The Tianshan mountain range extends from the north of Salt Lake City to the northeast for hundreds of kilometers, and the width is nearly 100 kilometers. The height of the mountain here is a bit shorter than the ice cap mountain range, but the mountain is steep. The complexity of the terrain far exceeds the mountain range of the ice cap.

In the mountain range, the peaks stand in great numbers and the valleys are vertical and horizontal. When the snow melts in spring and summer every year, the coniferous forests in the mountains are thriving. When World of Ice and Snow comes, wild animals are doing their best. Struggling for survival.

A few tens of kilometers away from the main peak of the Tianshan Mountains, there is an alpine lake called Xuelang Lake. This lake is named after snow wolves often come to drink.

Every spring and summer, the blue lake reflects the surrounding verdant woods and the snow-capped peaks in the distance. The plump fish jump out of the water from time to time, and the scenery is truly beautiful.

On the top of a hill by the Snow Wolf Lake stands a house. The beastmen don’t know when this beautiful house with white walls and red roof was built. According to legend, this house was It suddenly appeared one day.

On the edge of the snow-covered roof, the chimney is emitting a faint blue smoke.

In the living room of the house, the flames in the fireplace are burning vigorously, making the living room warm like spring.

On the shelf in front of the fireplace door, there are several skewers of grilled meat. The fat is emerging from the meat, making a gentle zhi zhi sound.

On the soft and comfortable recliner, a fatty of more than two hundred catties is lying on it drowsily reading a book, and a red-haired tail passes through the hole in the recliner and hangs outside. Whenever the owner of the tail With a sip of wine, the tail will be shaken once or twice.

The fox man old man on the recliner flipped through the book in his hand, humming a tune or two from time to time.

A few knocks broke the tranquility in the living room, the old man old man, the fox man, put the book on the coffee table aside, sighed, and then shook his head and moved towards the door and walked.

Opening the thick door, Lao Zang found that there was nothing but wind and snow outside the door.

Lao Zang looked around suspiciously, the outside was white and snowy, there was no sign of visitors.

"Is it me dreaming?" Lao Zang scratched his head questioningly. In winter, lying in front of the warm fireplace, drinking a little wine and reading a book, it is indeed easy to fall asleep, sometimes like a dream. I was lying down and reading.

After confirming that no one was outside the door, Lao Zang closed the door and returned to the living room. When he lay back in the reclining chair, the tail flexibly got into the hole.

He picked up the "Wealth of Nations" on the coffee table and continued to read it carefully. After turning two pages, he picked up the small wine bottle on the coffee table and took a sip.

( ̄₃ ̄)⢀⢠⡆⡇

Lao Zang’s "pu" spit out everything he drank. He sniffed the small bottle and found that it was inside The good wine has turned into sour vinegar.

He looked around and suddenly found that the kebabs in front of the fireplace were gone.

"There is a thief!" Lao Zang immediately jumped up from the couch, waved his hand, and a machete hung on the wall flew into his hand.

Starting with a machete, Lazily's Lazily instantly became murderous-looking, and even the flames in the fireplace shook a few times.

Next, Lao Zang checked every room in the house, but there was no clue.

Second day, it's still windy and snowy.

In the evening, a sudden knock on the door sounded. Lao Zang, who was about to have dinner, hurried to the gate and found that there was no half of the silhouette as yesterday.

Lao Zang turned around and rushed back to the restaurant without closing the door, and found that the potato stew on the table was still there.

Lao Zang, who was sighed in relief, hurriedly went back and closed the door. When the wind came in, the temperature in the room dropped a lot.

Only when he came back, he found that the pot containing the stew was clean as if it had been licked.

A strong murderous aura and spirit strength erupted from Lao Zang. After a while, he shouted: "Come out, I found you!"

one minute Later, he shouted again: "Your little trick can't hide me! You've already exposed your flaws!" Ten minutes later, Lao Zang's face collapsed, and the bluffing didn't take effect.

On the night of the fifth day, Lao Zangmei zi zi stirred the potatoes in the pot to stew wild pork with a spoon.

This wild boar was hunted outside yesterday. Today, he chose the little fat left on the wild boar and stewed it with potatoes. Fortunately, he also put a bit of extremely precious spice, this spice. He got it back for several years and rarely took it out.

The day before yesterday, he poisoned the stewed meat, and then the pot of stewed meat disappeared after knocking on the door like the day before.

Yesterday, he continued to poison the stew, and then there was no knock on the door that day, and the stew remained.

Later, Lao Zang looked around with a machete on his back, but found no suspicious place, and hit a wild boar by the way.

The stewed wild boar with potatoes is done. A lot of fat has leaked out of the fat and thin wild boar, and the fat has infiltrated the potato pieces.

Before eating, Lao Zang hummed a small song and opened the wine cabinet, and took a good bottle of wine out to have a drink.

The fragrant stew and fine wine plus the troublemaker were eliminated, which greatly increased Lao Zang’s appetite.

It's just that when he was halfway through the meal, he realized that his body was not right, and his whole body began to numb. This was obviously a symptom of the poison he had given that day.

Before he could stand up and look for the antidote, Lao Zang fell helplessly on the dining table.

Fortunately, he is strong and not deeply poisoned. After half an hour of lying down, his body recovered.

As soon as his body recovered, he immediately rushed back to the room, put on clothes for outdoor activities at an unprecedented speed, and ran out of the house without looking back with his machete head on his back.

a sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on, the cunning fox also has several hiding places, and has always lived in a cave a few kilometers away.

In the house at this time, Charles appeared in the study, taking a book from time to time and reading it.

The area of ​​the study is not small, and the shelves are full of various books.

"tsk tsk tsk..." Charles shook the head, "It's actually an erotic album, or beastman's..."

"tsk tsk tsk ... even the dwarf × goblin this There are also some unpopular cp..."

"Damn, or a series of books..."

"Confiscation! Must be confiscated!!"

Receive a few books After entering the storage ring, Charles continued to flip through the books on the shelf.

"Huh?" Charles found the author of a book with his own surname. He took a closer look and found that it was his own book written by great-grandfather called "The Wall of Roses."

He turned a few pages and found that this book is a book that teaches people how to write love poems, so he embarrassedly put this book into the storage ring.

Charles went all the way, and he accepted the books he was interested in. Anyway, he paid for it many years ago, but at that time Lao Zang gave him a book with words on the cover. , And lied to him that this book recorded magic and martial skills that make people stronger.

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