Altria is like being pressed the pause button, where is the motionless stunned.

The sound of "Madam" made Charles' mind quickly turn, and he immediately thought of several possibilities.

One possibility is that Altria returned to the east one or two hundred years ago, and then married someone, and finally returned to the Kingdom of Rurik after her husband passed away because of the lifespan theory.

Another possibility is that the "lady" in Rosanna's old man population is another Altria of the same style that was released by summon, and this Altria and her master lived in seclusion , It just so happens that Rosana old man knows them.

Third Type may be that Rosanna’s old man’s actual age is much longer than she claimed. She knew this Altria more than three hundred years ago, and she also knew some of them. Something that someone doesn't know.

Regardless of the possibility, letting the Rosanna old man calm down is the first priority now.

So Mei Ayun waved his hand to let the servant and Steward leave, then closed the door, and put several layers of magic for sound insulation.

He lightly took Rosanna’s old man’s hand and pulled her to the sofa to sit down. After sitting next to her, he greeted Altria who hadn’t come back to his senses. sit down on the other side of the old man.

After the three of them sat in a row, Charles said to Rosanna’s old man: "old man, have you seen this kind of Altria before? Are you sure you have not admitted the wrong person?"

Rosanna’s old man already knew Charles’ identity. She wiped her tears and said: "I have lived with the master and madam for ten years, and I will not admit it."

"Master said, Madam will never grow old."

"Although Madam looks more mature than before, Madam's hairstyle cannot be wrong."

Charles glanced at the top of Altria's head and noticed that the dull hair had become a question mark.

Charles asked again: "old man, when did you live with the lady you mentioned?"

Rosanna replied: "I This year is almost a hundred years old. I came to the house of the master and wife when I was seven."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked towards Altria, her eyes full of expectation.

Altolia slowly shook the head and said: "I'm sorry, I'm not the lady you mentioned, but it's possible... It's possible that we are from the same place. "

Rosanna old man's body shook, and the expression on her face quickly dimmed.

She covered her face with her hands and cried and said, "I knew... I knew... There should be no illusions... Sorry... I just... I just really want to... I really I missed Madam so much..."

Altria extended the hand and took Rosanna's old man into her arms.

And Rosana old man was holding Altria's waist and suddenly started crying like a child.

At this moment, the door of the living room was pushed open, and Facchetti walked in and was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Charles stood up, smiled bitterly at Facchetti, and then pulled him away first, leaving room for the two inside.

There are a few stones that can be used as chairs by the pond at the back of the house. Facchetti sat there, listening to Charles telling what had just happened.

Next to the stone was a box containing fish food. Facchetti grabbed a handful from it and sprinkled it into the pond, causing the koi to scramble for it.

Facchetti patted her hand and said: "I used to hear my grandma talk about the lady and the master. Grandma said that without them, she would have never known where she died. Now, there is no good day for our family."

"It’s just that, listening to my grandma, the wife’s family suffered a disaster, and only the grandma and the others escaped."


At this time, a maid came over and said that Rosana Old Man would invite two of them to go back.

Charles and Facchetti went back to the living room together. At this time, the Rosanna old man had recovered a bit, and his face was wiped, but his eyes were still red.

She stopped Facchetti who wanted to talk, then asked him to close the doors and windows, close the curtains, and then open the secret tunnel under the carpet.

It can be seen from Facchetti's expression that he has no idea that there is a secret road here.

Rosanna’s old man said to him: "Go down, I should let you know some things, please come with me both of you."

The secret road is very rugged. It's made of stones, it looks strong, but it's quite new.

Wealthy people have such secret rooms for storing valuable items. They usually ask dwarves to build them. Because dwarves have very strict mouths, they have never leaked secrets in thousands of years, and their reputation is guaranteed.

As far as Charles used to be a strange thing, the secret passages in his living room, dining room, and stairs all lead to the septic tank. They are sealed with slime glue. They are used by thieves, and the real The secret room is on the side of the hot spring courtyard.

Rosanna’s old man’s secret room is about ¾ of this secret passage. The door and the wall fuse together are not visible at all, but I don’t know what will happen if I walk to the end.

This secret room is four or five meters long and wide. Rosanna’s old man turned on the light, and everyone saw a white velvet curtain hanging on the wall in the secret room, and a long strip standing up on the floor. The shaped item is also covered with velvet.

Rosanna Old Man pulled open the curtain on the wall with the help of Facchetti. Under the curtain was a huge oil painting, one corner of which was destroyed by fire.

Charles and Altria were stunned. There was a woman in the painting, she looked exactly like Altria, but the iconic clothing made Charles immediately recognize the painting. The identity of the person.


Charles' cheeks and lips are a little cramped.

Rosanna old man looked at Charles in surprise and asked: "Your Excellency count knows Madam?"

Charles sighed, I don't know how to explain it.

Rosanna’s old man went on to say: “That’s how the old man calls his wife.”

Charles could only sigh and say, “Well... this one in the portrait Madam, can you be regarded as the relatives of this Altria here? It can be said that the two of them are from the same family."

Altriya looked at Charles and then at Rosanna’s old man. And then nodded.

Charles then said to Rosanna’s old man: “Altria should be regarded as Mrs. Lily’s...elder sister, although their age difference divided by two is larger than your old man’s age, but according to The generations are considered to be of the same generation."

Altolia first glared at Charles fiercely, then moved towards Rosanna nodded.

Just as Charles was thinking about a serious question, Rosanna Old Man lifted the velvet on the ground, which was a sword stuck in a square rock.

Altria was obviously taken aback, and then took out her sword in the stone, Two Swords are exactly the same.

"This..." Rosanna's old man stared at the two identical swords dumbfounded, speechless for a while.

Altria said: "It seems that she is of the same origin as me."

"That's it." Rosanna said the old man.

Then she said to Altria: "Please try to see if you can pull the sword left by the lady from the stone."

Altriya was a little curious, But she still did. She held the hilt of the sword and tried hard, and then the sword in the stone left by Lily was lifted up by her together with the stone underneath.

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