Charles didn't expect to find their target after walking a few kilometers. Three empty carriages were parked at the foot of a mountain. There was a two-story cave halfway up the mountain. , There were two bandits sitting on the ground at the entrance of the cave.

The two bandits looked like sentinels, but the two undisciplined were sitting there chatting, and they didn't even notice anyone approaching them in the afterglow of the setting sun.

One silhouette passed by, the blade light flashed, blood splashed, and the two bandits suddenly fell to the ground.

Suzuki Gaofeng relaxed, and finally got rid of the two bandit guards.

Charles squatting in the bushes not far away immediately got up, shot three arrows into the cave, and shook the head.

Suzuki Gaofeng was very excited after the upgrade. He said that his strength and speed had been greatly improved, so he took on the task of solving the sentry. It's just that he lacks experience, didn't expect there will be a secret sentry hidden in the cave.

He saw Charles approaching with frowning brows, thinking that Charles was angry because he hadn't noticed the secret whistle, and he lowered his head.

Charles ignored the secret whistle. He took out a spare helmet, tied a searchlight on it, threw it to Gao Feng Suzuki, and said, "I have a bad feeling, I’m afraid it’s being held inside. What an evil ceremony, we must be careful."

Suzuki Gaofeng put on the helmet and turned on the magic lamp on Charles under the guidance of Charles. The lamp gave out a very strong light and illuminated the cave. It's vain.

He turned around and was taken aback by Charles, who had lost his face.

"Why did you wear a mask?" he asked curiously.

Charles "hehe" twice, and said: "The lamp above your head is used to blind others, and I am afraid of being injured by you like this."

Suzuki Gaofeng hearing this immediately turned his head to the side and no longer pointed the light at Charles' face.

After the two were ready, they moved towards the cave. They saw that the ground in the cave was very flat, as if someone had repaired it. They didn’t go too far. The end of the cave is wide and high. There are artificial tunnels of more than two meters.

Charles patted the excavation marks on the wall, saying: "This is probably a passage to a certain Underground City, be careful."

Suzuki peak nodded, and then opened the road ahead .

The tunnel twists and turns, and there are obvious marks on the soil on the ground, including adult shoe prints, and minors’ barefoot footprints.

Suzuki Gaofeng walked forward with those footprints, and Charles followed behind.

The two of them didn't hide their traces, after all, the lights on Suzuki Gaofeng's head were too bright, and they could be found far away.

Only in this narrow environment, it is more appropriate to blind the enemy's dog's eyes than to hide whereabouts.

The two didn't go far, and the five bandits came out from a corner.

As a result, the bandits who stayed in the dark for a long time were immediately dazzled by the light above Suzuki Peak. Before they could react, they were still in the excitement of upgrading. Gao Feng was hacked to death with one knife.

Charles didn't make a move from behind, just looking at the curl one's lip of Suzuki Gaofeng from the back.

This guy vomited faintly when he saw the corpse of a bandit last night. Later, when looking for Huntington, they were a little terrified and over-cautious when they met the bandit, and just now After the upgrade, he was like a different person, and there was no psychological pressure to cut people off.

Charles wondered: "Does this guy think of this world as a game?"

Looking at Suzuki Gaofeng, who has accelerated his pace, he can only smile a little bit in his heart. , This guy will suffer in the future.

The two walked for another ten minutes, and five more bandits with daggers stood in the middle of the road and blocked their way.

Suzuki Gaofeng continued to swing his knife and rushed up, but Charles stopped fishing, took out a throwing knife from his leather bag and shot.

Seeing that the bandit in front of him was illuminated by the light from his head and closed his eyes as before, Suzuki Gaofeng was secretly delighted, and moved towards the head with his left hand protecting his eyes, and the right hand holding the short The bandit's abdomen was chopped off with the sword swinging wildly.

Just when he thought that the thief would also be killed by a single blow, there was a "dang" sound, and the dagger blocked the katana.

At the same time the sound of the wind rang, the bandits on both sides passed the bandits in the middle, and the short swords in their hands moved towards the waist and ribs of Suzuki Gaofeng together.

At this time, Charles’ flying knife arrived. Several flying knives took the key points of the bandits on both sides. The two bandits had to let go of the peak of Suzuki first, and danced the dagger to knock the flying knife away. , And then over the Suzuki peak moved towards Charles to kill.

Suzuki Gaofeng just wanted to rescue Charles, but was forced by the thief in front of him by several stabs. The thief's strength and speed were not inferior to him.

At this moment, the two bandits behind suddenly threw the short swords in their hands, and then took out a magic wand more than one meter long from behind to cast spells at the same time.

A hot Fireball circled the arc and took Suzuki Gaofeng's head, and at the same time, a thick and sticky layer of mud came out of his feet and trapped his feet.

Just as Fireball was about to hit the peak of Suzuki, the bandit in front of him leaped backwards, avoiding Fireball's damage range.

Suzuki Gaofeng didn't panic at all. The katana in his hand lit up a layer of white light, and then slashed on the Fireball.

I saw that Fireball was like a punctured balloon, and the sound of "pop" turned into a sky full of Fire Element scattered around.

Then his katana stroked the mud on his legs, and the mud also turned into dots of Earth Element.

Then he suddenly moved towards the bandit with a short sword at an unprecedented speed, and slashed at the bandit’s left shoulder before the bandit could react, and then struck across the chest to the right. Waist, a flame of flame emerged from the long wound.

Suzuki Gaofeng is playing lively here, and Charles is also playing vigorously.

The two bandits who rushed towards Charles took off the small round shields behind them to protect the vitals, one after the other constantly changing positions to guard against the other's throwing knives.

The two-meter-wide passage is occupied by the two bandits on both wings. The space for maneuvering is limited, which limits the movement of Charles, who is good at taking advantage of his agility.

When Charles saw this, he didn't take out a big knife to fight, instead, he set up his posture empty-handed.

The two bandits saw that Charles' response was unreasonable. One of them blew a whistle, and the other raised his shield with him, preparing to hit the enemy with the shield first.

Charles frowned, he found that the skills of these two guys are not the style that ordinary bandits should have, but like the way a shield warrior plays on the battlefield.

The space to move on the battlefield is limited. First slam the enemy forward with the shield, and then use a sharp weapon to launch a fatal blow after the enemy loses balance and reveals the flaws. This is the usual way of fighting with the shield warrior.

And to deal with this style of play on the battlefield, you either use greater strength to knock over the enemy, or use a long weapon to blow the enemy’s head before the enemy hits it.

As soon as the two bandits launched a charge, Charles didn't retreat but moved forward, suddenly leaping forward and rushing between them.

This is also possible here. There are several rows of enemies on the battlefield. There is no difference between the first and second rows and courting death.

The two bandits immediately stopped and prepared to turn around, but they felt that they had been tapped a few times with their fingers.

When they finished turning and looking at Charles not far away warily, Charles finally had a chance to say the line: "You are dead."

Three seconds After the clock, the two bandits suddenly exploded where Charles had just clicked.

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