Charles moved out of the Big Tree Foot Hotel in the second day and lived in Maria and their orphanage.

This orphanage is older than Altria. The original dean was a transmigrator. This Old Brother did not join the war between humans and the demon race, but instead relied on a plug-in Hunting in the forest to feed a large family.

The first generation project occupied a large area for the orphanage. Usually, children grow vegetables in the field and sell them in the town to make a living.

Only the floods in the past two years have increased the number of children here. In addition, this year the Grand Duke of Andorra raised the land tax, which caused the originally insufficient orphanage to run out of funds.

Fortunately, the mink skins they hunted by Brando can be sold at a good price, which freed the orphanage from the difficulty of paying taxes this year.

After learning of this situation, Aubrey also donated some money in the name of the caravan. Charles and they stayed here according to Big Tree Foot Hotel’s standard for accommodation, which made a sad face. Brando relaxed for a while, allowing him to concentrate on preparing for his wedding.

The weddings of the common people are not so particular about it. Everything is kept simple. Instead, it took the children to inform the brothers and sisters who are still living in dukedom that it took some time.

Charles left the orphanage early this morning and went on hunting in Linhai. Diana began to give lectures to Ai Li, Xi Li and A Wei.

According to the previously set division of labor, it is the future teacher, not the master, who really teaches the cooking skills to the disciplines. After all, Charles can't stay here for too long, and Diana is happy to preach here and be puzzled by the karma Instead of going back to City of Knowledge, the flies there are too annoying.

Altolia is helping Maria modify the wedding gown handed down by the ancestors of the orphanage. The wedding gown was bought by the first generation from the elves. The girls in the orphanage will wear it when they get married. .

It's just Maria's size problem, this wedding dress has to be changed.

Charles was extremely shocked by Altria's needlework. Altria said that she can also acupuncture. Would someone try?

Someone said that he would send money to Modred immediately, so that she could buy a cat as a pet.

In the past two days, everyone's life is very fulfilling, especially Charles, who was hit by a group of monkeys with wild fruits all over the mountain and almost lost his way.

The day before Maria’s wedding, Charles came to the Big Tree Foot Hotel when he returned from hunting and found the office of the general manager.

The general manager looked towards Charles today. His eyes were a little strange. After seeing Charles’s doubts, he explained: "Today a guest looks a lot like His Royal Highness. If it weren't for the completely different temperament, we would have almost admitted wrong. "

Charles laughed didn't care. He asked, "How are my things prepared?"

The manager had already prepared and took out a small tray from the drawer. In front of Charles, there are two gold necklaces on the tray. The pendant of the necklace is a black magic core.

Charles looked at these two necklaces carefully, and then nodded with satisfaction.

The quality of the magic cores of the two black rock elephants is very good. The Master of Spirit Race made them into magical jewelry that can be attacked and defended.

At this time, the manager said: "The production of leather armor and ivory carvings will take time. I am afraid that there will be no way to do it in the near future."

Charles said: "It's okay, leather The armor is ready and sent to the orphanage, Diana receives it, and the ivory is ready to be sent directly to Queen Your Majesty and Her Highness the Princess."

The director wrote all these things down.

Charles asked again: "Do you have a way to find a suitable restaurant in Andorra la Vella?"

The manager said that he had to inquire about it, and Charles told him Just tell Diana when you have news.

Charles and the manager chatted for a while, and left after a few words of white jade meat in Xueling Village. The manager of this hotel is also from Dashujiao Village, and his wife is from Xueling Village. She was psychologically overshadowed by the little brother-in-law's use of a large bowl of lively insect.

In the evening, the commercial street in the small town ushered in the evening peak, and many adventurers who handed in the task took rewards to add something.

At a makeshift stall, a young girl just sent away a customer who bought a few bottles of wound medicine.

Charles walked over and greeted: "Yo, Billy, how is business today?"

Now Billy has decided to spend time with Pietland, and Pietland will go there these two days After contacting the stock, she rented a stall here to sell wound medicine.

As a result, Bi Li deliberately turned her head to the side as if she hadn't seen Charles.

Charles curl one's lip and said, "I said, you should pay me back for the stockings last time, right?"

Bi Li turned her head and looked at Charles coldly , Took the money from his pocket and handed it to him, and said, "Hey, I called you just now and you pretended not to know you. Now if you ask for money, you will know me?"

Charles was taken aback. , While receiving the money, said: "I didn't come here just now, did you admit the wrong person?"

Bi Li gave him a slanted look and said: "I still admit your mistakes like you?"

Charles frowned, remembering what the hotel manager said just now, he said: "I heard that someone looks very similar to me. I guess you are mistaken."

Li obviously didn’t accept this statement. Charles didn’t bother to care about her, so she said, “I’m leaving, come over to Sister Maria’s side early tomorrow.”

When I left the town, the sun was setting, Charles Take the afterglow to the orphanage outside the town.

A small river flows down the mountain in the distance, past the fields of the orphanage, and then merges into the canal leading to Andorra la Vella.

A circle of artificially excavated river ditches surrounds the fields of the orphanage, and there is a circle of fences on the inner bank, just like a boundary river.

A stone slab bridge connects the two sides of the small river, and a huge waterwheel creaks and turns on the side of the small bridge, sending the clear river water to the settlement through the built-up tank .

There is a small boat tied to the downstream of the stone bridge, which can seat three or five people.

The residential area of ​​the orphanage is composed of several rows of stone houses connected together. They are very strong, but the roof is straw.

When Charles returned here, the sky was already dark. The children had already finished their dinner and are now lining up on the playground to make a roll call to make sure that no one has left or returned.

Here, the houses where the boy and girl live are in two separate rows. Charles came to the side where the girl lived, and entered the room where Diana, Ai Li and Xi Li lived.


Eri and Heili stood up and said hello when Charles came in. They were chatting just now.

Charles asked them to sit down and said, "How is your study today?"

Ellie replied: "After learning a lot, didn't expect cooking will do the same Be careful."

Xili said: "I haven't figured it out yet."

Charles said: "You have to study hard now. When it comes to cooking, Diana has a finger You can beat me up."

"She is very difficult to deal with in all aspects, and she does not lose money from you. We have high expectations of you."


Ellie and Healy are nodded together.

Then Charles took out the two necklaces and handed them to the sisters, saying: "Give it to you, you must protect yourself from now on."

After a while, he went out for a stroll. As soon as Awei stretched her head through the wall, she immediately retracted. She flew to Diana who was walking with her just now and said, "The Senior Sisters are crying while holding the master."

Diana laughed, he pulled Awei around and left, and then went for a walk.

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