Last night Diana stayed at the San Siro Palace. Gunnar’s daughter, Kaf Nodal and Diana, the heir of the Dukedom of Milan, hit it off, so they slept together.

Charles initially slept in the guest room by himself. Not long after he lay on the bed, a little girl about his age came to his bed, and Charles jumped out of the bed in fright.

Not long after the little girl was invited out by Charles, a big elder sister pushed open the bedroom door. After the big elder sister was invited away, the little brother came.

So Charles quickly got dressed and ran away, and in the corridor he encountered a strong uncle who was about to come home.

In the morning of second day, Charles only knew that Kraft had done something last night when he returned to the San Siro Palace for breakfast. She didn't believe that Charles didn't steal fishy.

Jiuyang Chamber of Commerce renting and buying a building were discussed during breakfast. After breakfast, President Diana signed the land lease agreement and the building purchase contract.

The Nodal family has a castle not far east of Milan. It is the residence of the family private soldiers. The youngsters trained by the Nodal family are trained there.

This castle is located on the top of a hill, guarding the east of Milan.

Kafu also came here today. Her long silver hair was braided behind her head. She was wearing a Knight uniform with a saber hanging from her waist, making her look heroic.

Diana, who was talking and laughing with Kaif along the way, also changed into a dress similar to hers. The Knight suit that Diana wore was probably from Kaif a few years ago.

There are many people training on the training ground outside the castle. Gunnar said to Charles and they said: "I will take you to see an interesting guy first."

There is a row of houses on the side for maintenance and repair of weapons and equipment. The Medical Room is also here.

Gunnar led everyone to a house.

There is a large blackboard hanging against the wall in the house. Many magic arrays and deduction formulas are written and drawn on it. It can be seen that they are all Wind Element magic.

Several tables are leaning against the other wall, on which are placed various tools and materials for making magic items.

A man dressed in clothes similar to that of a soldier outside sits at the table and is attentively engraving something with a magical array, and this person looks like a transmigrator. That's right.

Gunnar obviously didn’t want to disturb that person’s work. He took Charles and they stood at the door and said in a very soft voice: "I met Mao Shiro last month. He Now he is building an epoch-making product for me."

His tone was a touch of complacency, as if he had drawn SSR seals while showing off his daily tasks to Charles.

Charles and Diana glanced at each other, and they were curious about what surprises Mao Shiro would bring to this world.

Kafu also seems to have just learned about this, but she is curious about Mao Shiro.

After only a while, Mao Shiro finished his work, and when he stretched, he found Gunnar standing at the door with a handsome man and two beautiful women.

Mao Shiro hurriedly got up and walked over, and moved towards Gunnar bowed to say hello.

After introducing several people, Gunnar asked Mao Shiro: "How are you doing what you said?"

Mao Shiro shined His eyes were taken back from Charles, and he respectfully replied: "Grand Duke, you can conduct the first experiment today. If the experiment goes well, your dream of flying in the blue sky will soon be fulfilled."

Gunnar A happy smile suddenly appeared on his face, and Kraft's "Ah" cry out in surprise came out.

Charles and Diana were also surprised. If more people invest in aviation, it would be a good thing for this world.

At this time Gunnar asked Charles: "Well, would you like to invest in Mao Shiro?" , At this moment he was looking at Charles expectantly.

Charles nodded his head and said, "I want to see the effect."

Investors impossible just listened to a word and paid for it. When the Wright sisters went to Elizabeth to invest in investment. A bicycle was also made. When Intel was founded, at least there were slides for the big guys to see.

Gunnar expressed his understanding of Charles' approach and just followed the normal procedure.

So Mao Shiro led everyone to the workbench where he was working, and picked up a two-blade propeller that was more than one meter long from the table.

The workmanship of the propeller is good, with a small bearing inlaid in the middle, and several magic arrays are also inscribed on the blades.

It's just that Charles and Diana looked at each other, and then the expressions on their faces changed from "curiosity" to "caring."

Kafu also recognized the role of the magic array on the wood chip. She curiously asked: "Can the Wind Element magic array on this wood take people to the sky?"

Maoshiro explained to her and Gunnar: "Miss Kaf, Your Excellency, this is called the propeller, which is the most important part of the aircraft. The magic array above can push it to rotate at a very fast speed, and then It can drive the aircraft to the sky."

So the "caring" on Charles and Diana's faces deepened. If Gunnar and the others were not here, Charles would have pulled Diana away.

Gunnar excitedly asked Mao Shiro to conduct experiments quickly, and even helped him carry things out to the open space.

Maoshiro’s first experiment was very simple. It was to nail a wooden rod as the shaft on a wooden box, and the bearing inlaid on the propeller was inserted into the top of the wooden rod. His plan was to start the magic array on the propeller. Later this thing will fly like a helicopter.

Although the experiment is extremely simple, as long as success is a solid 1st Step, you can ask for money, materials, and assistants to speed up the research and development in the future.

Kafu was a little nervous, she asked Diana next to her: "Nana, do you say the experiment will be successful?"

Diana kept a formulaic smile and said, "The experiment has not yet Who knows the result at the beginning."

Then Kraft asked Charles: "Hey, did you say this can fly?"

Kraf saw this and took her own younger brother Someone who flicked away from home felt uncomfortable.

Charles shook the head and said: "Now this can only be used as an Interesting bamboo dragonfly."

Bamboo dragonflies that can fly with a handful of hands are not uncommon in Northlands. .

Charles suffered a serious illness when he was four years old, and was sent to Holy Angel Nun by his family to be "hospitalized". He was in a coma for several days before waking up.

When he got better, Holy Angel Nun personally shaved a few bamboo dragonflies to relieve his boredom while playing on the bed. His "magehand" was at that time quietly practicing in order to pick up the bamboo dragonflies and come back. Into.

Kafu looked at Charles a little uncomfortably, and said: "How do you know it can't take people to fly?"

Charles smiled without saying a word, can't say that he was testing the plane When driving a driver’s license, the textbook mentions this typical mistake of engraving the Wind Element magic array on the blade as an example when talking about the principle of the propeller.

The pulling force of the propeller is mainly based on the pressure difference between the two sides of the blade due to the different airflow speeds. In principle, it is the same as the lift provided by the wing.

While engraving the magic array directly on the propeller, pushing the propeller to rotate will disturb the airflow, so that the pressure difference will be greatly reduced or even disappear. It is better to directly engrave the magic array into a jet brick.

After so long of learning, Charles has figured out that the magic of this world is divided into energy-type magic and law-type magic.

Magic formed by the flow of magical elements belongs to energy-type magic. They are the use of magic power, just like light bulbs and electric motors use electric energy, and they often seem very scientific.

Regular magic is much more complicated, and it looks more magical. This is the point that Diana waits for Spirit Master to have a say, the curse and giant that Alexei’s body cannot walk on land The transformation of dragon and "just don't catch fire" fall into this category.

Now the magic array on Mao Shiro's propeller belongs to energy-type magic. As a result, this propeller that does not conform to the objective laws will not achieve the expected effect of the design.

Kafu glared at Charles and said nothing more.

In the clearing, Mao Shiro quickly fixed the propeller to the wooden pole, and after Gunnar stepped back, he activated the upper magic array.

With the activation of the magic array, several powerful air streams spurted out, which not only pushed the propellers to spin up quickly, but also blew up the dust on the ground.

Charles looked at the people in the training ground, and no one paid attention to the movement except the person who looked like an instructor who glanced here.

After more than a minute, the propeller gradually slowed down, but the wooden box didn't mean to leave the ground at all.

Maoshiro's expression changed from expectant to anxiety, and then to panic. He wanted to turn his head to look at Gunnar, but he didn't dare.

The products on Gunnar’s face remained unchanged. He stretched out his slap and patted Mao Shiro’s shoulder, encouraging: "Don’t be discouraged, it’s okay to fail once, but do better next time. Now."

Mao Shiro suddenly shed tears of gratitude.

Kafu whispered on the side: "What is the big man crying..."

Gunnar looked towards Charles and asked: "Charles, look at this, what can be improved? Where?"

Charles thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Its power system is fundamentally wrong, we must overthrow it and start over."

Gunnar Turned his head and said to Mao Shiro: "You have to write down Charles' opinions. Don't look at his young age, but his master is very difficult to deal with." What kind of logic.

Maoshiro finally returned to his room with his things to continue working hard, Gunnar led Charles and the others to the ring of the training ground.

"It doesn't seem to be very optimistic." Gunnar said nonchalantly.

Charles has a question mark on his face.

Gunnar looked at the blue sky and white clouds and continued: "Fly freely. I don’t know when this dream will come true."

Charles laughed, it seems that the grand prince Still a person yearning for the blue sky.

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