Go west across the vast forest, and then far west, there is a huge forest, where goblin has been nurtured for unknown years.

For more than three hundred years, few goblins have lived in dangerous forests. Most of them moved to the outside of the forest, and then built farms on the edge of the forest. The Fruit Tree was transplanted here to open up an orchard.

Now is the season of grape harvest, many merchants from nearby towns come to goblin's grape farm to buy fresh grapes. Merchants further afield will buy raisins at a later date.

Of course, the most profitable business of the goblins here is the wine they make.

However, ordinary merchants can only buy some of the goblin's own wines from the farm and the inferior products from the wineries of the farms. The good wines are "specially offered" by the military.

"The wine in our winery must be drunk in a circle to drink." A wrinkled, bald goblin filled the glass in front of him with a wine bottle.

"Little children can't drink."

So Charles can only drink water.

"Old squad leader, you have a drink too." Then he poured half a cup into the cup in front of Nicholas II.

Then he stuffed the bottle, leaned on a pair of crutches, took the wine given to him by Nicholas II and hid it behind the counter.

"Old potatoes are this habit, don't care." Nicholas II said to Charles.

You don't care about a Demon King, what do I care about? Charles thought.

Nicholas II continued: "Old Tudou grew up on this Lafite farm. When he first served, he was a soldier under me. After losing a leg in an operation, he retired. I'm back."

The old potatoes with their left leg and left ear half gone are back. Behind him are two chubby goblin aunts, who are holding a large tray in their hands. Three sets consisting of one meat, one vegetable, one soup and coarse-grain steamed buns in ceramic bowls are placed on the tray.

The aunts put the food on the table, bowed to Nicholas II, and ran away. They are just the cooks in the cafeteria of Lafite Farm, not the old iron who carried the knife with Demon King like Old Tudou.

The set meal on the table is very simple, a bowl of plum steamed meat cooked with meat of unknown animal and plum with sour taste, a bowl of boiled wild vegetables, and a bowl with eggs Flowered wild vegetable soup. The staple food is steamed buns made of whole grains.

Nicholas II broke the whole grain steamed buns into pieces and put them in a bowl, and then spooned a few spoonfuls of plum steamed meat gravy into them and ate them together. As he ate, he asked the old potatoes, "Is there anything new on the farm recently?"

The old potatoes "hehe" twice, and then they are excited and talkative. Danger Land said: "The recent excitement is our A Brother’s ugly daughter was able to marry, and he even got the offer."

"Wo Di, good deed, that thing is Divine Sword, it’s said that it was given by someone from the Imperial Family bloodline. Ah, this made Brother A and his wife linger for a long time."

"A lot of people around came to watch the fun."

"That day, our field manager and Brother A Together, they created a "wine tasting and sword appreciation party" in an open space outside. Customers who bought our farm’s wine can only go to see the sword. If you buy more than one barrel at a time, you can touch the sword. "

"Those who came to watch the show had to scold us for being unconscionable while paying for it. Anyway, all the wines we haven't sold this year have been sold."


"Later, Abyss City came, and the old guys from the temple and Royal Academy came. But they had to buy wine if they wanted to watch the sword. That day the old bamboo pole of the former Mage team and the field leader scolded After more than half an hour, in the end I still had to pay the money obediently."

"Finally, the people from the military police also came to investigate if Brother A was a lie. The old Mantou who led the team said which one was blind. Only the very ugly person in his house would be appreciated by the one who saw him. As a result, Brother A hit the old mantou injured badly with many teeth knocked out. Several of us Old Brothers also went up and kicked out. Who made him several decades old? His mouth still smells so bad."

Charles who was about to eat the steamed buns stayed there for a long time. He finally knew why Nicholas II said to bring him to the demon race after the incident at Weilong Mountain was over. While buying gifts, he teleported to this farm.

It turns out that this is the hometown of the goblin A...

Old Tudou continued: "In the end, the girl in the sword came out to prove that when the man gave the sword, he said clearly. The sword was given to Brother A’s daughter, and the man said that Brother A’s daughter is beautiful."

"It wasn’t until the wine on the farm was sold out a few days ago that the grapes in the field should also be harvested. Now, Brother A’s vacation is over, and this matter just ended."

Then he found out that Charles was motionless there, so he asked: "What's the matter, young man, this dish is not to your appetite?"

Charles shook the head, and then continue to learn Nicholas II to eat buns.

The plum steamed meat here is very delicious. When I ate it, I realized that a little beet was added to the bottom of the bowl. The sour and sweet taste is very appetizing. The meat is also very soft. It may have been softened by the juice of the plums. It just melts in the mouth.

The meat and vegetables in the farm canteen are basically steamed. The meat and spices are placed in small bowls, and some are placed on a huge steamer with several layers.

But because it was the arrival of the Demon King, there was a small bowl in the steamer, and Charles had indeed become a big bowl in front of them.


The bell rang, the signal to eat.

Goblins in small groups who harvest grapes on the farm came to the cafeteria for lunch.

Old Tudou had finished his lunch while talking, and now he is sitting behind the counter giving the goblins meal tickets.

The goblins who came to eat took out from their pockets something that made Charles stunned-with a card made of cardboard, they handed the card to the old potato. The old potato used charcoal. After the pen drew on it, he took out a meal ticket from the counter and gave it to the other party.

Then the goblins took the meal tickets to the cafeteria window to have a meal. Each one had one meat, one vegetarian, one soup and one steamed bun, but there was no egg drop in their soup.

Not long after, some humans, demon race, tigerkin uncle, and uncle werewolves also came here to eat. They were merchants who came to purchase. But they don't have a meal card, and they have to pay cash for meals.

At this moment, a young goblin woman, who is estimated to be in her thirties, walked towards Charles and them with a bowl.

This young goblin woman is about the same size as Charles, wearing a linen overalls, and under the hat is shoulder-length golden hair. Her green ears are pointed and long, almost catching up with Elizabeth, and the nose on her face is also pointed. The pair of milk froths on her chest are of the Annapurna level in proportion, and the belly is almost flush with the crest. Her hands and feet appear to be sturdy, and she can be seen from a pair of calloused hands that she is a working people.

In the eyes of goblin, she is a beautiful young woman with peerless grace and elegance, because she walked along, many male goblin peeped at her for various reasons.

"Why don't you tell me when Demon King Your Majesty is here." The young goblin said to Nicholas II, "You can't drink during working hours. I will use soup instead of wine to toast Demon King. "

Nicholas II was always familiar with her. After raising the soup bowl and touching her, the two of them dried the soup and vegetables together.

After putting down the bowl, Nicholas II asked her: "Camellia, what is your harvest this year?"

"No way." The young woman named Camellia sighed Said, “The devil beasts that ran out of the forest in the summer have harmed many livestock and crops, and the young men have also injured several. One of them is almost disabled and can only do light work now. This year’s harvest has been greatly affected. It's big."

Charles gave the young woman a thumbs up in his heart.

When leaders make public inspections, they naturally report on the positive side of the farm.

When a leader visits in private, he will naturally report as many difficulties as there are difficulties, and make reports if there are no difficulties. Only in this way can we use rare opportunity and leadership to demand policies and resources.

Nicholas II listened to Camellia’s report with solemn expression throughout the whole process, and then affirmed that Lafite Farm under the leadership of the farm manager Camellia showed that he was not afraid of difficulties, faced difficulties, and pioneered. Spirit.

Then...it's gone!

Although the Camellia has been prepared, it is inevitably disappointed.

Just kidding, Nicholas II is the Demon King. His words and deeds represent the direction of the country's policy. How can he dare to benefit a certain unit? If he dares to make an opening for Lafite Farm today, tomorrow Baicui Farm and Mouton Farm will dare to take Lafite Farm as an example to seek the local government's benefit. Then, all the farms all over the country learn from each other, and finally they get messed up.

At this time, there was a burst of cheering from the children outside the cafeteria.

Charles and they were sitting on the table by the window. From the dining table, you could see a group of little goblins carrying schoolbags rushing towards the cafeteria.

Then Charles saw a lonely silhouette among the crowd.

A six-year-old goblin girl who is wearing a coarse school uniform and carrying a small schoolbag like other children walks alone on the road. There is no little goblin within a few meters of her.

Although the portrait that goblin A showed to Charles that day was painted two or three years ago, her appearance is really easy to recognize. Among the goblin group, only her nose and ears are not sharp and long, but they appear to be a little bit sharper than the little human girl. If her skin were also green, she wouldn't be able to tell that she was a goblin at all.

Three little goblin boys walking in front of her suddenly stopped, and then turned to her and shouted: "very ugly person! very ugly person! toad lusting after a swan's flesh of very ugly person!" "

The little girl stopped, and then she unbuttoned the schoolbag on her back and held it in her hand, then rushed to the three boys, smashing them with the schoolbag and crying. Shouting mother.

That neat skill, with a trace of her father's style.

"Oh..." Camellia sighed, "The child is a bit...a bit unprecedented, so he has been bullied by other children."

"I saw you last time She was still three years ago when her father took her to Abyss City to play.” Nicholas II said, “I didn’t expect her to have such a good skill now.”

“Fighting with people at school every day Typed out." Camellia sighed again, "Old A and Bottle Gourd are all cream of the crop. They didn't expect their daughters to be positive and negative."

On the issue of ethnic aesthetic differences, Charles does not want to comment too much.

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