The human heart is the most unpredictable.

Tilby’s patted Charles’ head said: “Don’t think too much. People’s hearts are complicated. Only by relying on a lot of intelligence can a more accurate judgment be made.”

" Let’s go, I’ll take you to a place to relax."

Charles asked suspiciously: "Where?"

"Well... it's my home." Tilby House After thinking about it, "My house is quite big."

Before Charles could react, he felt himself being picked up, and then fell into the water with a "pu-tong" sound.

People in the far side of the lake were shocked when they saw this scene, and they shouted that someone had jumped into the lake and died in love!

No one knew what was at the bottom of the lake in the middle of the island. Some time ago, after Charles transported the water away, everyone found a huge black hole underneath.

It's just that after a short while, the black hole disappeared. Later, the popes personally went into the water and failed to find any useful clues.

Charles, who went down to the lake unpreparedly, "gurgled" bubbles in the water, as if drowning.

It's just that Tilby hugged him tightly and asked him to prepare.

I don't know how long it has been. A heat wave hit Charles and felt extremely uncomfortable. He felt like he was in an oven, and the next moment was about to "zi zi".

"Can you hold on?" Tilby asked him.

Charles looked at all around. They were standing on a metal block surrounded by flowing lava. In addition to the smell of sulfur, they could smell the slime glue on the sole.

"Can't hold on!" Charles was surprised to find that the Fire Element all around was extremely tyrannical, and was drilling into his body.

He wants to use spirit strength to control those Fire Elements so that they don’t get close to him, but the feedback of spirit strength feels very strange, like catching water, and the touch of water flowing past is just catching Can't help.

Tilby House said: "This is the place where those pink brains are sealed."

Charles looked at all around in surprise, that Demon God was sealed in this ghost place. It's choking.

Tilby House continued: "The Fire Element here is the closest Fire Element to the origin on this planet, with extremely high purity."

"If you can control this Fire Element, then your technology to control Fire Element can at least reach the level that Evil God’s minion Logue can control Fire Element."

Don’t look at Logue used to be bullied by other Artifact Spirit girls, now all day long. Holding that brat and steaming steamed buns, she is after all the Artifact Spirit of Divine Item Divine Sword of Raging Flames. The technology to control the Fire Element is unmatched so far, including the current Pope of Flame God Palace.

This "technique" of controlling magical elements is like a football player's technology for controlling football. Football is naturally not the same at the feet of Ronaldinho and at the feet of a fatty two hundred catties. realm.

But Charles was burned by fire twice, burned to death once, and almost died once, which left a psychological shadow on the fire.

Some people specialize in Fire Element, and he is special in Fire Element. So far, they can also cast some Fireballs, and they are still lacking in skills.

Heavenly Paradise of this kind of cultivation Fire Element can’t be enjoyed by someone, and can only be sighed.

After standing for a while, the soles of his shoes have melted halfway, and people are beginning to experience symptoms of dehydration such as fatigue and dizziness.

Charles asked, "Is your home here as you mentioned earlier?"

There was no answer.

He turned his head and found that the Tilby House was gone, all around empty.

Seeing the bad news, Charles hurriedly took out a large bucket of spare water from the storage ring and poured it into his mouth.

It's just that there is only Fire Element here. He couldn't even cool down the water, so that he felt a bit hot in the last two mouthfuls.

A few catties of water underwent his stomach, which made him feel a little bit better.

Then he mobilized spirit strength to isolate himself from the place where his feet fell, and his soles almost melted through.

The Fire Element all around continued to drill on him, and at the same speed, before the next dehydration, he would become scorched outside and tender inside due to too much Fire Element in his body.

To deal with Fire Element, the first choice is naturally to use Demon God to destroy them.

It’s just that Charles was surprised to find that his own plug-in was sealed at some point and couldn’t be used.

The teleportation technique is also useless, this space is closed.

He was a little panicked at this time. Could it be that Tilby was going to kill himself and pretend to be himself, and later Mrs. Old Zhang actually saw him?

As soon as this idea appeared, he became more and more out of control, so he hurriedly called Reimu for help.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is turned off."

"Sorry, thesubscriberyoudialedispoweroff."

Well, there is also English.

At this time, more and more Fire Elements gathered, so he had to pass the level before him first.

Fully open the spirit strength, try to push the surrounding Fire Element away from yourself.

But he felt like he was in the water, his hands kept pushing the surrounding water away, but all around was replenished with water immediately.

Then he changed his strategy and shrouded the spirit strength around him, trying to block more Fire Element from coming.

But his spirit strength shield is like a sieve. Although the speed of those Fire Elements has slowed down a bit, they still moved towards him.

At this time, he allocated a little energy to study these Fire Elements, and unexpectedly found that they were more "small".

If manipulating the Fire Element outside is playing football with his feet, then the Fire Element here is the size of a glass marble, often without kicking anything in the past.

So Charles compressed the spirit strength shield, striving to compress the "gap" to a level beyond Fire Element.

Before this method worked, he saw a sudden blaze in front of him, and then his eyes were darkened, and he didn't know anything.

At the same time, in the Principal office of the Shield Bridge Academy, Professor Erbach looked at the people in front of him and asked in confusion: "Charles, are you sure you want to take a long vacation?"

"Charles" resolutely and decisively said: "Yes, I have an important thing to do."

Professor Erbach lowered his eyes for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Is it You and Diana killed?"

"No no!" The guy hurriedly denied.

Professor Erbach was silent for a long time, and said displeasedly: "How long do you have to take a long vacation? Can you keep up with your study progress?"

"Don't think If I’m a little clever, I’ll ask for leave in two days, and I don’t focus on studying."

"Laying the foundation is very important for learning. The one hour you waste today will have to spend ten hours in the future. Make up..."

It took half an hour for the Principal earnest and well-meant advised, and still did not dispel the idea of ​​"Charles" asking for leave.

In the end, Professor Erbach was helpless, and first granted him a one-month holiday.

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