Charles found this thief cottage based on the information provided by his grandfather Duke Randtjin, but what he saw in front of him made him think that it was either Grandpa’s Intelligence Section crazy , Either the bandits are crazy, or they are crazy.

It turns out that this world is crazy.

The profit allows capitalists to sell the noose that hangs them, and it also allows the bandits to switch to raising sheep.

Charles came to this camp under his own name under the excuse of being chased by a beast. He at first wanted to enter the cottage in a low-key manner and investigate, but he was surprised in the camp. I met Alfe.

It was dinner time and there was limited food in the mountains. Wallon, the leader of this camp, went out and beat a wild boar to welcome Alfe's arrival today. Charles happened to catch up.

Wallon lives in a small wood house by himself. The wood house is not big, but it is neatly packed.

At this time, there was a steaming cauldron and dishes cut out of wood on the rough table. Walloon, Charles and Alfe were sitting on wooden stakes used as chairs.

The people here don’t pay much attention to what they eat. Large pieces of wild boar are put in a pot and stewed with apples. When eating, they pick up the meat and slice them with a dagger.

Charles was eating wild boar quietly, listening to Alfe and Wallon explaining.

Waron looks ten years older than Alfe, a little thin, his hair is all white, his skin looks dark because he lives in the mountains all the year round, but his blue eyes are extremely energetic.

According to Alfe, Walloon was Alfe’s young boss when he was a mercenary. He saved Alfe’s life several times. Later, if he didn’t want to be a mercenary, he just fell off the grass here. Travel expenses.

The bandit leaders on several hills in this area are Alfe’s former party members, and Wallon took the brothers to occupy this place strongly.

Alfe has been taking care of Old Brother here from time to time over the years.

At first, Charles asked Alfe to take charge of the wool business. In addition, the price of wool rose a lot because demand exceeded supply. Alfe decided to diversify the source of wool and use Old Brother’s calculations. Here we persuade the Old Brothers to raise sheep in the mountains.

Walloon and the others are very well informed. Naturally, they will know about the establishment of wool textile mills in the Bischberg Kingdom. So with Alfe’s advice and help, they bought a large number of horses suitable for raising in the mountains. Sheep began to raise.

Auntie Cilantro approved the Megadon Family banner. Charles now delegates all the family business to her, which is not illegal.

Mohair sheep’s wool has a smooth surface, strong luster, high strength, good elasticity, less curling, easy to wash, and belongs to excellent quality wool.

But mohair sheep are goats, they are wild and can only graze in the mountains and are difficult to raise in captivity. The wool production is not high, and the devil beast in the mountains is difficult to raise on a large scale, which makes the total output of mohair wool. It is not high, and can only be used as a supplement to fine wool, and will not have an impact on the wool industry on the prairie.

The most important thing is that there were no mohair sheep in the east of Lin Hai. The mohair sheep raised here appear to come from the Spirit Tree Sea, but they were actually bought from the west by Auntie Cilantro after contacting her family.

After listening to this, Charles acquiesced to the practice of Auntie Cilantro and Alfe, which is a good choice from the perspective of family business.

Charles asked: "These sheep won't make those noble masters jealous?"

Alfe felt a little nervous when he heard Charles did not object, and he replied. "We are cooperating with the Marquis Maran of Catania. He has 10% of the shares in the sheep farm. He sent someone to see him and he spoke highly of the wool of these sheep."

Charles After pondering for a long time, he asked: "How are the shares distributed here?"

Varon replied somewhat cautiously: "Except for the 10% of the Marquis Marlan, you own 30% of the shares."

Charles' frowned scared Walloon, thinking that Charles was too few.

It’s just that Charles said to Alfe: “From our 30% of the shares, we give 15% to the king. From now on, these shares will belong to the king. Whoever becomes the king will give it to him.”

"Take another 10% out and build a school here so that children have a place to go to school. The remaining half of the city will take out four points to donate in my name to the school of the Adventurer's Union for a scholarship. I’ll hire a Potion Master to see you for the remaining one point. I’ll give you the specific details later."

Alfe responded to Charles’ instructions. He will not question his master’s Kind of operation.

Walloon is different. At first Charles said that he didn't pay much attention when he gave half of his shares to the king. He just sighed that Charles was wild enough.

When Charles said that he would take out ten more shares to build the school, Walloon was so surprised that he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

There are many ways to educate children in this world. Noble and rich people naturally hire private teachers. For common people, go to various temples and churches for free enlightenment education is one of the choices. Some scholars will open a school at home to teach several children, and some scholars will open a school in partnership.

When children grow up, there are some small professional schools similar to technical schools for them to choose from, but these schools are mostly in places like dukedom in Milan where the handicraft industry is developed.

And one of Charles's foe Allen's pioneering work was to rely on the Adventurer's Union to open a technical school for adventurers, and he has gained a lot of prestige among the adventurers.

What Charles has to do now is to establish scholarships in these schools to gain prestige with Allen.

There used to be a Mao’s school in the bandits. The old ones taught the small ones. The ones who taught would not be cheated when they could count the cents.

Don't even think about the Potion Master as a doctor. Unless one is kidnapped back, those Potion Masters who belong to the elite class won't even look at the bandits.

The thieves here are not as good as the cottages that usually charge tolls. Some thieves even build their own roads to bypass the tax card of the noble master, and then collect a bit more than the tax card.

This kind of cottage is not so much a bandit, as it is a spoiler who fled to the mountains and did not pay taxes to the masters.

Now Charles and the others are here. After building a sheep farm, they use shares instead of taxes. This allows these bandits to get rid of their "thief" status and become civilians, and they can enter the city in a big way in the future. Afraid of being caught and chopped off his head.

Then Charles built a school here and invited Potion Master, which instantly upgraded their cottage into a village.

In the future, the young man will look at the girls in the nearby villages and don’t need to tie them back. They can go to the door to propose a kiss.

It took a long time for Wallon to digest the impact of Charles' decision.

He said to Charles: "Master, thank you so much. We will listen to you as long as you have a word in the future."

Charles smiled and ate the meat, and said at the same time "I'm just letting Alfe run errands. You don't dislike yourself for making less."

"No!" Wallon said, "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't make a point. "

Charles thought for a while, and then said to Alfe: "Raising sheep is a technical job. See if you can help them find someone on the prairie for advice."

"Not to mention the problem of sheep sickness, only that they may not be able to cut the wool well, or the high-quality products will be cut into defective products."

Alfe nodded seriously, this matter It's a bit troublesome, but also not. After all, beastman is rarely seen outside the prairie.

Charles thought about it for a moment, and said to Alfe and Wallon: "You can do the same with other Old Brother sheep farms, and I suggest that if you have money, you should repair the roads in and out. It’s also convenient."

Alfe and Wallon laughed happily at once, so that their Old Brothers can also be washed ashore.

Charles also laughed, thinking about using this as a pilot first. If the effect is good, let those motivated bandits raise horses and goats, which is considered a merit.

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