There is a village on the terrace where the villagers make a living by growing citrus, lemon and making wine.

Some of the villagers here have lived here for generations from the very beginning, while others have fled here for various reasons.

In the past few days after Mafia’s death, the villagers here were faced with the dilemma of a group of dragons without a leader. Everyone was confused all day long, and they didn’t know what their future master would be like. People, no one can see where the way forward is.

After dinner that day, the snow stopped, and the villagers braved the cold wind to drag their homes to watch the excitement near the castle.

The villagers all know that the person who can break the seal of the castle is their future master, but everyone doesn't mind having some fun before the challenger becomes the master.

But in their opinion, this young man who looks good now is pretty good.

Charles scattered a few copper plates and went out, and a few villagers happily helped him move a wooden table and several wooden poles.

An arm-long cylindrical object was placed on the table. Charles fiddled with it, and a beam of light came out of the strong lighting tube, directly shining on the gate of the castle.

In the whistle of the villagers, Charles followed the light and moved towards the gate.

The magic that can confuse people's minds around the castle cannot interfere with the light.

Charles inserted the shortest wooden pole into the ground, and the shadow of the wooden pole under the strong light pointed straight to the direction of the castle gate.

He inserted a longer wooden pole at the end of the shadow, and the shadow stretched forward a lot.

Seeing that this method was feasible, Charles went on and pushed the third wooden pole into the ground.

Then he was blown up by a magic trap on the ground.

Thanks to his cleverness, the magic shield on his body is always on, so it's not a big problem.

After being blown up twice, he finally came to the gate.

As soon as Charles put his hands on the door, the door opened by itself.

The back of the gate was pitch black, Charles took a deep breath and walked in.


The door closed on its own, and Charles found himself in the darkness where he could not see his fingers.

He took a few steps forward when a voice suddenly came from far behind.

"Son, you died so miserably!!"

Charles' heart twitched. This was the voice of his mother in his previous life.

"A Chang...Why did you just leave like this!!"

This time it was his father's voice.

"Xiaofang, how can you..."

The voice of a young girl came.

next moment, three huge Fireballs appeared from Charles’s hands, and then moved towards the mother who refused to listen to the so-called high-return wealth management products and found a thunderous family behind him. Father and the female friend who owed him 20,000 yuan for several years and still played with the missing female friend flew in the same direction.

With three loud noises, this world becomes clear.

Charles took a deep breath, and then went on.

At this time, a beautiful woman of Eastern and Western mixed race appeared in front of him in a cute pose.

Immediately after a few men appeared, they came to the side of the mixed-race beauty, and the following picture began to become unbearable to look at.

Charles squeezed his brows, and wanted to find the author of this illusion to have a good chat. It's just that the first seven months of the author of the illusion have just passed, so this idea obviously won't work.

He raised his hand and threw a burst of Demon God power, and Takizawa, teacher, Zhou Damu and the others suddenly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in front of him.


The darkness all around shattered like black glass, and then turned into a black smoke to dissipate all around.

Charles took out a lamp to illuminate all around. This is the entrance hall. All around has no decorations, and there is only white paint on the walls.

With a plug-in, I don’t panic in my heart.

On the next road, Charles used Demon God's power to cover the space around him, and all magic traps were violently destroyed. In this way, he broke through the layers of magic in the castle in the form of fouls. Finally came to the study at the top of the tower.

The study occupies the entire top floor. In the middle is a space surrounded by several sofas and coffee tables. All around the radially arranged bookshelves are almost full of books.

It's just that there are people in the dimly lit study at this time. If Charles hadn't seen a ghost, he would have regarded this white man as a ghost.

(`へ´)ᓂ: " brat..."

A milf, a charming white-haired woman panting with rage Di stretch Pointing at Charles with his long, well-maintained fingers, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Charles didn't expect someone here, but he was taken aback and asked: "Are you Lord Mafia?"

"Who are you?" Mafei Ya asked with a ugly expression.

Charles gave a gift from Junior in Spirit Race, replied: "My name is Charles Megadon, Elizabeth's discipline."

"I heard of you." Maffei Ya looked at Charles up and down, "Are you really the eldest sister's son?"

Charles corner of the mouth twitched, he often heard this kind of question when he was in the Spirit Tree Sea.

"It's not." He replied.

Mafia continued to look at Charles carefully, and then said: "You can see that you don’t look like you were hungry when you were a kid."

Charles pretended not to hear him. What are you talking about.

Mafia then said to Charles: "It happens that you are here, and this place will be yours in the future."

"My old lady is going out and wandering, so I have nothing to die. Keep your mouth tight. For the sake of your eldest sister’s discipline, I’m not good at erasing your memory."

Charles suddenly understood that the world is so big, and Mafia is going to pretend to be dead. Go check it out.

In other words, this is just an excuse. It is also possible that Mafia encountered some huge difficulties that she could not handle, and then performed the scene of suspended animation and escape.

Charles hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Mafia, I am here to visit first of my master Elizabeth to visit you, and secondly, I want to ask you about special magic."


After finishing speaking, Charles presented the meeting ceremony he brought—a pot of the most precious tea leaves with both hands to Mafia.

After Mafia took the tea, she was coldly snorted and said: "The big sister asked you to see me. It's a fake. Your idea of ​​specializing magic is true."

"The eldest sister had a headache when she saw me back then. She couldn't drive me away even if she wanted to drive me away."

Charles smirked and scratched the back of his head.

Then Mafia pointed to the sofa on the side and said: "Sit down, I will talk to you about special magic."

Mafia herself She also found a sofa and sat down, and she continued: "If you want to learn special magic, I can lead you to the beginning for the sake of your relationship with the older sister."

"However, , You have to pay a little price."

Charles asked solemnly: "Excuse me, what is the price?"

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