In the windy weather, the wind direction is not right. The cargo ship entering the port lowered its sails, paddled with the oars, and followed the guiding ship into the special wharf for grain transportation.

The Port of Bosnia and Herzegovina was extremely busy during this period. The food purchased by the City of Knowledge parties was pulled here by boat, and many small and small noble-employed yachts from all over the world accounted for a small half. Pier.

On a cargo ship, a chubby man standing on the bow of the ship, with his neck up, seems to be looking for something in the sky.

The boss of the ship arranged for the boat to dock, and then came to the bow and said to that fatty: "Master Pietland, we are here."

Pitrain took back his eyes with disappointment. A four-winged thing flew by just now, which made him very curious.

The cargo ship needs some formalities to unload. A middle-aged noble took two tax collectors on board.

Rigoletto was appointed by Charles to purchase grain. He is dedicated to his job and neglect sleep and forget about food. In recent days, he has come to the front line to pay close attention to the quality of grain.

It's the season of non-stop, the grain is pulled from the grain depot, and if you are careless, you will be shoddy by the profiteers.

Rigoleto knew that he was a Boss when he looked at Pietrain’s figure. He walked over and asked: "How much food did you bring and how is the quality?"

Pitrain Pointing to the solid wooden box tied to the plywood, he said: "I have brought all Fillip eggs. The eggs and duck eggs of the entire Andorra dukedom and surrounding areas are here."

Rigo Leto is frowned. It’s not that there are no Fillip eggs for sale here. Slime Basin has production, but Ji Shijun sells preserved eggs as luxury goods outside the basin, and the price is not cheap.

What City of Knowledge needs now is food to fill the stomach and meat that can last. If you spend money to sell luxury goods and ship it, Goletto will definitely be scolded by Charles.

Rigoleto has already figured out Charles' style of behavior, which is pragmatic and does not engage in falsehoods, so he also has to act in Charles' style.

Pitland has been experienced in doing business in the past few years. He saw Rigoletto’s thoughts and said: "These are all given to Charles, you help me give it to your master That’s fine."

"I’m friends with your lord, you tell him that it was sent by Maria and Brando’s big brother."

Rigoleto thought about it for a moment. , Remembering what Charles had tossed about in Andorra back then, he looked at his figure and asked: "Are you Pietrain Baron?"

Pitrain told Rigoletto After showing their power and precepts, the conversation between the two became relaxed and pleasant.

It didn’t take much time for the handover procedure. Pietrain asked Rigoletto in a low voice: “Yesterday Charles’ manor on the island was attacked. Do you know what’s going on?”

Rigoleto shook the head slightly. Several people have asked about it today, and he himself doesn't know any deeper information.

Pitland asked another thing: "I saw a big guy flying in the sky just now, do you know what it is?"

Rigoletto pointed out Pointing to the east, he said: "If you are interested, you can go to the airport to the east and have a look. Many people have the same problems as you." In fact, he doesn't know much, so he can only make those who are curious. Of people went to the airport to see it.

After setting up a large-scale caravan, Pietland took Bi Li and stopped a rental carriage on the side of the road. He knew the place as soon as the carriage husband knew it.

When Charles was hired by Pietland to protect the team five years ago, Bili joined the team with Ai Li and Xi Li.

It's just that a lot of things happened along the way. Ai Li and Xi Li became Charles's discipline, and Bi Li chose to follow Pietrain to run the caravan.

In this small caravan, Pietrain is in charge of external contact, and Bi Li is in charge of internal management.

The rental carriage quickly sent the two to outside the airport.

The airport is not very far from the city, but the area is not small, mainly because nearly a hundred aircraft need to be parked.

There is no hangar here. The simple hangar is just stand up with a few sturdy pillars, and then cover the top with waterproof slime cloth. When needed, all around and then use slime cloth to surround it.

Because of this, those curious onlookers can see these machines that can fly into the sky.

The periphery of the airport is surrounded by thorn nets. Behind the thorn nets are a circle of trenches. Behind the trenches are several watchtowers. Those who dare to sneak in greet them with crossbow arrows.

When Pietland came here, he found that a lot of people had gathered in this place, and they were making comments about the winged guys not far away.

Hearing someone opened their mouths "speed" and closed "load", it sounded very knowledgeable, Pietland leaned over curiously.

Bi Li still has a lot of Eldest Young Lady temperament. She didn't get to be with a bunch of men, but stayed a little farther to watch the excitement.

There is a side door not far from where they are. From time to time, humans, elves, giant dragons and beastmans working in the airport enter and exit.

Some people from the south are very curious about the beastman appearing here, and Bili at first also started, but they were relieved when they thought that this was Charles's territory.

When she was a child, she lived in the kingdom of Rerik in the north. She had heard of the relationship between Megadon Family and beastman.

At this time, there were a few soldiers wearing hurricane wyvern cavalry from the Kingdom of Reylik who were preparing to walk into the airport. Bi Li hadn't seen this familiar costume for many years and couldn't help but glance at them more.

Only these two eyes showed her a familiar silhouette.


Bi Li yelled at the few people uncertainly.

Albert, who was chatting with his comrades, paused, he looked towards Bi Li, and after a few seconds of doubt, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Albert and his comrades said a few words and walked over, and asked uncertainly: "Are you...Miss Bili?"

"It's me!" Bi Li was very happy after seeing her acquaintance. "Is the teacher okay now?"

Albert’s father is a well-known local scholar. Bi Li’s parents hired him as Bi Li. Li's enlightenment teacher.

If it weren’t for Billy’s parents to get involved in the child abduction case that year was wiped out by Auston I, when Billy grows up, Albert’s father will become her steward, Albert became the steward of the farm or caravan.

Albert replied: "Father is doing well now. He is now the Principal of a royal school."

Bi Li looked at Albert's officer uniform and expressed emotion. Said: "Didn't expect you to become Knight."

Albert said proudly: "This is the grace of Your Majesty."

Bi Li felt a little sad in her heart, Back then, she was the Eldest Young Lady who lived a carefree life in the castle. Albert was a very cautious child who would shine with both eyes when he saw Knight.

We only met again after many years, Albert has become Knight and entered the noble class, and Bi Li’s own family has been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and she has become a man running for three meals a day. civilian.

Albert was quickly called away by his fellow Meyer, and now Meyer is their leader. If he is not obedient, he will be arranged to clean up the feces of Hurricane Wyvern.

At this time, there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd around. A dark green machine with two pairs of wings ran more than two hundred meters on the track and then went up into the sky.

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