

At this time, Charles wanted to lift the table. Because the book titled "Interpretation with Muscles!" is really...it is too scientific.

The first tenth of the content of this book is an introduction to how to use special electricity The magic array is used to achieve the effect of muscle electrical stimulation training and how to use it. The following 90% of the content is a graphic introduction to the training methods of various parts of the muscles, and there are even content such as abdominal muscle tearers and Kegel training methods.

Charles looked at the cover. Because of the age, part of the author's name in this book is a little worn out, and only the "little husband" can be seen.

About Charles knows a little about muscle electrical stimulation training. His hometown began researching the use of this method in athlete training in the 1970s. The country has achieved good results in the attempts and promotion of weightlifting teams and gymnastics teams. According to research, muscle electrical stimulation training can quickly activate muscles and recruit more motor units in preparation for action, so as to improve the efficiency of muscle group work. It can be used as active resistance in strength training. An effective supplement to training; it also has a unique effect in relieving fatigue and quick recovery after exercise. ⁽¹⁾

Charles spent half an hour reading this book, and then began to think about it.

Physical exercise is not accomplished overnight. Although his body has been fed back by the broken Divine Spark and the massive God of Life divine force perfusion, various indicators are already a lot higher than peers, but compared to history There is still a big gap for the famous plug-in players on the Internet.

But for him, electrical muscle stimulation training has little effect in the short term, and the effect is not significant in the long term, but There are many alternatives.

Its only advantage is that Charles has little resistance to it, and the method based on the science of his hometown is easier for him to understand and accept.

In After learning of what happened to Mordred’s ancestor, a sense of crisis came to him again.

In the history told by Rosanna’s old man, only Charles heard Lily and her The reason for the murder of Lily’s husband-Lily’s husband wanted to be Cai Lun, although he was only planning to make some money to raise a child.

When this man pointed out papermaking skills, even if it was as strong as Lily It’s hard to escape the doom of destruction with the help of the expert.

And Charles pointed out that the technology is much stronger than papermaking. The original plan of Alexei Li Daitao obviously failed to achieve the desired effect, which is dangerous. Will still fall on his head.

And And his instinct had long told himself that he had fallen into a huge chessboard. Before he could not jump out of the chessboard and lift the table, he could only try to increase his strength as much as possible.

Think about it, Charles picked up the book and went to the bookshelf to put the book away, but no one saw a divine force shimmering with silver light covering the inside of the book.

When Ji Shijun was able to find the winning lottery ticket through Reimu's divine force detection, Charles could naturally do it, and he also made a series of upgrades on top of it.

When he put the book back on the shelf, the content of the book was inscribed in his soul, just as he had swallowed the sword skills of Queen Blanche.

Because of the broken Divine Spark blessing in his soul, and the "capacity" of Soul Power is large enough, he dare to play this way. Others have long given up because of insufficient "capacity".

His breakfast today was tripe soup from a small restaurant on the roadside. At that time, there were too many peppers in the soup. He drank a lot of water. Now he needs to release his memory.

Thanks to the blessings of transmigrators of the past, the bathroom here is similar to their hometown, with a flush toilet, and a toilet cushion made of soft leaves is carefully prepared in the bathroom.

But the sound of sobbing from a compartment caught his attention. The people in the compartment stopped crying immediately after hearing Charles' movement, and the sound seemed to be covering themselves with their hands. mouth.

There is no peculiar smell in the bathroom, and there are no other people. Charles stands quietly by the door and intends to watch the excitement.

Not long after, the door of the compartment opened, and the fake loli in a pink skirt walked out of it.

He froze for a while when he saw someone, and was about to wash and turn around to hide in the cubicle.

"What to hide, I won't eat you again." You someone said silently.

And the fake loli lowered her head and said twitchingly: "Mei...Meacha big brother..."

Someone raised her brows, it looked like this was The people Meazza knew, he thought about the friends that Meazza had told him, and soon he knew who this was.

Would you like to draw the appearance of Gennaro Nodal, the second heir of the Grand Duke of Milan, wearing women's clothing?

Mei Ayu asked: "You have been defeated by the elder sister again?"

According to Meazza, this Gnarro can be regarded as a genius child. However, his elder sister who is two years older than him is more talented, so he has been suppressed by the elder sister.

Gennaro blushed slightly nodded.

Mei Ayu said helplessly: "You also run away from home."

Gennaro whispered: "I have no money."

Mei Ayu gave him a sideways look and said, "You will have money if you sell the body you have now."

After he finished speaking, he turned and ran, for fear that Gennaro would look for it. He borrowed money or something.

Without two steps, he saw an unsightly middle-aged uncle staring at him in the hallway. He just moved towards the middle-aged uncle laughed and continued walking.

The middle-aged uncle is Gennaro's bodyguard, and Mei Ayu instigates their young Master to run away from home, which will obviously add a lot of work to them.

After a small episode, Charles went back to the library and continued to select the books he needed and then "copy" them. Later, when I had time, I would study them slowly.

The next thing that fell into his hands was a set of Water Element magic textbooks. This set of books started from explaining the principle of the construction of small water balls, and gradually went deep into the water that is not full of high level, such as blasting waterfall. Element magic structure principle is a set of excellent Water Element magic introductory books, which can be used as heirlooms.

Currently, Charles’s basic knowledge of magic is still relatively weak. The teaching method of Spirit Race is to first teach some basic knowledge, and then teach you to use a representative standard magic structure, and the "representative" The magic structure contains too many "knowledge points", and the elves will let students slowly learn the easy and difficult magic knowledge related to these structures in daily practice.

Then Charles is in a tragedy. The research method of the Spirit Race is only suitable for these long-lived races. At this point, Charles can only learn by rote how the standard magic structure is. As for the analysis It is estimated that he will be able to hold his grandson after he finishes his groping.

This allows him to use many of the special magic of Spirit Race, but he does not know the principle, and can only cast the spells step by step. It is difficult to be a little more flexible, so it is easy to be touched by the enemy. Clear rhythm.

This is also the reason why Elizabeth is unwilling to let Charles come out to practice now. Charles is still only a small bucket of water in the study of magic.

The teaching on the human side uses the magic structure as an example to teach the relevant magic theory knowledge first, and practice it in the process of learning the theory.

In this way, the middle and low-level magic teaching will be fast, but profound knowledge requires solid basic skills support, otherwise it will become like looking at the Heavenly Book.

So before Charles left the Spirit Tree Sea this time, Elizabeth suggested that he try to learn the basics of human magic, and then use it to analyze and deconstruct the magic structure of Spirit Race.

So Charles seized this opportunity and tried his best to find copies of the introductory books of various schools of magic.

Many people have the same ideas as him. Many books have been borrowed to copy on the long table. He can only wait for others to finish copying in the library before borrowing them.

Charles didn't think about "dragging the library", but it was unnecessary.

He looked through a lot of books and found that some of the uniqueness of each book did not suit him. He would only bring him into the ditch while he was still laying the foundation.

Charles did not complete today's task until the sun set behind the western hills Hongxia was flying, but when he returned to the hotel, he found Altria passed away and left a note saying Leave by yourself for a few days.

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