After some toss, those entangled water plants finally turned into a burst of white divine force with a little light and dissipated all around.

Charles knew that these plants must be the ghost of Reimu when he saw the divine force.

So he resolutely and decisively said: "This must be the ghost of the big tentacle mushroom you said. I don't have that strong power."

Ice The dining table had already prepared a place for Bismiao. Purple cabbage helped him arrange the clothes with little cloth on his body and then helped him to sit down.

Then he pulled Tilby's house back to its place, sitting on the ground with a smoke ring in his mouth.

Charles cautiously asked the purple cabbage: "You and that tentacle mushroom...have a grudge?"

The purple cabbage said with a faint smile: "Don't care, just But we have fought a few times before, and he hasn't won."

Charles sighed in relief, and then asked Ada to go to the sea to fry some fish back.

Good in the vicinity, there are many big fishes that were scared to the shore. Ada quickly caught a golden big fish similar to a golden spear back.

The girls were busy, and the paper-thin fish fillets were soon on the table.

While eating the purple cabbage, he asked Charles: "How do you plan to cooperate with us? We have a lot of them."

Charles replied: "I have a plan, you can discuss it "

"I know your number. I was chased a while ago and I had nowhere to escape. To take in everyone, you need an area large enough so that the locals will not conflict with you. Place."

"I happen to know a place where people can cooperate with you for mutual benefit, even if you build a church there, it doesn’t matter."

Cabbage asked calmly: "With such good conditions, what do we need to do?"

For them, a place to stay is enough. To build a church is what they don’t even dare to do. Think of the conditions.

Having a church means being able to collect Power of Faith, and having enough Power of Faith can restore power.

It's just that they have been known as Evil God for many years as the former defeated. Is there a place for them on this planet? Can those in the sky allow them to open their bases with peace of mind?

In the face of this great benefit, they are not blindly optimistic.

Tilby House showed a serious look and asked: "Aren't you coveting our beauty?"

"If so, I can My elder sister pledged it to you, you can do whatever you want...Ouch..."

Bismiao smashed his head and put the younger sister into silence, and said to Charles: "This all day If you don’t sleep, just use it for you."

Charles just looked at them with a smile on his face, he wouldn’t believe that these gods would simply let himself climb up on them. The bed, they just made bad checks for lack of chips.

He asked: "I wonder if you are interested in protecting a sea and territories and cultivating a country's navy?"

The three of them stopped being cute and began to look at Charles carefully.

Purple Cabbage said: "Your ambition is very big."

Charles is just shrugged, and then said: "This is not my ambition alone, but the far-reaching of a country. Hope."

Purple cabbage asked again: "Can you represent a country?"

Charles sighed deeply and said, "I have the final say about the navy."

That day Novikov gave him a dice for him to choose a job, but when he put the dice on the table, ⚂ was at the top.

There are a lot of units that the Kingdom of Rurik tried to let Charles join. The Army wants him to go to the newly formed imaginary enemy force. The Air Force wants to plug him into the transport aircraft regiment, and Industrial Port intends to let him do machinery. For the manufacturing job, Agricultural Port prepared him for the combine harvester project, and the railway system also reserved a place for him.

Later, the Navy also joined forcefully as an army nursing home. Because the former Marine Marshal was too old, he couldn't even reach the bottom line of ten days a month, so he completely retired to the nursing home not long ago.

The news of a bunch of old fogey is very well-informed, so everyone agreed that His Highness the Crown Prince should be arrested as the navy marshal, so that he can get more pensions for everyone, so that he can have more More time to spend a day with a book and a cup of tea.

The political unwritten rules of the Rurik Kingdom are the army first, so the 1 to 3 of the dice are the Army System, and the navy nursing home is naturally the last.

So when it was very nonsense, things happened. His Royal Highness Charles became a marshal directly when he enlisted in the army, and he completed the things that others have struggled for a lifetime at the age of sixteen.

If you are in the army or the air force, you will gossip about Crown Prince at first not as a recruit but as a second lieutenant, but in the navy, when he becomes a marshal, everyone is joking.

It's not that the Kingdom of Rurik doesn't want to develop a navy, but all efforts have been shattered by the devil beast in the sea.

It is a pity that the navy brand was withdrawn, so the officers who had outstanding meritorious services but suffered from the root cause of the disease in the war, and were not able to retire early, and were unable to do heavy work, went here for retirement after being promoted to Level 1. .

This also led to half of the textbooks in the major academies of the Rurik Kingdom Army that were written by the Navy.

Anyway, he will stay there in recent years, so Demon King Your Majesty signed and sealed the Marine Marshal’s commission, and I will talk about it later.

Charles learned of this when he went to the Hell of Flames today to see if the Demon God subordinates he had sent over were burned to death. He was embarrassed at the time.

Nicholas II patted Xi's head while saying that you brat is so good that someone had to wear a durian leather helmet.

as the saying goes The new official takes office with three fires, Marshal Yun intends to return to City of Knowledge and then pull Altria into the navy and ask her to clean up the "youngster".

But now the Navy seems to be the best choice to accept them.

There are no big ports in the southern part of the Rurik Kingdom. There are only small fishing ports used by offshore fishing boats. Large areas of coastal areas have not been developed, and they are just used to settle down.

After they joined the navy, they can destroy and expel the devil beasts offshore, so that coastal fishermen don’t have to trembling with fear when they go out to sea, like walking on thin ice, the Heart Demon beast rushed out of the sea.

Charles talked about these things with the three of them, and then asked: "I want to invite you to join the navy. The service period will be set at 20 years. When the time comes, will you extend your service? How about we talk about time?"

Zi Bai Cai asked: "Is the demon race you mentioned is the Jiuli ethnic group?"

Charles startled, he didn't expect Zi Bai Cai to know This, said: "It's them."

Purple cabbage is nodded, and said: "Since it is them, then we promised."

"At the beginning, we promised to take care of it. They, but we didn’t expect that we were defeated and sealed soon."

Diana asked in surprise: "Do you know Panpan?"

Purple cabbage replied: "It is Out of blows friendship grows, he has robbed our transport ship before."

Charles and Diana looked at each other, and it seemed that the old man's path was very wild.

The Tilby House asked at this time: "Then what do you do for us?"

Charles once said the navy's treatment, because it has been used as a nursing home, so the treatment is not low .

Tilby House asked again: "Then we have to listen to you everything, if you let my sister poke, he can't lie down?"

Charles hurriedly Shaking his head, he said, "no no no! We are not that kind of people. We have a perfect system to prevent those ugly incidents from happening within the army."

"All right," said Tilbyzhai." Arrange a relaxing job for me and I agree."

Charles nodded, and looked towards Bismeow.

Bismeow said: "If it’s only twenty years, it’s not unacceptable."

Twenty years is a long time for humans, but it’s not for them. It was just a moment.

The general direction has been negotiated, and then there are complicated details.

Purple Cabbage They also brought a large family companion, and six gods who are still sleeping, their interests still have to be won.

The conversation lasted all night, and at the end Charles should call the horrified Demon King.

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