As everyone walked out of the lounge, Gunnar and Gunnar looked a little unhappy.

Seeing a fragrant pie appeared in front of you but couldn't eat it, anyone will not be happy.

Charles thought for a while, and he has an industry that he wants to run on their land in the future. It would be no good if everyone is unhappy.

People don’t care about small fish and shrimps, but it’s strange that a fatty fish like Charles doesn’t pay special attention to it.

Don't think that there is no "eating and taking cards" in this world. It is not surprising that a group of fully armed bandits suddenly popped up and chopped you off.

Charles thought about Gunnar’s funding of Mao Shiro just now, so he asked: "Duke, do you want to fly in the sky?"

Gunnar is like someone and He mentioned his favorite game player, his eyes beaming and said: "Of course I want to. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to overlook the whole earth freely from a high altitude."

Charles laughed, It's time to play this time.

Flying to the sky is the dream of souls bound by gravity.

Unless it becomes a ghost like A Wei, it is difficult for humans to fly freely in the air.

Charles asked Gunnar: "Would you like me to take you to the sky?"

Gunnar looked at Charles suspiciously, then asked: "You Could it be that you want to throw me into the sky?"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and gave Gunner a fiercely, while Gunner was whistling while watching the white clouds drifting across the sky.

Charles didn’t care about their two nephews and uncles, and just said, "You can say you want it or not."

Gunnar looked at Charles seriously, for fear of getting into the pot last night. He was pitted by him again.

He saw that Charles looked righteous at this time and didn't look like a deceit, so he was nodded.

Charles looked at the direction and extent of the waving flags on the fence of the training ground. Today, the sun is shining and the wind is blowing from the north. The wind is not small and suitable for flying.

He said to Gunnar: "Can you find a windy place on the mountain that is transparent from north to south? It is enough to have fifty-sixty meters long. The ground should be flat and there should be no obstacles."

There really is this place on the top of the mountain. It is a grassland where war horses slip their legs. There are no obstacles on the ground except horse dung.

Charles took out a large bundle of things from the storage ring. There were many hollow metal poles, wooden boards of various shapes, and some things in boxes.

The power delta wing produced by the aircraft company of the Macross Group was developed for the frontline troops last year. It is simple and portable, easy to install and operate, and is planned to equip various battallion assault units.

However, in the military's bidding at the end of last year, this power delta wing was unsuccessful and lost to the "three-bungee in the air" of the Heiji Vehicle Manufacturing Company.

Because the guy Carl installed two wind and arrow shells on the rotorcraft produced by his company, the rotorcraft has a preliminary ground attack capability.

Later, Charles obtained the export qualification for their failed power delta. When Charles came out, he planned to sell it to his grandfather and the beastman on the prairie.

But now, it is still a good choice to gain product popularity on Gunnar.

Charles quickly installed the power delta wing in the curious eyes of everyone

Gunnar walked around it a few times, squeezing the wings from time to time, etc. Somewhere, he asked: "Can this guy fly?"

Charles checked all the connections, the fixed ones have been fixed, the power system is also connected to the energy channel, and everything is ready.

He took out a flying helmet and a pair of windshield goggles and threw them to Gunnar, and said, "If you can fly, you will know when you come up."

This power triangle The wings are two-person, and the position is designed for the size of the elf. Charles sat in quite empty, so he had to tighten his seat belt.

Gunnar sat in the back seat, which was higher than Charles's front seat and had a wider view. He learned Charles to wear a helmet and windshield, and fasten his seat belt.

At this time, Charles said: "When you feel uncomfortable, pat me on the back, but don't move my hands and shoulders."

Gunnar though I don't understand why Charles said that, but he still agreed.

So Charles turned on the magic power path of the wind turbine behind him, and the propeller behind Gunnar started high-speed rotation.

After a while, the power delta began to run forward against the wind, and then flew to the sky amid Gunnar's exclamation.

Charles regretted not wearing earplugs, Gunnar's loud voice was under the huge lung capacity bonus, and the cry of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves shook Charles a little in his ears.

This guy is like Modred who finally got a perfect score in the exam. He couldn't stop excited.

Today's wind is not small, Charles flew into the air nearly a kilometer, this height is just right.

At this height, it is enough to see the horizon in the distance, and you can see things on the ground clearly.

At this time, Charles was flying west over the river, with the Kingdom of Rebach on the right and dukedom in Milan on the left.

The land on the side of the Rebach Kingdom is flat, with green fields, and you can see the villages in the middle of the farmland.

Looking to the left, you can get a bird's eye view of Milan, and you can also see the river flowing from the south and into the river in the Western District.





"Get into that cloud!"

Gunnar pointed to the high place Roared a broken cumulus cloud.

Charles manipulated the power delta wing to rise upward, aiming at a cloud and rushing over.

The cloud was not big, Charles and the others "screamed" and passed.

Gunnar said disappointedly: "There is nothing in it."

Charles loudly said: "There is no difference between cloud and fog. Fog is the cloud on the ground."

Then Gunnar shouted in Charles’ ears again: "Fly around Milan twice!"

Charles immediately turned the power delta to the left. moved towards Milan City flew away.

At this moment Gunnar was quiet, and Charles saw through the rearview mirror that he was staring at the city he ruled.

Charles was afraid that Milan might have some powerful defensive measures to knock them down, so he kept the height as high as possible and flew around the city far away from the city wall.

At this height, you can see that the city defense army on the city wall has been fried, and it looks like it is entering a state of combat.

Several mage flew to the sky with magic, but their ceilings are limited, and there is still a lot of distance from the power delta.

Gunnar ordered again after seeing Milan for two circles: "Fly along the river to the west, to Turin."

Turin is not far from Milan , Charles, they flew for more than half an hour before they were near their destination.

There is this large lush pine forest outside the city. Gunnar told Charles to land on a forest road not far from the city.

The city defense forces of Turin have long discovered the uninvited guest from the sky, and Charles and the cavalry arrived here not long after they were down to earth.

The leading officer recognized Gunnar, and Gunnar asked them to protect this strange thing and forbid anyone to touch it.

Then Gunnar asked Charles: "Do you know how to ride a horse?"

Charles nodded, Gunnar said to him: "Let’s eat in Turin. Pick a horse."

After he finished speaking, he mounted the officer's horse and ran to Turin.

Charles laughed, and then dug out the long-lost tricycle from the storage ring, and followed Gunnar with a sound of "Woo" and moved towards Turin.

Gunnar's mood calmed down after a short period of excitement. He quickly understood what it meant for humans to fly in the air with the help of machines.

With the power delta wing opened, Gunnar became immune to Charles' motor tricycle. He frowned and asked, "How many strange things are there on you?"

Charles smiled without saying a word, and said, "Do you want to buy it? Both flying in the sky and walking on the ground can be sold to you."

Gunnar thought for a while, holding him to be Charles After slashing his consciousness, he asked: "You make a price."

As a result, the price Charles quoted made Gunnar startled. The price of the power delta is not as expensive as a set of magic armor. A car with automatic wheels can be afforded by ordinary citizens.

"So cheap?" Gunnar frowned asked, "Do you have any traps?"

Charles continued to laugh and said, "This is the price I sold you , I don’t care how much you sell to others. But I’m going to say first, if you want to fly, you have to go through training. The person responsible for training is the giant dragon, and you can only fly if you pass the exam."

" You double the land that you bought this morning, and then I will build the factory there, and the price will be lower."

Gunnar's brows frowned, and his instinct told himself Charles A pit was dug, but he couldn't figure out what shape the pit was.

But no matter what, if you get the agency rights of these goods, it will be the same as making money lying down.

The smile on Charles's face is still bright. If Gunnar knew that a biplane transport aircraft similar to the Yun-5 produced by the Macross Group had successfully tested it, he might be punched at this moment.

If Gunnar knew that Charles set the price of the power delta wing and wind turbine tricycle so low because he wanted to give birth to the idea of ​​"buying better than making", he would probably fight both sides to suffer and kill him. .

It’s not that Charles wanted to cheat him. Gunnar took Charles to dinner in Turin, so why not want people to take this opportunity to study the power delta.

These are the basic operations of intrigue.

As for the shortage of talents, when Charles was in the sky, a elves suddenly thought of a way to alleviate the situation by hitting people.

The growth period of the elves is very long. They reach adulthood at the age of three hundred, but they have completed all the courses they have learned at about two hundred fifty or sixty. In the several decades in the middle, they generally have Intern with the old master in your favorite field.

Queen Victoria, they naturally would not count the underage elves in the labor force, and Charles put their idea on these interns.

Macros Group opened a base in dukedom, Milan, and recruited a group of interns who reached the level of finished apprenticeship to do internships for ten to twenty years. It’s not a problem. Salaries and benefits are paid as regular workers.

Charles, this guy even thought about the reasons to refute the opposition-I'm also a minor...

Later, the interns strongly condemned Charles for this This unscrupulous practice of using interns as formal jobs perseveres, the salary and benefits of the Macross Group are too high.

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