Evening breeze blowing on the bay

White waves chasing the beach

No coconut trees embellished by the setting sun

It's just a blue sea

Walking on the beach by the sea

Go back and forth

Suddenly on the beach at dusk

There are two and a half tentacles

I saw two long and one short tentacles protruding out of the sea like lightning, moving towards the person closest to the sea on the beach stabbed.

The shorter tentacles directly knocked down the long sword in the hands of the man by the sea, and the normal long tentacles trapped the target's hands and feet.

Mudred and Gawain on the side just resisted symbolically, and then watched Lancelot be captured by the tentacle monster.

Since the tentacle monster appeared that night, people patrolling the shore have encountered several attacks in the past two days.

Everyone was prepared in advance, only some people were injured and a tentacle was cut off at the same time.

According to the analysis of the murlocs living on the island, this is a huge deep-sea king squid. This squid is not only intelligent, but also very powerful. Many murlocs are captured and eaten by them.

Altria judged its infested area based on the location of the previous attacks, and sent Lancelot, who volunteered to fight, with the assistance of Modred and Gawain.

The sea is very calm, there is no trace of fighting, the waves moved towards the beach "oh la la oh la la".

Mudred said with some concern: "Will he fail."

Gawain said: "He said he learned a lot of water fighting with the fairies in the lake. We should trust him."

After a few minutes, there was a little movement on the sea. It was not the current caused by the battle, it was more like something huge coming out of the water.

Soon, a huge block of ice like an iceberg surfaced, shocking Mordred and Gawain.

Not long after, Lanstro walked from the sea to the beach.

He looks tired, his clothes are in tatters, and he just stood there panting for breath when he got out of the water.

When he recovered a little, he returned to the beach and sat down on the ground.

Gawain walked to his side and said: "It doesn't seem to be difficult to deal with."

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhh...it's not difficult to deal with because I'm the one who goes down... …Hu hu …" Lancelot panted, "I think I will be eaten if you go down."

"This guy is too big, I use'[Freeze] Perfect Freeze' I almost didn't freeze it."

Gawain looked at the huge ice block ten meters long and several meters wide on the sea, and said: "Indeed, it's a difficult guy to deal with."


The next thing is simple. They call for a man to get the deep sea king squid frozen in the ice ashore.

The body of this squid is thirteen-fourteen meters long, and the longest tentacle is thirty meters long.

At night, Charles and Diana shared a one-meter-long squid tentacle.

They are off for two days today and tomorrow, and they don’t have to go to the beach to be on duty.

In the kitchen, Diana first uses a little bit of hot oil to fry the shallots and ginger slices in a pot, then add water, put in the sliced ​​squid meat and some wine and cook until cooked, then put it Add rice and cook it into porridge, and add a little salt at the end.

After she has cooked it, she separates it out a bit, and takes it to the Wolf Old Master who has been doing a lot of things lately.

When she came back, she found that Charles was still frowned sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Diana saved a bowl of squid porridge and sat next to Charles, took out a spoon and blew it, then handed it to Charles’s mouth, "Ah..."

Charles corner of the mouth twitched, then opened his mouth.

As a result, Diana closed her hand and ate the squid porridge by herself.

"Why are you so skilled," Charles said.

"I want to eat myself." Diana kicked him. "It's not easy to be a big sister. My brother and my younger sisters are all fed by me."

When Charles went to the kitchen to serve porridge, Diana asked him, "Still thinking about the compensation?"

"Yes." Charles returned to the living room and said, "Didn't expect ah, take a risk The action of the guild of adventurers will be so fast and decisive. Not only will it take responsibility for the riot, but the compensation will be paid in place today."

The action of the guild of adventurers caused Charles to punch the cotton. He suspected that someone in the Adventurer's Union would be against him, so he planned to lead the contradiction there. As a result, the Adventurer's Union would also use the "money ability" to solve the problem.

Those damaged businesses have received reconstruction compensation and living compensation, and this living compensation will be issued until the sea is restored.

Charles demonstrated the power of air transportation early in the morning, and now people are waiting for him to bring food with money.

Diana asked: "What are your plans?"

Charles said: "Start the dry run as planned. The wind is less tonight, and the next ten days will be Good weather, the air transport headquarters has been arranged."

"How can you double the capacity of the transport aircraft in the west, and the extra cargo weight has little effect on the aircraft?"

Diana said nonchalantly: "This insignificant ability is nothing more than the insignificant stretch spell of the same series as Newt Scamander's suitcase. This technique is already very mature on my side."

Charles froze for a moment, and then he remembered the box in the movie that was carrying a bunch of magical animals.

He said with embarrassment: "The logistics cost on your side must be very cheap."

"It's okay." Diana said, "Including the cost of maintaining the spell. , It’s a small profit."

Charles asked curiously: "Then do you often go to enchant the transport plane?"

"If the spell fails halfway, isn’t it? It's over?"

Diana gave him a blank look and said: "Did you think I haven't considered it? This spell is always on the transport plane. As long as the key parts of the fuselage are not broken, it will not be broken. Demon God After washing hard, it can be used for a long time."

"Moreover, the principle of space magic in this spell is different from this world, so I am not afraid of conflicts with storage ring."

Charles is serious He said: "This is a strategic-level spell."

He quickly thought of the great effect of this innocuous stretching curse. The military effect is extremely scary, and the effect on civilian transportation is even greater. For fear, at least the Spring Festival transport problem can be greatly alleviated.

At this time, Diana said: "Don't expect to collect patent fees for this technology, I donated it."

Charles said: "You donated it, this spell is really too terrifying. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it can change the pattern of the world."

He asked again: "Will others learn this spell?"

Diana uses a spoon in the air After writing a few symbols, Charles looked at those familiar symbols and thought about it, and said in surprise: "Runes?"

Charles has played Diablo for many years in his previous life. I remember a few runes. What the text looks like is not surprising.

Diana said: "If you want to steal technology, you have to learn runes first, otherwise everything will not be discussed."

"In addition, the other party has to speak the Spirit Master, otherwise there is no way. Activate."

Charles sighed in relief, it seems that this kind of strategic spell is safe.

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