There were a lot of onlookers outside the airport. Mantua planned a "dining street" there to allow people to gather together so that they would not run around and affect the surrounding traffic .

Pitland and Bi Li casually found a good stall and had a simple lunch, and then Pitland went to listen to those "uncle party" and "friend party" bragging.

It has become a gathering place for intelligence personnel from all countries and forces, especially the Bischberg Kingdom, which is famous for its Griffon air riders. They have sent many spies and Griffon Knights to collect aircraft information.

The Kingdom of Rurik, the Spirit King and Charles, who did not want to be named, don’t care about these people, just look at them, and they also released the wind to these flying guys two thousand Ole gold One coin, with blueprint for airport construction.

But if you want to buy it, you have to go to the Spirit King Court to get a flight driver's license.

It’s just that those noble masters don’t look rich, but most of them are fixed assets, and the cash flow may not be comparable to the larger Chamber of Commerce. It is difficult for them to take out so much cash. .

The big one can’t afford it, so buy the small one.

Commercially sensitive elves sell power delta wings at the airport. If you don't have money to buy it, you can spend some money to buy a ticket, and then a wizard will take you to the sky to experience it.

Pitland dejectedly left the ticket office for the power delta tour, he was overweight.

At this time, there was a clamor at the edge of the airport, and Pietran pulled Bi Li and hurried over.

The crowd of onlookers A somewhat excitedly said: "Look, there are a lot of people going up this time, and there are some goods."

The crowd B knows everything and said: "It looks like we are going to the island today."

Bi Li saw two different planes parked at the end of the runway. They were all white, one of which was longer and the other had wider wings. a little.

Then she saw Albert and the others line up in front of an airplane, listening to the training.

Meyer was not with Albert. There were two planes taking off today, one of them and the other.

Today’s flight plan was made by them, and the two of them need to fly together to confirm the gap between the plan and the actual operation.

There are two pilots on the transport plane that Meyer is on. The captain is an elf named Burbridge, and the co-pilot is a young giant dragon sister.

In addition to a porter among the passengers on the plane, there was an old man, an extremely burly middle age person, and the inner box used to test the parachute dropped supplies.

"The Eagle's Nest calls, please answer No. 111."

There was a sound from the cockpit speaker.

Burbridge did not wear headphones but turned on the big speakers in the cockpit, because the headphones are not very friendly to the elf's long ears, and the ears hurt after wearing them for a long time.

According to his experience, if the passengers behind can hear sounds outside the plane, they can alleviate their pressure.

"Response No. 111, received the Eagle’s Nest signal, the signal is clear."

Meyer watched enviously as the captain was using the wireless communicator to talk to the tower. He used to drive Hurricane Wyvern. At the time, everyone can only communicate with gestures and the like.

"The Eagle's Nest calls, please answer No. 211."

Soon after, the voice of the captain of another aircraft also appeared in the horn.

It didn't take long for the tower to allow two planes to take off.

Burbridge turned on a switch in front of him, and there was a sound of "pēng pēng pēng" immediately from the nose. It was the magic array in the internal combustion engine that exploded at a very high frequency, and then pushed the piston to proceed. sports.

The propeller spun quickly, Burbridge released the brakes, and the transport plane began to move forward slowly, faster and faster.

Meyer sat in the seat closest to the cockpit and stared at Burbridge's every move through the hatch.

The plane quickly flew into the blue sky. Just after noon, they moved towards the east again. The sun was not directly in the cockpit. The captain quickly took off his sunglasses and hung them on the cockpit. Next to the seat.

Meyer looked out the window, another transport plane was following them on the right back side, and the two captains were communicating through the communicator.

Ten minutes after takeoff, the tower contacted the two planes again.

Five minutes later, Burbridge began to call the tower, "No. 111 is calling the Eagle's Nest." × 2

"The Eagle's Nest received it, please speak to the 111." The tower responded quickly.

Burbridge said: "We have seen Castle One, whether the first positioning test can be started, and it is over."

Replied in the speaker: "Thirty seconds later The test begins."




With the countdown sound of the tower, Burbury Qi turned on a switch, and a brisk sound of music came out of the speaker.

Meyer stood outside the cockpit door curiously. He did not dare to enter the cockpit at will. According to the regulations, anyone who entered the cockpit without the captain's permission could be killed on the spot.

He could see through the glass in front of him that there was a castle on the top of a hill on the ground, which was getting closer and closer.

Determining the position in the air is a compulsory course for the air knights like Meyer, and they usually locate it through ground reference objects.

It’s just that this is okay in a familiar area and a place with a map. If you are in a strange place, find a village and fly down to ask for directions.

Now he is very curious that the elves are positioning the planes in the sky.

The countdown ended when the plane flew over the castle.

After two minutes, a voice came from the tower: "The Eagle's Nest is calling 111."

"Your location is 5° due north by east, and the distance is 50.4 kilometers. "

The giant dragon girl sitting in the passenger seat is holding a map. She looked at the map and said: "Excluding the height error, the position is basically correct."

Meyer thought about it there. He was very interested in this positioning technology, and vaguely felt that it was related to the piece of music just now.

The elves have been studying magic communication positioning technology for a long time, and used it in actual combat many years ago, in order to discover and destroy an important murloc headquarters.

During the revolutionary development of Magic Brain in the past few years, a new positioning system that uses Magic Brain for calculations was put into use. The work that originally took half a day to complete was solved in one minute.

This time Bosnia and Herzegovina Airport is equipped with a new positioning system to provide navigation services for transport aircraft flying over the sea.

Under the guidance of the spirit of Demon King and Elf Queen "Training through battle, combining combat and training", the air transport forces of the two air forces participated in the "Bridge of Friendship-1928" joint operation in a state of war. .

Therefore, Charles received great support when preparing for this operation. It is still considered that the new type of transport aircraft, the new positioning system and the communication system and other new technical equipment are all pulled for actual combat exercises.

After another ten minutes, the plane flying westward along the river flew to the mouth of the sea.

Meyer in the air saw the War God cathedral, the headquarters of the War God Temple on the north bank of the river estuary below. If you look to the right, you can see the Cathedral of Light on the south bank corner of the far estuary.

The captain measured the position again, and then moved towards the sea to the east according to the instructions on the compass.

At this time, the plane began to turbulence, and the wind on the sea was a bit bigger than that on land. The small plane weighing several tons could not withstand the attack of the air current and began to turbulence up and down.

"Are everyone wearing seat belts?" Burbridge moved towards the cabin shouted.

Meyer and other passengers, who were so overwhelmed that they were about to vomit out for lunch, responded with no problem.

At this time, the giant dragon girl turned her head and said: "Don't worry, if there is a problem with the plane, I can bring it back with you"

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