According to the legend, the peak of Tianshan Mountain was originally sharp, and only one or two people could stand on it.

Later, I don’t know how many years ago, someone fought a decisive battle at the Heaven Mountain Summit, blasting the top of the Tianshan Mountain into a flat area of ​​two to three hundred meters square.

I don’t know when or who it is, and built a stone house in the middle of the top of the mountain.

The house is empty, with only a few stones used as chairs.

On the floor in the center of the room, there is firewood, and a flame is jumping on the firewood. The flame is licking the bottom of the pressure cooker, and water vapor is spouting from under the metal lump, Metal, Wood, Water , Fire, Earth work with a common purpose, working hard for potato stew.

Little Huihui's nose twitched, and the smell from the pressure cooker attracted him deeply. After climbing the glacier all day and night, he was hungry enough.

It's just that he immediately cheered up and continued to introduce himself to Skadi on the side.

Behind Skadi, a long spear with a white spot of light was stuck on the ground.

Little Huihui could not resist the temptation of Divine Item. After Charles swore to the god of soul and dream that he would not throw Little Huihui down the mountain, Little Huihui sent an invitation to Skadi.

Charles didn't care about this. He came to Skadi to work with her. If Little Huihui becomes the owner of Skadi, at worst, it would be nice to bring Little Huihui to work together.

It's just that Skadi hasn't said a word to the two of them since they first met, and the expression on his face is also cold, as if a stranger shouldn't come close.

Little Huihui, who was opening the conditions, became more guilty, and he could see that Skadi's attention was focused on the pressure cooker in front of him.


Finally, Little Huihui sighed, he offered all the conditions he could offer, but the other party was indifferent.

"I go roam around."

Little Huihui left the house, leaving space for Charles and Skadi.

Charles came prepared, he took out a wine barrel and handed it over, and said: "Meeting ceremony."

After he finished speaking, he opened the bottle cap, and the aroma of the wine immediately permeated The whole house.

Skadi looked at Charles vigilantly, so it was basically not a good person to send high alcohol to the girl.

Charles said to her: "I asked Freiya, she said you like drinking."

Skadi looked at Charles seriously and saw that he was not lying, so he raised the wine The bucket poured into his mouth.

Skadi easily lifted dozens of kilograms of wine barrels, and the white wine poured from the barrels went into Skadi's mouth without any leakage.

Skadi, who drank half a barrel of wine in one breath, placed the barrel in front of him and said to Charles, "No poison, very good."

Even if the opponent is the Artifact of Divine Item Spirit, Charles still moved towards her rolled the eyes, and said, "Should I run all the way to poison you?"

Skadi said: "There are so many bad people, I have to guard against."


Charles is speechless, and he solemnly said to Skadi: "I need your help."

Skadi didn't answer, just staring blankly at "呲呲" as before. Pressure cooker spraying hot gas.

Charles continued: "I'm going to play Logue."

Skadi immediately lifted the head and looked towards Charles, his eyes became more energetic.

She asked: "What do you do with Logue if you catch Logue?"

Charles said seriously: "I will let her be responsible for boiling the water."

Skadi did not hesitate for a moment, she said: "I will go with you, but you can't make friends with me, and you can't have close contact."

Charles immediately moved towards Skadi and stretched out his hand, saying: "Happy cooperation !"

"Happy cooperation!"

Skadi also extended the hand and shook Charles with Charles, then quickly took his hand away.

Charles felt that Skadi's hands were very ice, which was more ice than the ice on the surrounding glaciers. If you hold her for a long time, you may be frozen into popsicles. This may be her self-protection mechanism.

Skadi just invited here, Charles sighed in relief, he thought it would be difficult.

Relaxed, Charles decided to take a stroll outside and look at the scenery. The beef stew with potatoes in the pressure cooker will be simmered for half an hour.

There are many names engraved on the outer wall of the house on the top of the mountain. They are all climbers who came here.

Little Huihui's mentality quickly adjusted. After engraving his name on it, he began to look for people he knew among the many names.

He found the names of the previous Saintess on their side, and then found Charles who had just arrived standing there looking at a place on the wall motionless.

Little Huihui asked: "Why, what did you find?"

He followed Charles' gaze, and quickly found three Interesting names lined up together. .

"This is Elf text." Little Huihui asked, pointing to Victoria's name.

Charles nodded.

"This is the text of...demon race?!" Little Huihui was surprised when he saw Ekaterina's name.

Charles is nodded again.

"Huh?" Little Huihui made a new discovery, "This is the ancestor of your family?"

"It's just this font...This font has been around for thousands of years No one uses it."

Charles is still nodded.

He found Old Ancestor and their names without accident, but the font used in Fillip's name puzzled him.

For more than two thousand years, human universal characters have been developing and changing in all aspects, among which the changes in fonts are the most obvious.

Altolia now writes in fonts that were popular more than 300 years ago. It is the same as the fonts used in the book left by Fillip. It is a bit different from the current popular fonts. Modred has always I tried to forge the parent's signature, so I didn't succeed.

And here Fillip’s name uses an older font, and its history spans longer than the age of Charles.

Charles couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it and went back to Greentown and asked Victoria Aunt.

"Charles is coming!" Little Huihui found a new continent not far away.

Charles walked to the back of the house and was surprised to find that there were seven swords wrapped in ice and snow on the ground, and these swords were arranged like a Big Dipper.

Pinching his brows, he guessed whose handwriting it was. There is no Big Dipper in the night sky of this world, but there are stars similar to the North Star.

Little Huihui tried to take the sword out. He melted the ice outside the sword, and then he held the handle of the sword and pulled it hard. As a result, he was so hard that he almost suffered from hypoxia, which was stuck in the rock. The sword is completely motionless.

"Only people recognized by the sword can pull it out...hiccup...come...hiccup..." Skadi came outside the house at this time, "It's me. People can pull out the Spear of Cold Ice."

After she finished speaking, she raised the barrel in her hand and drank the last bit of wine inside.

"This wine is good." Skadi moved towards Charles and gave a thumbs up, "I haven't drunk it before."

Charles said to her: "This kind of wine is called'Wuliangye' , Rerik Kingdom spent a lot of time brewing it, and it is not sold on the market. If you like it, I will help you get more."

Skadi said: "Do you have enough money, if you are hungry She will be very angry about Freiya."

Charles laughed and said, "Don't worry about her, she is doing well now."

Skadi asked again: "Next you What are your plans?"

Charles thought for a moment and replied: "The battle with Logue and her master is in the summer. Before that, we will meet with a partner and have some things to do."


Skadi expressed this indifferent expression, but her instinct told herself that something was wrong with this guy in front of her.

"Charles..." Little Huihui yelled feebly, lying on the ground, "Is lunch ready? I'll try again when I'm full."

He's busy. For a while, a sword could not be drawn.

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