As the grandson of the Marquis, Little Malan has the title of Baron. With the support of grandfather and the care of his parents, he is a man in the town.

It’s just that he feels a bit unlucky today. From last night to this morning, when he was about to drink the last one and then left the account, he reached out and touched the new waiter’s ass. The waiter smashed a Malan Flower Twenty One with a thick hard wood.

When he came back to his senses, immediately call the master to find the place.

The man was found, and he was blocked, but he was beaten up to two, five, two, five, two, eight, two, nine, thirty-one as soon as he finished his harsh words.

The reason why someone chooses mace as a weapon for fighting is that the use of mace is similar to that of swords and can be used quickly for him; the second is that the mace is bladeless. Take a sword; the third is that the mace is not low in lethality. It is a blunt weapon. It is normal to break the bones with greater strength, and the opponent can also deal with it in armor.

As for why you don’t just take an iron rod, it’s because you judged that the place where you need him to fight is basically surrounded by the crowd, so you don’t pull the iron rod directly, and you lose your value. .


ᖚ ̄ᖞ

Here, someone put down Malan’s two guards first, and then smiled darkly While smashing the palm of his hand with the mace, he walked towards the little Malan who was a little panicked.

Charles released a small fear technique, and the panic in Little Malan's heart caused by the spike-killing of the two guards around him instantly turned into a huge fear.

In the eyes of Little Malan, Charles is like a devil beast ready to devour himself.

Charles has no hatred with Little Malan and the Ma Lan Family, but he is Gennaro's natural ally.

Not to mention that he opened a sub-base in Gennaro and their Milan dukedom. As far as Gennaro's running away was instigated by himself, he must stand on Gennaro's side.

Otherwise, you encourage them to run away first, and then stand by when they are being bullied. I believe that Gennaro will definitely beat Meazza afterwards.

Don’t think Gennaro is only twelve years old this month. He is a standard talented youngster. With the careful teaching of his father and Uncle, he is now alone in the fight against the two Knights on the opposite side. Beating Mei Acha is very simple.

Charles paid close attention to Gennaro when he beat Malan like a slime, and found that his movement method was light, like a gust of wind, moving to the enemy’s four corners by moving quickly. , And then fiercely drew it fiercely.

After watching for a while, Charles couldn't help shook the head. Gennaro was still inexperienced, so he started lightly, otherwise the two Knights would have been beaten to the ground by him.

But he didn't remind Gennaro, because he noticed that the two Knights were making eye contact, and at the same time he glanced at Deborah, who was looking nervously at Gnarro in the middle.

Sure enough, the next moment the two Knights changed their tactics. One of them forced Gennaro’s attack to move him towards away from Deborah, and the other took the opportunity to rush towards Deborah. .

Charles suddenly became energetic, and he tapped the mae on the little Malan on the ground like a rice cake, while seeing how Gennaro would react.

Gennaro became anxious when he discovered this situation. He wanted to rescue Deborah, but the enemy in front of him suddenly ignored the defense and launched a fierce attack on him.

The entangled Gnarro suddenly became anxious. He also increased his strength, but his enemy was the orthodox Knight who had been trained in battlefield combat since he was a child. The injury-for-injury style of play suppressed Gennaro in the corner.

At this time, the Knight who was about to catch Deborah had rushed to Deborah's body, and extended the hand to catch Deborah.

Immediately afterwards, only a "boom" was heard, and a burst of red light flashed by, and the Knight and Deborah flew out at the same time.

Deborah's Fireball Technique can not only be used to blow up septic tanks, but also to blow people up, but the shock wave even hurts herself.

Charles didn't hit Maran anymore, he rushed over to catch Deborah.

The battle was over, Gennaro knocked him out while the enemy in front of him was stunned by the magic explosion, and the man who was bombed was directly stunned.

Gnarro took a few breaths, and then ran to Deborah and Charles. He looked at Charles suspiciously and asked, "Big Brother Meazza, when did you become like this? Amazing?"

Charles laughed and said, "I’m not Meazza, my name is Charles. I just look a lot like him. When I was in Florence, I was playing with him. I pretend to be a game where he will be recognized by others."

"But he was caught back in a few days."

Charles finished shrugged.

Gnarro didn't realize for a while which Charles this Charles was. After all, this is a very common name in the South, and people are talking about "Count Megadon" recently.

He looked towards Little Malan, who was lying on the ground not far away and crying, and said nervously: "Let's run, we won't be able to run away when he calls someone again. "

Charles said with a faint smile: "What are you afraid of? He called father and you also called you father. He called grandfather and you also called grandfather. Everyone will fight again."

He is not afraid of Xiao Maran calling people. There are a group of giant dragons, elves, and dwarves on the western terrace. They are enough to wipe out the city of Catania. Coming here as a background board can scare people. Pee.

Although Duke Randtjin and the Kingdom of Bischberg have signed a peace agreement that expires next year, this does not mean that Charles’ grandfather will not help his grandson find a place. The other side of the river to the east is not far from Duke Randtjin’s. A castle, it seems that Charles’ Second Uncle is still stationed there.

However, this one is Gennaro's early stage, and the matter should be resolved by him. He won't be able to do it until it is a last resort Charles.

Charles would not underestimate the Gennaro, who was educated by the family for more than 700 years. Gnarro couldn't beat his sister because his sister was more talented than him, not because he was an idiot.

It's just that Gennaro kept winking at Charles, as if he didn't want Charles to tell about the situation at home.

It is not suitable to stay here for long. Charles waved his hand and led them to a restaurant near the port area.

There are a lot of people in the restaurant. They are sailors who go to and from the cargo ship. Charles bought the hats that sailors often wear on the road for everyone to wear, so that it is difficult to be recognized when sitting in the restaurant.

Charles introduced himself along the way. He said he was an adventurer, and then accidentally met Meazza who looked a lot like him, and then the two played a game of pretending to be Meazza. , I met Gennaro while playing the game.

Gennaro also talked about their experience. Deborah ran out of the city immediately after blasting the sewers of the city of Florence. In the outskirts, he met Gennaro, who ran away from home in the chaos of the city. Then the two of them walked together.

After selling the expensive dress Gennaro was wearing at the time, the two of them used the money to get here.

Winter is approaching, they find a pub to work part-time to find a place to spend the winter.

It’s just that today is the first day of work, and this happened. It seems that there is no way to continue working.

Gennaro, who was gnawing on roasted goose legs, said: "It seems that I can only change places to be an adventurer."

Deborah was also sighed and silently nodded.

Charles was also eating roasted goose legs. The restaurant’s signature dish was roast goose. He ordered two roasted geese and goose offal soup.

He squinted Gennaro and said casually: "If you go to be an adventurer, it is estimated that Deborah will be eaten by the devil beast after half a month, and you will live with regret for a lifetime. Right."

Gennaro froze for a moment, and said a little unconvinced: "How is this possible? I think I have enough strength, Deborah's magic is also good."

Charles "hehe" smiled and said: "Wait for the Adventurer's Guild, first use my card to pick up the task. You can choose the task. Choose the one you think you can handle."

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