Not long after Diana left, the Artifact Spirit girls came to watch the boss collectively, and after signing a series of unequal treaties with the boss, they helped him get rid of the divine force. .

Charles returned to normal and went to the beach, sitting on a rock, watching the fishing guys eating fish and chatting on the beach.

There is a kind of "oil fish" in the sea. Its fish is rich in fat. People on the seaside often use it to fry the oil.

During the day, a large group of oily fish were driven to the shore by the devil beast group, preparing to hunt these fishes by the terrain.

As a result, a group of Paladins on duty on the shore dispatched one after another, chopped off the devil beast, and then stunned the oily fish in the sea and caught them back.

The gills and viscera of these slap-sized fish are removed after they have opened their stomachs. After washing them, they can be put into the frying pan to fry the oil after a few strokes.

The remaining fish oil residue after frying still retains the shape of the fish. Lift the tail and dip it in a little salt-salt and pepper is best-put it in your mouth and chew the "ka-cha" The sound couldn't stop.

These anglers possess great magical power. Someone got a small bucket of fish oil residue, and everyone stunned and chatted while eating.

The content of their chat is naturally the past few days of the game. The information of these people is very well-informed, and the predicted number of people who may win the championship has a high degree of overlap with the intelligence provided by Purple Cabbage.

Charles sat on the rock thinking about today's affairs, reflecting on whether he was slack during this period of time.

"Why sit here alone?" A strong slap slapped Charles on the shoulder, almost knocking him out of blood.

"Arnold Your Majesty!" Charles didn't expect the Pope of Temple of War to appear and hurriedly stood up and saluted.

This is not the first time they have met. The two briefly talked a few times during the "Five Emperors Making Rods".

Tonight, Arnold did not wear that gorgeous gown, but was dressed in ordinary cotton clothes with a sword that looked like a bargain on his waist.

He looked at Charles carefully, frowning as if he saw something annoying, and then said: "Your fighting muscles are a lot of waste, but the muscles of a woman are in the best condition."


Charles was so embarrassed that he wanted to jump into the sea.

Arnold patted Charles on the back of the head and said, "Go, follow me for a walk on the sea."

After he said that, he jumped onto the surface of the sea. It's like walking on the ground.

Charles didn't have the ability to float on the water, he hurriedly put on the ship suit and followed.

Tonight, there was some wind and the waves were a bit big, and he was wet by the waves not long after he left.

And Arnold in front of him can be described as dripping, walking on the sea and walking on the grass is no different.

There was a sound of singing from a distant place on the sea, and Charles heart startled.

Arnold said with a smile: "Those sea monster sings very nice songs."

Charles nodded.

Arnold continued: "Their singing is just like the beautiful temptations of Human World. It makes people indulge in them. They forget everything around them and what they should do. The only thing in their heart is the sweetness in the trap. The feeling."

Charles was flushed with shame when he heard what he meant.

And Arnold who is not familiar with him can see his own problems, so those who are familiar with him are no exception.

"It’s good to know that you blush, if you don’t know what’s wrong, I’ll unscrew your head." Arnold said calmly, "Back then, Blanche teacher asked me to take care of you, so I went to help. You got that magic wand, take the opportunity to see who you are."

"Huh?!" Charles startled, "Do you know Queen Blanche?"

At this time, the sea monster in the distance saw two people here delivering the goods, and moved towards them and swam over.

Those sea monsters transformed into "multi-colored" mermaids, if they are almost determined, they will be fascinated.

Charles thought that Arnold would use the long sword around his waist to hack to death those sea monsters, but he didn't expect that he suddenly took out a rifle from the storage ring.



Charles did not look at the sea monster who was headshot in the distance, but instead focused on On the rifle in Arnold's hand.

The shape of the rifle he had never seen before was a bit like 98K. It was more than one meter in length and had a caliber of about eight millimeters. It had no bayonet and was semi-automatic.

It’s just that the gun did not throw its shell, but a gust of wind blew out the contents of the barrel and barrel immediately after each shot.

Arnold's shooting skills are superb, and he can shoot headshots with no difficulty without seeing how he aims.

He clicked and killed those sea monsters and said: "When I was six years old, the village was breached by a devil beast, and the whole village only survived if I hid in a well."

"That was when I prayed to all the gods I knew. Finally, the Blanche teacher sent by War God extended a helping hand to me."

"Then the teacher taught me for two years, two Years later, I took revenge for the village alone."

"The teacher found me that year and said that you are a promising child. Although your innate talent is not high, you work very hard and you will achieve future success. I'm afraid it's no less than me."


"Didn't expect you to let the teacher look away."

Charles opened his mouth, I don't know what to say.

Because he was motivated by his family feud, everyday all was thinking about how to become stronger.

It's just that since he came to the island, he has lost his previous self-discipline and hard work, just like a college student who is addicted to games after three years of hard work and admission to college.

"Next." Arnold threw a rifle to Charles. This rifle looked the same as the one just now, except that it had a long curved magazine.

He said to Charles: "Try shooting at me."

At this time, Charles is using spirit strength to observe this rifle. The barrel is 8mm in diameter and has rifling. The thirty bullets inside are paper shells, the warhead is the structure of a mini bomb, the propellant is a mixture of black powder and some kind of magic crystal powder, there is an explosive magic array in the barrel to ignite the propellant, and there is a blower after firing The magic array blows away the cartridge case and propellant residue.

What surprised him most was the Bischberg royal coat of arms engraved on the gun.

He shook the head after hearing Arnold’s words, and the charge of shooting the pope was enough to make him roast on the fire for 9 by 9, 81 days.

The sea monster in the distance has been scared witless and ran away. There is silence all around, only the sound of the waves.

When Arnold saw that he refused to shoot, he said: "Well, if you hit me as many times, you can get as many things in the treasure house of Temple of War."

Charles took a deep breath, knowing that it would be impossible not to do it.

So he withdrew fifty meters away, aimed at Arnold's right shoulder and fired a shot.

However, Arnold had already predicted the target and timing of his shooting. When the trigger was about to be pulled to the end, he gently slid on his side and escaped the bullet from the muzzle.

Charles' second shot was aimed at the outside of his thigh. When the gunfire was about to sound, Arnold moved slightly to the side, and the bullet flew over his pants.

Next, Charles shot one after another, but Arnold, who was approaching him, could predict his shooting position every time, and casually avoided the bullet.


After thirty rounds of bullets were shot, only a gust of breeze blew out of the barrel, blowing up the hem of Arnold's clothes in front.

Arnold blasted Charles out more than ten meters with a punch, and said: "Remember what you said, the decisive factor of war is people, not weapons."

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