It was about ten o'clock in the evening, and the tavern not far from the Adventurers’ Union was almost packed tonight, and it was very lively.

While Barrel Aunt brought the food prepared in the kitchen to the guests' table, she looked at the entrance of the tavern from time to time.

A middle-aged customer saw her look like this, and laughed loudly and yelled: "I said the wine barrel, why are you always looking at the door today, is there a new look for you to come?"

The adventurers in the tavern are mostly old customers for many years. Everyone laughed, and the newly opened guests also laughed.

Auntie Keg is used to this kind of scene. She smashed the solid wooden wine glass fiercely on the wooden table and made a huge noise, but the wine inside did not overflow at all.

She fiercely said to the guest: "Is the old lady's wine not good enough to stop your mouth?"

The guest shook his head and said, "I see You look forward to the stars and the moon, thinking that rotten wood can't satisfy you..."

tone barely fell, a sound of "dong dong dong" wood slamming came from the kitchen, and one piece was broken. Legs, the middle-aged man with wooden artificial legs walked out of the kitchen.

The Boss nicknamed "Rotten Wood" pointed at the middle-aged customer with a kitchen knife and shouted: "You have a urinary fork, dare you come back and see if I can stop you. Live shit!"

There was a burst of laughter in the tavern again, and many people encouraged the middle-aged guest to try it behind the kitchen.

At this time, the door of the tavern opened, and a burly old man, an old man in a scholar robe, and an elderly priest in the Temple of War robe walked in.

As soon as the three of them appeared on the stage, the aura immediately calmed the audience, and the bar instantly became quiet.

The burly old man happily said: "Everyone, go on, our three brothers come and have a drink. Small wine barrels, one for each, I treat!"

The association cheered immediately, and they everyone talking at once said words of thanks.

"Thank you, our president, for the treat!"

"May you not be punished to sleep in the living room tonight!"

Nottingham, president of the Adventurer's Union Not caring about this, he laughed and found a seat with Barakis, the chief instructor of the union, and Zamora, the bishop of the Temple of War church.

The local regular customers don't care about the arrival of the three great characters. The three of them often go out for a drink together.

Auntie Keg was busy serving wine to the guests there. The president did not specify which wine, so the profit would be the best.

The more busy she was, the more worried she became. Huntington, who had said that she would come to help tonight, was nowhere to be seen. I wonder if something happened.

Next, several middle-aged adventurers came to the tavern one after another.

Many local senior adventurers suddenly realized that the situation was not right, because the few who came were all members of a team that was almost wiped out that year.

"Rotten Wood" was called out of the kitchen by Barrel Aunt. He and the Delauris were also members of that team.

In that operation, he broke a leg, and later retired and moved to the house of Aunt Keg.

"Rotten Wood" was a little confused. The team broke up after the heavy loss that year. Although everyone occasionally came for a drink, they rarely got together.

The other three people also froze for a while, and then the oldest Piqiqi said: "I was called by Little Huntington."

The others also said that they got it. A notice from Little Huntington.

It didn't take long before the door of the tavern was pushed open again, and someone asked Aunt Keg to startled.

Auntie Keg hurriedly put the wine glass on the nearest table, and then ran to the door.

Dilauris walked into the tavern with the help of Huntington and Marian.

The Barrel Auntie helped DeLorris, and said in a complaining tone: "DeLorris, why did you come here without resting at home."

Di The appearance of Lauris made the local adventurers also startled. Back then, the affairs of their couple had a lot of influence among the adventurers.

Charles and Mira behind Deloris and the others were not noticed. The two of them found a place to sit down by themselves.

The old customers in the tavern suddenly became quiet, and the new customers stopped talking after they discovered the situation.

Dilauris quickly came to the table where the party members were seated with the help of Aunt Keg, and Nottingham, Barakis, and Zamora also squeezed in. On the table.

At this time, these people realized that it was Deloris who asked Little Huntington to call herself.

The lights in the tavern are not dimmed. They all saw a blush on Deloris’s originally pale face, and "Return to Light" suddenly appeared in their minds.

Dilauris first said to them: "I have been in poor health over the past few years. I am very grateful to everyone for taking care of our family."

"Rotten Wood" said: "These all are what we should do. We wouldn't be able to come back that year if it were not for you and Old Huntington and the others."

Piqiqi continued: "Our life You rescued it, but we can’t heal your injury, alas..."

The old party members will help the DeLorris family from time to time, just like today The fish that is delicious but still edible is the same. It's just that they all have their own families, and the financial aid is just an utterly inadequate measure.

Nottingham said: "Dilauris, just tell us what you want. We will try our best to help you."

Zamora was nodded together. For the public, Deloris was a typical banner for adventurers in Granada, and they had to help.

Dilauris took out a metal arrow from her pocket and placed it on the table. The top of the arrow was in the shape of a willow leaf and the root had a pair of barbs.

She said: "The arrow in my body was taken out, but does anyone know where this arrow came from?"

"Take it out?!"

Nottingham and they startled. A moment ago, they thought that DeLorris was going to go back to the picture, but who knew she said she was cured.

Dilauris nodded with a smile, said: "Although the body is not completely recover, but after taking it out, it will slowly recover."

"Rotten Wood" Picking up the arrow that was still flashing cold light under the light, frowned looked at it for a long time and didn't see why.

Then Nottingham took the arrow. Although he was the president of the union, he still couldn't recognize the origin of the arrow.

Barakis is more knowledgeable as the chief instructor. He frowned and said: "I have a little impression of this barbed arrow, as if I have seen it in a book."

After thinking for a while, he said, "I remember, this seems to be the arrow used by the demon race."

Zamora took the arrow, observed it for a while, and said, "To be precise It is an arrow used by the devil. Two years ago, the special envoy of the Kingdom of Rurik visited to report the evil deeds of the Kuyavia Kingdom built by the devil. Hooked arrow."

Picci said there: "Our enemies were Evil God believers at the time. How could we have anything to do with the devil?"

"Rotten Wood" While thinking about it, he said: "I have often heard that the devil Princess has been lurking in the dark for many years. Is it related to them?" Said: "Can this arrow be handed over to me? I want to report this to the headquarters. If the Evil God believers in the past were connected with the devil, it would be a very serious matter."

Lauris lightly nodded.

The conversation of a few of them did not deliberately conceal, and the news spread quickly in the tavern.

Dilauris' body is still very weak, she needs to go back to rest soon.

Charles and Mira, who were afraid that Deloris had an accident halfway, also left the tavern.

Walking on the way back to the church, Mira finds that Charles is frowned thinking about things.

Mira patted Charles’ arm and asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Charles looked at no one around and whispered: "I suspect that the accident in our family is also The devil is related."

"What?" Mira cried out in surprise.

Charles whispered: "Go back and talk about it."

Mira took a leave of absence for this trip, and she went to the utility room where Charles lived after going to cancel her leave.

Charles showed Mira the feather fan and ancestral necklace he got from Sophia.

Just when Mira was shocked and did not come back to his senses, Charles asked: "Sister, do you remember when you were attacked by monsters on the beach of City of Knowledge back then?"

Mira, who almost died at the time, had lingering fears, she was nodded.

Charles continued: "I remember at first you weren't their target. They only took you as a target after dropping your helmet, right?"

Mira Immediately reacting to what Charles was going to say, she asked: "Are you saying that their target is me?"

Charles nodded, and said: "I guess there is a secret hand that wants to kill our family. the last one."

"Why?" Mira was taken aback by the news.

Charles said seriously: "Sister, do you remember that you are also a descendant of Queen Ekaterina and heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Rurik."

Finally, Mira pretended to be Leave the utility room casually.

What Charles said couldn't be more clear. If everything can be stringed together, then the secret enemy is to slaughter all the royal heirs of the Kingdom of Rurik.

And the greatest benefit gained by doing this is naturally the devil who has been fighting against the Kingdom of Rurik for hundreds of years.

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