Sometimes, money can really act wilfully, such as eating hot pot while bathing in hot springs.

There is no such service in the hot spring hotel, but the guests have money, so there is a hot spring hot pot.

On the mountainside of a mountain south of Trapani, in a semi-open hot spring, you can enjoy the beauty of the mountains when you soak in the pool.

It’s just that at the end of winter, there are no flowers, leaves or snow on the mountain, and the bare tree trunks have no scenery at all.

The young girls in the hot springs simply asked the waitresses of the hotel to put hot pots in the pool.

The freshest meat nowadays is the fish in the river downstream of the hot spring.

Because of the hot spring water, the lower river does not freeze all year round.

There are lush water plants in the small river, and it is very convenient to catch fish.

Catch a few catties of fish back, remove the boneless fish on both sides after removing the scales, cut them into thin slices, layer by layer in the plate.

Put the leftover head and tail, fish bones and lamb bones of the fish cut into the pot together. Add water and then add some spices and wine. Bring to a low heat and simmer slowly, and finally take only the soup. Pour into the hot pot, put in a few mushrooms soaked in water, and bring to a boil.

There is a set of stone tables and chairs in the center of the hot spring pool. The carbon fire in the small carbon stove is red, and the boiling pot is "grumbling" with bubbles.

The young girls in the hot spring hold chopsticks, put the fish fillets in the boiling pot, and eat them with their favorite seasonings after they are cooked.

Around the hot spring pool, there are five Divine Items such as Demon Cleaving Divine Sword, Myriad Law Scepter, a purple bag, Thunderclap Blade and Spear of Cold Ice.

Except for Myriad Law Scepter's Artifact Spirit Flica, which is still missing, Freiya, Ada, Dana and Skadi are four Artifact Spirits having fun in the pool.

The warm hot springs and hot hot pot made these four girls not only cheeks, but also their whole bodies flushed.

Five Divine Items form a Formation, so that people outside cannot see or hear what is happening in the pool.

Freiya, the favorite eater, said as he ate, "We seem to have never eaten together like this."

Dana, who was sitting across from her, gave her a blank look and said: "Who wanted to eat with you before?"

"Not only did you eat more, but also more nonsense."

Freiya said helplessly: "That was all forced."

Skadi drinking a little wine asked Freiya: "Flica she..."

Freiya shook the head, and said: "She chose her own way, let her go. "

Skadi nodded, and drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

She then asked, "What do you think of Charles?"

Ada, who was sitting across from her, said, "It's a good person, but it's a pity..."

"It's a pity that he didn't sleep with you?" Freiya jokingly said, "Unless you take the initiative, such as medication, otherwise he won't take the initiative."

Skadi frowned and said: "Don't he treat Ada as an adult?"

Freiya said: "On the contrary, it is he who treats us as human beings just like himself, so he respects us."

"Among our previous masters, who has signed a labor contract with us, and he also paid me up for the previous years' salary."

The other three girls shook the head.

Dana rinsed the fish fillets and said, "He treated us so kindly, so let's try our best to complete the task he assigned to repay him."

"His project '936 'It's best to finish it by the end of June, otherwise we won't be able to keep up with his battle in August. We only have four months left."

The girls were nodded while eating fish fillets.

Dana continued: "Then I will host the '936 Project'. First of all..."

"Wait!" Freiya's chopsticks stopped on top of the hot pot, the chopsticks There is also a piece of sashimi sandwiched on it.

She said to Dana with an unkind expression: "Why are you hosting?"

Dana as it should be by rights said: "This magic is based on the electricity system. , And I have completed the basic structure, so you can cooperate with me to complete it. Naturally, I will host it."

"No, no." Freiya shook his head and said, "I am the first to know His, so everyone should be led by me."

"At the same time, I know him best. Under my auspices, I can develop the most suitable magic for his needs."

Dana's face suddenly turned cloudy, she said, "Charles gave you away when he saw you. Obviously you are not that important in his heart."

"I'm with him. Those who have fought the Four Wings Fire Dragon have a strong friendship."

"And he asked me to train his friends, which shows that he trusts me very much."

Freiya shakes She turned her head and said: "He just asked you to train your friends. I have been teaching his discipline for several years. This shows that he trusts me more deeply."

After she ate the fish fillets. Continued: "Moreover, his plan is to materialize this magic, not my bragging. No one among the sisters is better than me in the technology of materializing magic. I have been learning this for several years."

Dana "hehe" twice and said: "Isn't it just being given out as a gift, and then having to work to earn money..."

Freiya immediately glared at Dana.

At this moment, Ida hurriedly stopped her. She said: "Everyone don't be impatient, listen to me first."

"I know you are in your respective fields. All have extremely in-depth research, but in the synthesis and integration of multi-element compound magic."

"Everyone knows that the most difficult part of multi-element compound magic is how to make one plus one greater than two. Obviously I am better at it."

"So it is most appropriate for me to preside over this work."

"Hey..." Dana said dismissively, "No I just want to find a chance to find a presence in front of him, and to brush up the goodwill."

Freiya also said: "In the past, others used to check our goodwill, how come you are the other way around?"

The situation in the hot spring pool suddenly became tense.

Skadi shook the head silently eating fish fillets and drinking wine, and said, "Don’t fight."

Freiya, Ada and Dana calmed down. .

"We shouldn't argue on this issue." Freiya said.

Ada and Dana nodded, they have seen the destruction of the team due to internal disunity.

Who knows Skadi said: "Of the four of us, the closest to Charles is me. He has conferred me as Knight, so this time I will lead the work."

The other three almost lifted the table.

Freiya almost jumped up, she asked a little excitedly: "When did he canonize you?"

Skadi said seriously: "Just arrived in Trapani. At that time Charles FireWire canonized me as Knight, and I also completed his test. Dana was also there at that time."

Dana recalled, she suddenly remembered Charles patted Skadi's shoulder in the restaurant, and laughed at her. It's his own Knight, let her win the drinking tournament.

The canonization of the line of fire has a long history. It is very common during wars. The big nobles can canonize Knight as a grass-roots officer before the war begins, and can also canonize Knight before the battle to improve morale, and even the situation is chaotic. It was time to enshrine the guards for Knight to command the army or negotiate with the enemy about surrender.

If Skadi is to be true, Charles's approach is really conferred her as his own Knight.

Dana hurriedly said: "Charles was just joking with you."

Skadi retorted: "He patted me on the shoulder, gave me the order, and I did it. The task, the whole process is in compliance with the rules, if he is joking, he will not finish the whole process."

Freiya followed: "He just asked you to drink, not on the battlefield."


Skadi gave her a sideways look and said, "The dining table is like a battlefield. You have said that for almost two thousand years."

Ada said: "He has prepared the Knight Ring for you. Is it?"

Skadi said: "Do we see rare examples of getting on the boat and then making up the fare?"

The other three people have nothing at this time. The only question is after finding Charles Can be solved.

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