Francis was stunned for a moment, hearing this, but couldn't figure out what Charles meant.

major event?

Several popes are sitting on the guest table. What is a major event if they are there?

At this time, Charles ignored the strange gazes of the people around him, closing his eyes and carefully sensing the flow of the surrounding space elements.

Space elements are known for being difficult to find and difficult to control. Except for the natural space mage, how many powerful mages have never used a space spell in their lifetime.

Correspondingly, apart from Charles who can teleport, no one can detect the abnormality of the surrounding space elements.

The spatial elements that were originally calm as water seem to be pumped away by a high-power pump, moving towards a magical array of several hundred meters in diameter above the island.

"Calcium Oxide!"

Charles who saw the magic array structure suddenly jumped up from the chair. The sound of the chair falling on the ground attracted everyone's attention.

He couldn't take care of that much anymore, and hurriedly moved towards Queen Victoria on the guest seat, making a gesture representing the most dangerous situation in the Elf army, and then rushed to the door.

Following Charles is Diana, and Altria follows closely from behind. Although they don't know what's going on, they can imagine that what makes him lose self-control like this must be a major event.

It was Victoria who followed them after them. Out of trust in Charles, she followed after Paladin, who was accompanying him, into a fighting state.

Charles said anxiously after seeing the queen: "Someone is opening the Transmission Gate of the subspace!"

Outside the door, he waved his hand, but nothing happened. .

The spatial elements rushing to the sky quickly interfered with his teleportation technique, and his attempt to teleport Freiya and the others failed.

At this time, Xanadu and Liaoksington also came out. He Doudagger and other bigwigs such as the Pope and Auston I who were familiar with Charles followed.

At this moment, there is no cloud in the sky, the crescent moon is hanging low, the sky is full of stars, and there is nothing else.

One of the characteristics of space magic is that naked eye is invisible, and it can only be figured out by refraction of light.

The big guys are at a loss and can't figure out what nerves this guy is making.

Victoria knew that Charles could use teleportation and was very sensitive to space elements, so she believed him, and asked: "Which subspace is it?"

Charles replied: "That coordinate I don’t know where it is, but it’s definitely not the elemental subspace in a certain record, nor the hell where the demons live."

At this time, a colorful light cannon shot straight into the night sky in the direction of the Southern Sea farm. The target is the magic array in the air. Obviously, Freiya found that the situation was not right, so he launched an attack through the body Demon Cleaving Divine Sword.

To deal with this kind of large demon array, use the power of Demon God to destroy the part, and then cause the collapse of the entire demon array.

However, a piece of scarlet's light blocked the power of Demon God and stopped it.

Xiao cabbage sucked in a breath of cold air, and said: "Pure life force shield?! This set requires thousands of lives to be enough."

Although Charles didn't know what the life force shield was, he instantly thought of the source of thousands of lives.

"Those adventurers at Southern Sea Farm!" He gritted his teeth and said, "Is there any way to stop it now?" The subspace Transmission Gate that is activated, just find and knock it out before the caster pushes the door open at the expense of his own life."

Charles hearing this turned his head and looked towards the person who has been silent. Altria, it's just that her dull hair turns like a helicopter propeller.

"Found it!" Loke Xingdun suddenly pointed in one direction, "over there, it should be the location of the prison."

It was just his tone barely fell, and that direction suddenly exploded. There was a shower of stones, and a red ray shot towards the direction of the air magic array. At this time, the sound of the explosion reached everyone's ears.

Liao Ke Xing Dun reluctantly put down his hand and said: "Get ready to fight. I can only hope that there is no deity behind the door. Everyone stays at the door and disappears by themselves. If the deity over there fixes the door, you can only Trust him in hobby peace, or return the damage."

"The good news is that when the door is first opened, there will only be mixed soldiers, and the stronger the strength, the later it will come."


The big guys haven't figured out the situation yet, so he just finished speaking, drew a suspicious look.

The Randtjin old man who followed out asked him: "Excuse me, can you tell me who you are?"

Like Xingdun just said calmly: "I'm just a I'm home, and I don't have the slime of my relatives."

Randtjin old man thought he knew what was going on, so he made up for the story of the troubled Miss Noble meeting his grandson. Now it seems that this girl is knowledgeable, good-looking, and worthy of a grandson.

Charles didn’t know that his grandmother had entered the realm of parents. He asked Leuksington: "Where is behind the door?"

He has a hint of intuition. There is nothing to get along with. The place is not Wangfujing.

"I don't know." Lackington said, "The coordinates of many subspaces are extremely unstable. The current coordinates are likely to be invalid after a hundred years."

"As long as it is not dead Spirit World those madmen or those sealed insects are fine. They can fight a few tough battles at most."

"If it's those big-headed rabbits, then they will be touched by the god of luck. Everyone can Sit down and sing while drinking."

"There is no lucky god among the gods." Ximan of Radiant Shrine looked at him displeased. Forging gods is a liar's usual gesture style.

He Dou Dagger asked Charles: "If there is an Evil God on the opposite side, can it still be sealed?"

Like Xing Dun preemptively replied: "Don't expect it, there is not enough energy He is not surprised by this answer. According to his understanding, Charles had just sealed one before, and it would be very difficult to seal another one.

Without warning, in the sky suddenly lit up with a white light, and a dazzling array of magic appeared in the air, illuminating the entire island transparently.

A wave of send cold shivers down one's spine swept across Heaven and Earth. Many ordinary people were scared to their hands and feet, and those devil beasts who had eaten and drank well in the sea were scared witless. , Fled back to the sea to the east one after another.

Charles looked pale at this moment, sweating coldly, and collapsed in Diana's arms.

Diana, who was anxious in Leaksington, said: "He was only affected by the energy leaked from the Spirit World. Anyone who recovers a life on the edge of life and death will do this, and he will be able to recover later. He's gone."

He looked at Charles again, and continued: "It seems that he almost died several times, so he was affected so badly."

Victoria asked Liao Kexing Dun: "What shall we do next?"

Since he knows how to say that, let him say more.

Lake Xingdun said: "Go back and continue to eat. Don't worry for a while."

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