's go, if you meet them, please help them."

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