The sun rises from the sea in the east, and the space gate in the sky is no longer so dazzling.

Many citizens gathered in the port. They heard that there will be a trial sailing back to land today. If everything is safe, they will be evacuated from the island.

The space gate in the sky has grown to a diameter of nearly one kilometer, and is slowly descending from the sky to the ground.

Many people have thought of a lot of ways and used a lot of means, but they have not been able to stop it.

If it doesn't fall, Charles has figured out a way to resolve the crisis in a less troublesome way in theory.

Just open another space door leading to the Fire Element world under the space door in the sky, door to door, so that the dead spirits will fall into the opposite side and be burned to death as soon as they come out.

You don't have to go around a big circle. The dead souls are the door to the Fire Element world no matter where they go.

It’s just that he calculated in a short sage time, and concluded that the space gate leading to the dead Spirit World is too "power". The space gate he created should cover or When it surrounds it, it will be disturbed to fail.

This is not a problem of insufficient energy, but that the spatial sect rules of the two sides are different, and many details are different.

The space door that the devil sold to Charles is only to lead to the subspace of each element, equivalent to a pedestrian bridge, it is no problem to walk some people and bring some goods.

According to Alexei’s research, to extinguish the fire in the Flame Hell Basin, a large number of space doors need to be set up on the surrounding mountains. This is an extremely complex and difficult system project.

Although the space gate in the sky is also derived from the devil, it is extremely strong, equivalent to a bridge capable of overloading large trucks.

But Charles still wants to work hard, call the energy of the rain magic array on the island, and build a space door for the traffic Fire Element world above the space door leading to the dead Spirit World, so that the dead inside The spirit has passed away before speaking.


Time goes back to last night.

Before Reimu and their projection came down to convey to Oracle, Yunbaicai and Liaoxingdun found that something was wrong and ran away immediately.

In the town next to a large port on the north bank near the entrance of the river, the weak lights can only prevent people who are not drunk from hitting the wall.

The door of a bar is open, and the light from the door barely illuminates the sign with three white anchors.

In the bar, there is only the sound of wandering bard for free dinner, and the few guests at the table are all drinking wine.

At the corner table, a middle age person is sitting there next to the wall.

He has a shaggy beard, sunken eye sockets, and motionless eyes that look almost dead.

He is indeed not far from death. He has struggled for more than ten years. In March of this year, he just bought five ships from Chaowei Blue Dragon consortium with a loan to form a fleet to run the sea. As a result, people met before they were all recruited. When it came to seabed, the earthquake and the subsequent shutdown of shipping.

In this case, there is no income, no one is willing to take the order, and others are unwilling to borrow money. The repayment of the loan in the first three months has already emptied his cash policy.

He didn't starve to death now or the boss of the bar gave him some food every day for the sake of more than ten-year-old customers.

It was the 8th at dawn, and there were two days before the repayment date on the 10th. He didn't see the slightest hope that he would be able to repay the money.

If the money is not available by then, the only thing waiting for him is to be caught by the giant dragon and sold as a slave.

Most people in the small town make a living by shipping. There are many people like him, especially those seafarers who have a large family to raise, have severely ill family members, and have just born children. In the predicament.

Fortunately, due to the rise of the textile industry in recent years, river transportation has developed rapidly. A small number of people who have access to the river can run with the river boats and eat food, but there is no doorway. Moving things at the dock controlled by the gang and living half-deadly.

"pa ta"

A metal check board fell on the wine table in front of the unfortunate shipowner. Even if the light is dim, you can still see the huge series of numbers on it.

Yanbaicai said to the ship owner: "I am Charles Megadon, I bought your ship immediately, how about it?"

The shipowner jumped up suddenly, the amount on the check Enough for him to pay off the loan and buy ten more boats.

If it was someone else, the shipowner would still be suspicious, but this person is Count Megadon.

Recently, no one in the town saw planes flying in the sky every day. It is rumored that these big guys with tens of thousands of gold coins are all the property of count.

The people in the tavern were all attracted by the movement here, and they came to watch the excitement.

Not long after, the sleeping town began to boil quickly from this bar.

A young sailor was woken up by the boss of the bar smashing the door, and he was pulled out of the dilapidated house by the boss without his clothes, and asked him to go to the pier as soon as possible.

The sailor was still confused, but he owed the Boss a lot of money for food, so he had to obediently moved towards the dock and ran over, for fear that he would not give himself credit after annoying the Boss.

Some people have gathered in the port, some are still confused, and some are so excited that their eyes glow.

In everyone talking at once, the sailor figured out the situation.

Count Megadon is urgently hiring sailors from five ships. Now the route to the City of Knowledge has been opened, and the sailors need to follow along for the first time.

Moreover, the remuneration offered by count is extremely generous. Now a bag of gold coins is placed on the boat, and those who are willing to take a fight will come up. This bag of gold coins that an ordinary person cannot earn in two lifetimes, you You can take it by yourself or entrust the priest of the Ocean Temple to send it home.

The first person to board the ship was a middle-aged helmsman. His son was bitten by a poisonous lizard a few years ago. He has been in poor health. In the past, he had to spend a lot of money. The burden of life made him have to fight. This stroke.

With people taking the lead, more and more crew members have boarded the ship.

In less than an hour, the sailboat loaded with some food hung up its lights and slowly left the dock.

The shore was full of people seeing off, no one spoke, no one knew whether they could reach their destination safely.

It’s not just the first fleet that left overnight.

In the north, in a barracks in the Kingdom of Rerik, the sound of an urgent assembly of bugles broke the silence of the night.

Nine minutes and thirty seconds, regimental leader Walter and regiment chief of staff Franz were very satisfied with the emergency assembly results of the entire regiment.

More than two thousand fully armed young soldiers pine trees are arranged neatly on the playground, solemn killing aura rushing into the sky.

As the most loyal, best-disciplined, hardest-trained, and best-equipped unit in the new army under King Alston I, they are the fire team appointed by King Alston I.

After learning that the war was inevitable, Auston I immediately ordered the team to be transferred through the Magic Communication Bureau on the island.

Walter did not talk nonsense. He looked around the young faces on the stage, and then announced: "Alston Your Majesty Order, the whole army will reinforce the City of Knowledge, let’s go!"

There is no need for a long story, the king’s orders are everything to them.

In the far south, the same scene appears in the military camp outside the city of Slime.

Ji Shijun stood on the stage, underneath was a neat and uniform square.

This is a young army that has undergone several battles.

When the Slime Basin was founded, it was they who repelled the successive offensives of the slave capture teams and the noble army, which provided a solid barrier for the development of the basin.

After receiving the news, Ji Shijun knew that this matter was of great importance, so he immediately assembled the most elite guard corps to support him.

In Abyss City, Nicholas II, who was still on vacation, started an emergency meeting of the military committee overnight after receiving the Oracle of Harvest and God of Forging.

Everyone at the meeting unanimously agreed to send troops to support City of Knowledge, and at the same time unanimously agreed that the navy was solely responsible for commanding this operation.

Considering the difficult transportation conditions on the main battlefield, the Air Force will send another transport aircraft to strengthen its air transport force.

The military committee decided on the spot to immediately set up a special headquarters, responsible for the formation of the next batch of reinforcements and coordination of logistics matters.

While the meeting was still in progress, Nicholas II received a letter from the Spirit King Court. The 168th Division of the Wang Ting Army, who was undergoing refurbishment, reorganization and training in the Kingdom of Rurik, will end the training ahead of schedule and return to China. .

Similar things happened in various places. Elite military forces from various places began to gather, and then embarked on the road of reinforcement of the City of Knowledge.

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