Tonight's silver moon is particularly round. The moonlight passes through the thin clouds like veil, coating the earth with a layer of silver.

If there is also Mid-Autumn Festival in this world, it will be on the 15th of August.

The three carriages moved slowly towards Milan on the road overnight.

The Chamber of Commerce matter began to unfold, Charles and the others were going back to Milan to negotiate with the current Grand Duke Gunnar Nodal about the lease of land.

In the carriage, Diana said to Charles blankly: "Biqi's true identity is your sister-in-law."

Charles blinked as she watched Diana, and exclaimed:" Your sister?! Is she Remy or Fran?"

Diana continued to say without expression: "No."

Charles was dumbfounded, after thinking for a while Said: "Does my father have other daughters here too?"

Diana still said blankly: "She is not from my house."

╮(‵_′ )╭

Charles spread his hands and said, "Then I don’t know which Divine Immortal is pretending to be my wife."

Altria, who is sitting across from the two On the surface, he was sitting in distress with his eyes closed, but the dull hair on the top of his head was swaying, obviously listening to the gossip carefully.

Diana "hehe" twice, and said, "Do you think about it again?"

Charles put her on her knees without saying anything, and then kissed her. Up.

"cough cough!" Altria deliberately coughed twice, so that the two guys don't think of themselves as air.

Diana, who was flushed on her face, pushed Charles away, and then squeezed his weakness. It was the first time that she was kissed by Charles when someone else was there.

At the next moment, Charles suddenly took out something and put it around Diana's neck.

Diana was obviously taken aback. She lifted the necklace on her chest and looked at it, then turned to Charles and asked, "Are you serious?"

Charles solemnly said "I'm serious until now."

Altolia, who was sitting opposite, slightly opened her eyes slightly and opened a gap. She saw the Megadon Family necklace that can only be worn by the ancestral Madame Megadon. It hung on Diana's neck. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and then she continued to close her eyes and listen to the gossip.

In the past two years, she has learned some Chinese with them, and now she understands what they say.

Lu Xun once said, "Love must be renewed, grown, and created from time to time." ⁽¹⁾

In the past few years that the two have known each other, Charles and Diana have not only their own goals, but also a common cause.

The love between the two of them is in such an environment that they are constantly renewed and progressed together with their careers, creating a new piece of Heaven and Earth.

Lu Xun also said at the same time, "Peace and happiness are to be solidified, and such peace and happiness are forever." ⁽¹⁾

To fall in love with each other in this world facing too many dangers and uncertainties, we will face countless troubles, obstructions and shocks.

If this relationship is not allowed to freeze, the bit of suspicion and impact in life will be in the ant colonies on the dam, and a small test can make it collapse.

Both of them understood these principles, and Charles took that step first.

Charles shook Diana’s hand and continued: "I don’t know too much sweet words about each other, I didn’t memorize that vow."

"Love is just one word, I can say Countless times

, you know I will express it with action."

Altriya, who was shaking with excitement, suddenly had a feeling in the heart, and she opened her eyes. , And found that Charles was looking at him.

Charles said to Altriya: "Altriya can testify that if Fang Chang changes my heart to Zhang Jue in the future, and disappoints her, I will stabbing me to death with a sword and I will never avoid it. "

Altolia is nodded solemnly, the dull hair on her head is not swaying, and she also clicks in sync.

Diana grabbed Charles tightly and shook her hand. Her eyes were tearful and her breathing became rapid.

Although she knew that this day would come sooner or later, Charles' surprise attack tonight without warning made her completely unprepared.

After a long time, she calmed down a bit, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said: "I believe that in the future, the two of us will shine with each other, and the light will surpass the stars at night."

The two held each other tightly for a few minutes and then separated.

Altolia, with the corner of her mouth slightly raised, said at this time: "I am happy for you two to reach this step, but I still have something to say to you."

"The human heart cannot withstand temptation. Every time a temptation, the two hearts hurt one point at the same time. This injury is difficult to heal. In the end, the two hearts of riddled with scars can only drift away."

"I hope that when you encounter conflicts in the future, you can be open and honest, and the two will resolve the conflicts together."

"Biqi is Blanche's younger sister, and she is already living in this world. It's more than nineteen hundred years."

Charles and Diana were dumbfounded and nodded, not to mention Bitch's true identity, this remark by Altria doesn't quite resemble her style.

Altria said to them with a little triumph: "Didn’t I say that I’m not understanding people’s minds? I’ve been studying psychology recently."

Charles and Diana are a little bit didn't know whether to cry or laugh, heaven knows which Sect psychology she studied.

Then Charles gestured Altria with his eyes to check on the roof.

As a result, Altria pretended not to see it, and entered the mode of closed eyes and meditation again.

She just wants to prevent these two guys from wiping their guns and getting out of the way. In principle, she will not give in.

Charles and Diana could only be defeated in the end.

At this moment, Diana took out the treasure bag she brought from her hometown, reached in and fiddled with it, and took out the wooden box that looked very festive.

The size of this box is not small, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small box.

She said: "This is the wedding gift my father gave me. It's okay to open it now."

Charles nodded, Altria also opened her eyes curiously to see the novelty.

It's just that Charles next brushed several layers of magic shields to their three people. In the puzzled eyes, he said with a little fear: "I'm afraid it will explode."

Diana was speechless, she tried hard, and the box opened with a "Pa".

At this moment, a low male voice suddenly sounded in the box.

"Child, when you open this box, our whole family together in another world offer you the most sincere blessings."

"In the coming days, You will encounter countless difficulties and obstacles."

"Arouse millions of workers and peasants, work together, and Buzhou Mountain will be a red flag."

"Strengthen confidence and believe in what you choose The road."

"Go on, the victory ultimately belongs to you."

Diana and Charles looked at each other in blank dismay, the amount of information in this passage is too much .

"This is my father's voice." Diana said.

In the box, there was a nice female voice, but it was in French, Charles couldn't understand it, and Diana's face turned red.

"Mother is really..." Diana was a bit sorry.

Then it was another piece of French, and the sound was also very nice.

Diana said with a faint smile: "This is my little aunt."

The next thing is a female voice saying "thank you" in Chinese. You can hear this thank you. From the heart.

Diana was a little puzzled, and said, "What's the matter with aunt?"

Aunty thanked her for not knowing it.

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