After eating a seafood meal, Charles decided to clean up the bandit that Gunnar Nodal said.

As a result, when Alfe learned about it, he held down Charles and said, "Master, you don't have to work on it. Let me go to the event."

Charles looked at Alfe He has served the family for more than 20 years, and looks like an old man, but he is actually only over 50 years old.

If it is an average farmer, this age is already covered with loess under his chin.

Because the powerful warriors have magic power to strengthen the body, their lifespan is much longer than that of an ordinary person. As long as there is no disease or disaster, Peak’s life is nothing difficult for a hundred years.

With Alfe's strength, it is normal to live a long life.

Like Rosanna's old man, she is about to be a hundred years old, and she is still full of energy now.

Alfe continued with a bitter face: "Master, recently my abdominal muscles are about to become a piece, let me lose weight."

Charles can only wave his hand. , Said: "Then you go, pay attention to safety."

The black tiger returns to the forest, and those bandits are going to die.

After Alfe left, Charles also walked out of the restaurant, but as soon as he walked out the door, a steward in a tuxedo was waiting for him.

The steward said to Charles respectfully: "Your Excellency count, my master invites you to a dance party."

Charles saw the Nodal family inlaid on the carriage on the side of the road. Asked: "Is it an invitation from Lord Gunnar Nodal Count?"

"Yes." The steward replied.

Since it’s an invitation from the ruling family of dukedom in Milan, it’s okay to go. After all, Charles wants to open a base in dukedom in Milan, and it should be a good relationship with them.

Charles got on the carriage, and then the carriage went all the way out of the city, moving towards the mountain to the east.

Finally, the carriage stopped in front of a villa on the mountainside. As soon as Charles got out of the car, two little elder sisters took him into the house, and walked all the way to the bathroom to change his clothes and bathe.

After some unspoken services such as back rubbing, bathing, essential oil SPA, etc., Charles put on comfortable clothes and put on the feather mask handed by the little elder sister, and followed them Through another door in the bathroom, he came to a lively place underground.

Charles was taken into a box, where the lights were dim and there was incense that made people excited.

In the middle of the box is a huge slightly reclining chair. Charles was taken to the recliner to lie down, and immediately there was a little elder sister in a tulle knelt sitting on one end and using his thigh as a human pillow. At the same time, four little elder sisters who were also faintly discernible came up to massage his hands and feet.

There is no wall on one side of the box, just separated by a nearly transparent gauze. People in the box can see the outside, but people outside cannot come in.

On the recliner, Charles can see through the light gauze that the inside is an arena. The audience seats around the arena are filled with feather masks that only cover their eyes. Those audiences are surrounded by feather masks. Two little elder sisters in cool clothes accompanied.

There are not many lights in the underground space, only a white light shines on the ring from the ceiling.

Charles started "Soul Horizons" and found that Gunnar Nordal was next door to him.

He squinted his eyes, and suddenly understood what the other party meant.

The equivalent of this sugar-coated cannonball is a bit too big for most people to eat.

A grape was lightly placed in Charles' mouth, and the little elder sister of the human flesh pillow said in a crisp voice at the same time: "Master, the prom is about to begin."

Charles indifferent expression, he was thinking about how to behave today, should he be indifferent, or should he pretend to fall.

At this time, a host jumped onto the ring, her fire-red long hair falls behind her head like a waterfall, she also wears a feather mask on her face, and a black evening dress with slits in front of her body. When approaching the lower abdomen, one can see the fiery-red rose tattoo around her belly button.

With the beating "slime" when she jumped onto the ring and the faintly discernible snow-white legs under the skirt, the audience around the ring suddenly boiled.

"Fire rose, look here!"

"Fire rose, come with me!"


The howling of the audience almost overturned the huge basement.

The little elder sister on the pillow said to Charles: "Master, if you pay the most, you can have dinner with Miss Huo Rose tomorrow."

Charles squinted his eyes. , Asked: "Just having dinner?"

The little elder sister said with a faint smile: "What happens after dinner, depends on your performance, but no one has been able to My dear Fangze."

Charles shrouded his soul vision on the ring, and found that the fire rose was extremely powerful, even higher than Alfe.

The Fire Rose, who was blowing a kiss to all around the audience, paused insignificantly, then turned around and moved towards Charles' box and gave a big kiss.

Charles laughed and said: "I will give out a hundred Ole gold coins for this thorny rose."

The little elder sister on the pillow froze for a while, and then let the door Another little elder sister placed an order.

One hundred Aurei gold coin equivalent to two hundred thousand spirit essence, this handwriting is not a small amount in this sales gold cave.

The fire rose on the ring walked around, using her posture and words to beat up the atmosphere of the scene, then raised her right hand and said: "I announce that tonight's dance will begin now!"

Charles raised his eyebrows, the tone of the fire rose with an icy coldness that resisted beyond a thousand li. The hot body and her voice made a look Coquettish, the feeling of arrogance in the bones can arouse people's desire to conquer.

The first two girls on stage were two girls, one holding a buckler and short sword, and the other holding a two-handed sword. They only have two pieces of cloth that can cover their private parts and the rope. The sword and shield girl is red, and the two-handed sword girl is green. Their oiled bodies are particularly eye-catching under the strong light.

At this time, Huo Rose reported the odds for the two of them, the sword and shield girl was 1.2, and the two-handed sword girl was 1.5.

The little elder sister on the pillow asked at this time: "Master, do you want to place a bet."

Charles compared the strengths of the two sides and said: "Red, a thousand ore "

After the betting is over, the "prom" begins with the order of the fire rose.

The girl with two-handed swords immediately swung her sword and launched a storm like wind and rain.

The girl with sword and shield squatted down, holding a shield to block the opponent's offensive with difficulty, and from time to time she stepped backwards. Before long, she was only a few steps away from the edge of the ring.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became enthusiastic. The audience who bet on the two-handed sword girl cheered and seemed to see a lot of gold coins flying into their pockets.

Charles didn't care about the situation on the court, and now he finally understands why Alston I killed those nobles.

If the Borg family is not destroyed, then the fate of Ai Li and Xi Li is the same as the slave young girls in the ring, becoming the playthings of the masters.

At this time, the situation on the court suddenly changed. A shield attack of the sword and shield girl knocked off the opponent’s long sword, causing the two-handed sword girl's figure to be deflected. She took the opportunity to make a stab and had a short hand. The sword pierced the opponent's abdomen.

The girl with a two-handed sword realized that the danger was coming, she took advantage of the situation and rolled away, the short sword ran across her side, the lace on the left side of her *** was cut off, and blood immediately flowed out of the wound. .

The bright red blood was like gasoline dripping into the fire, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly rose.

The sword and shield girl took advantage of this opportunity to raise her shield and slam into the opponent, while the two-handed sword girl on the ground rolled on the ground agilely to avoid the blow, and then jumped up and swung the long sword. other side.

The sword and shield girl is not in a hurry to dodge, facing an attack from the right side, she can only use her sword to block. The slash with the weight of the opponent slashed the short sword in her hand, and the blade slashed across her chest.

The cloth in front of the girl with the sword and shield who jumped back and escaped the fatal blow fell to the ground with the blood. She took advantage of the moment when the other party's long sword hadn't recovered, and rushed in front of the other party.

blood light splashed all over, tonight's First Stage "dancing for two" is over.

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