The youngster, who was overtaken by the wolf, got off the tree and arrived in front of Charles and their car. He said a lot of thanks.

Then Charles invited the two father and sons to sit in the carriage, and they dropped in on the next section of the road.

Diana also came to the cart, and she was playing with the youngster's son in her arms.

"What's your name, kid?" Diana asked.

The kid looked at Diana blankly, without speaking.

Diana poked the child’s fat face, and said: "Tell elder sister your name, and said elder sister will ask you to eat candy."

The child is still the same. not talking.

The child father sitting on the opposite side of the carriage said somewhat sorry: "His name is Bush. This child is a little scared. You are the first stranger to hold him and he did not cry."

Diana just laughed, and then took out a lollipop bought in Abyss City to tease little Bush.

She can now completely control her physique's charm ability, she just reopened a little bit now, otherwise the little Bush would have cried.

"Bush" means bush, and little Bush's father is Butcher, and the name speaks for itself is a butcher.

It's just that this butcher can kill pigs, and he has to run away when facing a few wild wolves.

Butchers are a decent job in the city, because they can often get the viscera, bones and other leftovers of those livestock to eat, and they can often eat meat. This is enough for them When marrying a wife, the girls in the surrounding villages picked them casually.

Fortunately, Butcher can often eat meat so the physique is good, so that he can climb the tree with the child on his back before being overtaken by the wolf.

Diana is teaching little Bush to eat lollipops, and Charles is chatting with Butcher there.

Butcher is not the same as his son. He is someone who can chat. He said dejectedly: "Today I brought a pair of intestines to the father-in-law family. I was chased by a wolf. When the time came, the wolf threw it down and gave it to the wolf, but the wolf didn't try to grab it, so he focused on us."

Charles complained a little bit: "Why didn't you fight the caravan all the way, it's too dangerous."

Butcher said helplessly: "Recently, the city has been a little messy, the caravans have been reduced a lot, and even fewer people eat meat. I thought that since the business is not good, I just take the child to his mother. It’s up to the father-in-law’s summer to pay there."

"Fortunately, I met you guys today, otherwise we will live in the tree."

Charles continues to complain about him. "Fortunately what you met was an ordinary wolf. If it was a devil beast, you would have entered the wolf's stomach now."

After the complaint was over, he changed the subject.

In this period of political turmoil, there are fewer caravans and adventurers going out, so those wild beasts and devil beasts that would have been cleaned up by adventurers have also begun to move towards the city. Toru such an ordinary person poses a threat.

In the afternoon, the carriage came to the village of Butcher’s father-in-law’s family.

Outside the village is a large golden rice field, and in the distance is a huge waterwheel. The ears of rice to be harvested are heavy, and a gust of wind undulates like ocean waves.

At this time, the rice fields are very lively, and a group of people are catching fish in the fields.

Fillip has brought the techniques of raising fish and ducks in rice fields to this world for more than 300 years, and the relevant experience has been extremely mature.

The rice was about to be harvested, and the farmers began to drain the water from the fields, and the fish swam into the fish ditch by the field, and then they were caught by the farmers.

Not far from the way into the village, a peasant woman was leading a donkey back to the village. The donkey was carrying two baskets containing a lot of fish.

The little Bush that Diana was holding suddenly stood up and shouted at the peasant woman: "mother! mother!"

The peasant woman turned her head, with a clear expression on her face Very surprised.

She saw Butcher and Little Bush on the carriage beckoning to herself, and hurriedly dropped the donkey and ran over.

Butcher’s wife obviously eats well in the past, her figure is much rounder than the average woman, and she runs even more swiftly.

The Butchers hugged Bush, and asked Butcher: "Why are you here?"

Butcher scratched his head and said, "Recently in the city Business is not good, so I brought the child to help."

The Butcher’s family didn’t say anything. She would come back to help during busy periods, and occasionally her husband would come back. She put little Bush on the donkey and sat down, and then invited Charles to stay at their house for one night.

Charles agreed and drove the carriage to the village.

In this village, there are 20 or 30 families. The houses are basically rammed earth houses, mixed with some thatched houses. A few of the roofs of these houses are tile roofs, and most of the others are straw roofs.

Not long after entering the village, Charles and Diana discovered some interesting places.

There are more or less dried ducks hanging under the eaves of the house, and there are many clay pots drying in the front and back of the house.

Charles drove the carriage to the small square in the middle of the village, then took out a rattle and shook it there.

Diana couldn't help laughing when he saw him shaking the rattle, and Charles gave her an angry look.

When the villagers heard the voice, they knew that there were traders coming, so they came out to see what was worth buying.

Charles saw that the time for summer harvest and planting was approaching, so he bought a lot of farm tools such as sickles and hoes. Daily necessities such as twine.

Business is okay today, perhaps because there have been no successful businessmen arriving recently.

When the sun began to set and the smoke rose, Charles sold a few sickles and hoes, and Diana sold a few needles and a lot of thread balls. If you don’t feed the horses, They made some hard money today.

The villagers occasionally do some chores. Some people bring a few pairs of wooden shoes to sell. Charles accepts them when the quality and price are good.

A ten-year-old child asked Charles if he wanted someone to help him mow the horse grass. Charles gave him two sacks and asked him to mow the grass.

At this time, an old man in his forties found Charles and his bare feet were still covered with silt.

This is Butcher’s father-in-law. He came to invite Charles and the others to eat at home.

Bucher’s father-in-law’s house is not far from the village wall. The entrance is the hall. Behind a wooden wall is the place for farming tools. There are two wing rooms on the left and right. The kitchen and the toilet are in each side. Behind the house.

This layout became more familiar to Charles. The layout of the earthen houses in his old home village in the 1980s and 1990s was like this.

Even in 2019, when a certain durian went to the countryside for dilapidated house appraisal work in June, there were still a few such houses in the mountain village interspersed with cement houses, and these houses are expected to be demolished before 2020. Reconstruction.

As the saying goes, throw Fillip Old Ancestor on the head whenever there is a problem. It is estimated that this kind of house was designed by him.

When Charles and they followed the old man to the house, they saw Butcher killing fish outside the door.

He cut open the belly of the fish, cleaned off the internal organs and gills, and then cleaned up the fish’s blood with well water.

Little Bush squatted aside, holding a small shovel in his hand, carefully shoveling the fish entrails into a small wooden bucket.

Then Butcher’s wife scolded Butcher for almost causing her son to be eaten by a wolf today. Pour in a little bit of marinated lees made of rice.

Look at the appearance, this is to pickle the fish sour.

Bucher’s father-in-law family are all real people. If you’re thankful, they don’t know how to say Bucher. They took a cured duck from under the eaves and put it in the rice to cook together and cut it. Later, Charles and Diana were given a duck leg and a large piece of meat near the duck leg.

The summer harvest has already begun, and farmers who "drink in free time and eat dry when busy" have also started "eat dry when busy".

After dinner, the sky was completely dark. A group of young patrols from the village walked past the house and took away the fish that Butcher had just killed. The internal organs of the barrel.

There are several watchdogs and mouse-catching cats in the village, which are the property of the whole village. These fish are fed to the dogs and cats after their viscera is cooked.

Butcher’s mother-in-law cleaned up a wing for Charles and Diana to rest tonight, and smoked mosquitoes with herbs commonly found in the fields.

At this time, the child who helped mow the horse grass came to Charles with two bags of grass. Charles upset the weight and looked at the usual grass for feeding horses, and gave him a few. Copper plate.

This horse is a breed that is not picky, but its strength and endurance are not very strong, and it is cheap, making it the best choice for newbies.

If it is a powerful horse, feed money can bankrupt a small businessman like Charles.

Charles returned to the room after feeding the horse and saw that Diana had already laid out the mat.

In the busy farmer’s envoy village, they went to bed early, and Charles and the others went to the village to follow the customs.

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