"Do you know what the hell is Francis doing tonight?"

"Isn’t it just storming the fortress to the south, drawing Charles and the army’s attention to the south, Tomorrow morning those riders and riders will go to the north within the valley. Charles can only transfer the air force to intercept them. When the time comes, the two dozen giant dragons ambushing in the mountains will be able to solve these air forces."

From the audience's point of view, Francis's strategy is easy to see through.

From Charles's point of view, it was the scouts' approach to reconnaissance and the magical messenger that could transmit information from the front line back to the command center in the end to see through this strategy.

Hakumitsu Yamada, who planned this battle, took away all the giant dragons in order to eliminate the opponent's air force as much as possible, but was spotted by the scouts.

In the end, the main base without the air umbrella was hit by a few "Charles Great Conscience" weighing about a ton.

Liao Ke Xing Dun hollowed out the trunk of a towering tree, then filled it with "conscience", and then let a few giant dragons pull it over and drop it.

And they play this way purely to try to see if they can blow up a bug in Reimu's game world, if it can blow up, it would be even more fun.

"Can you stop a bit..." The sudden appearance of Reimu shocked Charles who was running for his life, "Fortunately, I am watching you toss, otherwise you will smash the place. "

"Sorry..." Charles said to Reimu who was lying on his head while hiding the bow and arrows behind him, "We made something bigger...Ah!!!"


The viewers who followed Charles Medivh were heartbroken at this time.

Just now, Charles alone raided the fortress, and countless peas, watermelons, and corn blew up the Francis army soldier who was boarding a car, and also blew up a lot of fires for lighting. .

So Mifflin sent a group of hussars to fully armed moved towards Charles, chasing him into the mountains.

Just now, Charles made a scream of "Ah" when he stepped on a slime and fell.

Just when the cavalry was about to go and stab someone into briquettes, fire and explosions enveloped the sky.

Taking advantage of the chance that everyone at the fortress was attracted by Charles and lost the lighting, the Griffon Knight carried the rocket launcher to the edge of the maximum range, and then blasted all the rockets at the fastest speed. Hit it out.

The mission has been completed and Charles doesn't need to run anymore. He turned around and summoned a few rows of Gatling Pea shooters to beat the chasers behind him.

Finally, he even climbed to the top of a hill next to him with flying belts, kicked all the sentries on it down the hill, and began to evaluate the results.

At the maximum range, the rockets were not very accurate, and 20% of them missed completely.

The remaining 80% was enough. The vehicles that were not parked scattered and the materials, infantry and mage on it were covered. Except for a few mage, the entire army was wiped out, except for a few mage that opened the shield in time and picked up one life.

Charles looked at all around and found that Reimu passed away, so he went down from another place and lurked on another hill to see the situation.

In the south, Tilby was sitting at the top of Fortress City, watching the defensive battle below.

There are a lot of enemies attacking, but it's useless.

His fortress was built on the mountain, and a circle of trenches was dug at the foot of the mountain, and the shooting boundary was also marked.

As soon as the enemy approached the trench, the rockets in the fortress took advantage of the range advantage brought by the height to bombard the enemy without leaving.

Kopa is gone. Several attacks have been blasted back. Even a few people rushed to the city wall and were shot into briquettes by muskets.

He attacked the fortress on the mountain only as a feint, the purpose was to draw out the enemy from one side of the fortress, and then fight an ambush with highly mobile cavalry, trying to wipe out the enemy's reinforcements.

At this time, three pieces of news came to Copa’s hands at the same time. The main base was severely damaged by the bombing. Mifflin’s pretending troops to go north were completely annihilated. There was also his fortress camp on the east side of the southern plain. It has just been demolished.

At this time, Bismiao was leading his men to move things into the car.

He made a temporary suggestion to Demon King not to destroy the enemy who attacked his sister first, and took the opportunity to copy an enemy’s nest.

Demon King quickly agreed to his plan.

So Bismiao personally led a huge convoy to demolish the enemy's nest at the risk of his own nest being demolished.

There were indeed not many people garrisoned in Kopa’s fortress. Bismiao personally carried a rocket launcher to close and fired and blasted open the fortress gate, and eliminated the defenders on the city wall by the way.

The next battle will be easier, because the Griffin Knight and Hurricane Flying Dragon Knight, who came to support the Lexington Department, landed directly in the fortress, and the defenders were quickly rushed in by the Xuan army and The airborne Xian army was divided and annihilated.

Bissi took it as soon as he saw it. After removing the map and a few magic communicators from the headquarters, he asked his men to bury all the explosive things that they brought.

When Kopa, who had returned from the retreat, pushed open the gate of the headquarters, the entire fortress was instantly plunged into an explosion and a fire sea.

Copa became the first player to get out of the game.

In the castle, Francis was helplessly sighed after receiving the news.

He ordered: "Let General Mifflin guard the mountain range, let Hakumitsu Yamada go to him, and let the giant dragon shield the sky from there."

" Reno, next, we will do our best to strengthen General Piantoni’s assault corps. When the enemy attacks, he will cut off the enemy’s back, so that we still have the possibility of winning."

It was interrupted by a huge explosion. The two people who had just talked were immediately engaged in work.

It’s just that Eleanor feels a little helpless. The bombing just now destroyed an important warehouse, and many vehicle factories and weapon workshops were destroyed. For a while, production capacity and resource reserves fell below the warning line.

Now we can only restore production capacity and resources first, and then fully produce weapons.

A little bit of time passed, and the sky gradually lit up.

Charles returned to the command post in the western fortress of the central mountain range, watching the communications between the enemies.

The enemy magic communicator captured by Bismiao can still be used. He has assigned one, and now the other party's communication is completely transparent to them.

With the captured map, the mechanized fast assault force hidden in the forest is exposed.

It's just a pity that the enemy's reaction speed is not slow. Their giant dragons maintain the battle line for air supremacy over the central mountain range, otherwise there will be another bombardment before dawn.

Now the enemy has an advantage in the number of giant dragons, and most of them are "air superior" blue dragons, and some "nanny" White Dragons. Drag over the mountain range.

However, there is good news in Liaoning Dun. Last night, the resource collection system and construction system of the Xingjun have finally been completed. Now the main base is forming an aviation force, which can support the frontline to seize air supremacy at noon.

Charles also got good news. The purple cabbage base in the rear is exploding after getting sufficient resources, and it is expected to be put into battle tonight.

He took a look at the resources allocated to his hand, goblin wolf cavalry is a great move, which weapon is equipped with formidable power, and strives to toss the opponent’s line of defense before the night’s general offensive begins. Get exhausted.

The Bismeow and Tilby House in the south also started new operations as planned, and the barracks and vehicle depots went into full capacity in an instant.

Now Charles is free, all he has to do is to assign a Hundred Men Squad every time he moves a Hundred Men Squad, let them make a fuss, and then look at the enemy in the opposite magic communicator. communication.

At first, there was no speech in the magical messenger except Hakumitsu Yamada’s regular report about how many giant dragons he had shot down.

Soon after, Mifflin joined the chat. The goblin wolf cavalry sent by Charles disturbed him. He was asking for support until no one could reach out to help.

Shortly after, Mifflin reported that a certain mountain pass in the north was attacked and fell at any time. If it is not rescued, it will be a breakthrough, and a large number of wolf cavalry will rush into the eastern forest from there!

Charles frowned, found that things were not simple.

He just let the wolf cavalry harass with cold guns, but did not let them attack. These NPCs are very obedient and don't make any claims at all.

In this way, it is suspicious that the mountain pass may have been captured.

Furthermore, if the wolf cavalry wants to enter the eastern forest, wouldn’t it be more convenient to go from the southern plains?

Charles ignored it, but continued to go northward according to the original plan. Throw troops south.

Towards noon, only Mifflin in the magic communicator was in a hurry for several times, and finally reported that Yamaguchi had lost his defense and did not speak again.

Charles remain unmoved and continue to accumulate troops silently.

Sure enough, after another half an hour, the messenger suddenly became lively.

"It seems that the enemy did not seize our messenger." Yamada Hakumitsu said.

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