As the days passed, the weather became gradually warmer.

Located in the south of the Spirit Tree Sea, the past few days are cloudless, and the durians on the tree are a little wilted by the sun.

For a time, the streets in the city are like a garden just after spring. Colorful parasols add beautiful scenery to the cities.

In the city of Osmanthus, Elizabeth, wearing a light blue dress, a small handbag, and a yellow umbrella in her hand, walked alone on the street and moved towards the Commerce District.

Today is Elizabeth’s day off. In the morning, a waiter who lost the lottery in her waiter room gave her some ice cream shop vouchers that were about to expire. The reason for that waiter was to schedule shifts. If you can't make it, please ask the commander to help eat these ice creams.

When Elizabeth received the voucher, the attendants were sighed in relief, as if they had won a difficult battle.

No way, Elizabeth's temper has become more and more grumpy recently.

The day before yesterday, Henry, the head of the attendant's room, was skewed by two millimeters in the collar of his uniform. Elizabeth punished him to drag the headquarters building from the top of the building to the basement with a mop on the grounds of disorganization.

Not to mention the staff of the General Staff, even Chief of Staff Dixon tried not to see Elizabeth for a while.

The leaders move their mouths and their subordinates break their legs, and those new staff members are unlucky.

Yesterday, the elves of the attendant's room and the staff had a secret discussion and decided to let your commander go eat some ice cream to lower the anger.

This ice cream shop in Osmanthus City just opened this year. The ice cream here has a variety of varieties and unique flavors. It is a chain that has just become popular this year.

The boss of this store is Adonis who is working for Charles. This transmigrator took the time to start his own ice cream shop while helping Charles at the Greentown construction site.

Charles didn't care about this. As long as it doesn't affect his job, it doesn't matter whether Yadunis opened an ice cream shop or codewords.

In this weather, there are a lot of elves who come to eat ice cream. Elizabeth saw many elves gathering in front of the store queuing from a distance.

Elizabeth speeds up and walks into the store. She has an officer's card and doesn't have to wait in line.

As soon as she entered the store, she found that the decoration of this ice cream shop was quite unique, and she knew it was not the style of this world.

It’s just that Elizabeth soon found out that she seemed a bit out of tune with the atmosphere of the store. The seats were either couples or parents with children. Only she was an elf. of.

She found a corner seat and sat down, put the sunshade by her side, and then took out a stack of vouchers from her handbag.

The waiter asked after seeing so many vouchers: "His Royal Highness, do you want to serve them one by one or together?"

Elizabeth said without thinking: "Just take one at a time."

The waiter left. She drowsily put her elbow on the table, her chin resting on her palm, and looked boredly at the other elves in the shop.

Elf’s hearing is very good, and Elizabeth’s hearing is one of the very best among elves. Not far away, the sound of a couple's conversation at the table entered her long ears.

The elf girl mysteriously said to her boyfriend: "Did you know, when I was in Greentown a few days ago, I chatted with a client from the north, and that client brought the latest news from His Royal Highness Charles. "

The boyfriend of the elf girl cooperated and asked in a surprised tone: "What's the news?"

I only heard the elf girl sneaky gestures and said: "I heard that he can have so many times in one night!"

The young man sucked in a breath of cold air and exclaimed: "Actually twice more than me!"

"en?!" The elf girl suddenly stared at her boyfriend, her eyes widened, and then said in a voice colder than the ice cream in front of her: "You better explain..."

A platter of fruit ice cream was placed in front of Elizabeth, and her heart was as cold as this ice cream.

There is no other reason, that is, the information about Charles that has been sent back recently is similar to this.

If it's just one or two similar content, Elizabeth will not treat it as the same thing.

However, last year Charles and Diana were "cupping". Nicholas II not only found the real Demon King of Abyss City, Altria, to educate the two of them, but also wrote to Elizabeth said this.

Just at the beginning of the year, Elizabeth received an official document from the Salt Lake City Gendarmerie on the Northern Prairie about Charles molesting women after drinking.

People’s weaknesses can basically be attributed to "drinking and wealth." Charles is not good at alcohol, and wealth itself is a lot. Because even if he is young, he will be forgiven by others, so the dukedom guys in Milan want to influence The odds of the "Battle of the Full Moon" are focused on the item of "color".

I just don’t know how, the rumors from Milan dukedom suddenly got out of control, and the story about Charles's obsession with lust and incapable of extricating himself was suddenly full of continents.

With the previous preparation, Elizabeth had to seriously think about whether one or two of these rumors were true.

It's just that the more Elizabeth thinks, the more irritable she gets, because these paragraphs are so real, as if the narrator had witnessed the absurd things Charles did.

The most important thing is that Charles has recently disappeared suddenly, as if he was absconding in fear of crime.

Elizabeth seems to treat the ice cream in front of her as Charles, she scoops out a large piece of ice cream fiercely with a spoon fiercely without the appearance of a lady, and then puts it in her mouth and chews it fiercely.

When she was eating the second ice cream with flowers, she took out the book "99 Tips for Educating a Child" and read it, there was a murderous aura faintly between her eyebrows.

There are many elves who know Elizabeth in the store, and the look of Her Highness the Princess was quickly seen by everyone.

For a time, various gossips were flying in the Osmanthus City, and everyone was discussing whether Her Highness the Princess would have any big action on the battlefield next.

As for the book Elizabeth is holding, the elves have excuses such as "changing the cover" to explain why the single Her Highness the Princess reads the parenting book.

And Charles, the source of all this, was caught in the construction site by He Dou Dagger at this time, helping the dwarves and giant dragons to work in the scorching sun.

After leaving City of Knowledge, Charles took the sword of slime to forge Holy Land to find a dagger, intending to show him the weapon that their senior created to kill the gods.

As a result, He Dou Dagger didn’t have much interest in the sword of slime. He grabbed Charles and went to the royal capital of the Kingdom of Villingen, Ciddy City, and came to the "Fillingen Iron Pagoda" under construction. Construction Site.

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