The sun gradually rose and the weather became hot.

Students who were supposed to enjoy the sun, beach, and swimwear by the sea, some were fully armed and lay down on the simple line of defense, while some were sweating and digging in the dirt.

"Oh... the swimsuit I prepared this year was in vain." Vichy complained while adjusting the armor on her body.

Diana, who was tying the helmet strap next to her, ignored her.

Vichy extend the hand scratched her back and asked in a low voice: "Hey, do you think I look good in white swimsuits or black ones?"

Diana didn't even think about it and said, "It looks better if you don't wear it."

Vichy shook her head and said, "You, don't learn anything, be careful of your Charles being abducted."


"It's smooth and white, just like a pig that has just faded. It is not very attractive."

"It must be properly covered to arouse his interest. If you don't believe you, try Try."

She was talking, and she was about to measure Diana's waist with her hands.

Diana has a wealth of accumulated experience in dealing with such small actions. A group of positive and negative elements suddenly appeared on Vichy's hands, and she was shivered by electricity.

Vichy said bulgingly: "So stingy, don't touch it, be careful Charles runs away with the warm and generous girl."

Diana ignored her, many years ago. When I met, I was hugged by her, and this hatred was settled.

Vichy whispered to her: "You know what, I'm very jealous of you."

Diana turned her head, glanced at her, and said, "With your wisdom and Strength, being conferred as Knight in twenty years is not a problem."

"Even if you can't wait, now Bischberg Kingdom is recruiting shares of Knight, you can try it."

" If you are afraid of being asked for extra demands, I can recommend you to Linda."

Vichy shook the head and said: "I don't like them."

At this time, as a girl The door of the locker room knocked, both of them changed their gear, and Diana opened the door.

Charles was standing outside the door, holding a big snakeskin bag in his left hand, and two plastic bags in his right hand, and said, "This is the new equipment from Count Megadon. Try it on. , There is an instruction manual."

Vichy asked curiously: "What kind of equipment?"

Charles stuffed a full-filled plastic bag and watched the snakeskin bag couldn’t move. Diana opened her eyes and said, "Put it on, it can block the attack of the dead."

Vichy took the bag that Charles had handed over, and after unpacking it took a similar back. Good things come out.

She asked: "How do I wear this?"

Charles said: "It's like a backpack. Those divine technique cards are on the back and they must be worn inside the armor."


Vichy reluctantly said: "We just put on the armor, and now we have to take it off."

Charles shrugged, he ran back all the way back and tested it with Jung. I took it to the commando right away, and what can I do if I can't keep up.

At this moment, Vichy smirked suddenly, put her hand on his shoulder, and said, "I can't wear it, please help me put it on, help me take off the armor."

Charles became flushed suddenly, as shy as an innocent boy, then fled in Vichy's laughter and Diana's white eyes, and when he went out, he tripped on the threshold and almost fell.

The time for the assault team to enter the starting position was delayed by five minutes due to the arrival of new equipment, but after reading the manual and trying it out several times, everyone was full of confidence in this action.

The space around the door is terrifying quiet.

Before sunrise, the devil beasts no longer appear, but no one dares to take it lightly.

Sure enough, after a short while, a large group of skeleton soldiers wearing ragged armor with notched knives and guns appeared in the space gate.

Obviously, those devil beasts were just ashes of messing up before, and now these are the real opponents.

Then this group of Death Spirit Skulls was covered by firepower by rockets falling into the sky.

Charles gave his storage ring to Diana before leaving. The weapons he brought out when he left the Spirit Tree last year were all placed in it.

Not long ago, a death Spirit Skull with better equipment in battlelion appeared.

There was a commander among the undead who came this time, so Queen Victoria hurriedly stopped Diana before she prepared for artillery fire again. The queen wanted to capture a valuable prisoner.

So, the queen decided to bring the enemies closer and send a commando to catch them after they left the space gate.

No one dares to step on the space gate now, who knows if he will be teleported to the other side if he goes up.

Charles stood on the roof of a house, holding a telescope with several other members of the commando team, carefully observing the dead spirits marching in line.

They are very organized. The sword and shield soldiers form a circle on the outside, inside is mage, and in the middle is a Necromancer leader wearing a cloak with a magic wand.

"From the point of view of the lower pubic bone, she is a female." Charles said, carefully observing the leader of the other party. "Height is about the same as mine. From the perspective of the ratio of her leg bones, she had a pair of long legs. From the perspective of the pelvic bone ratio, she has some safe buttocks. Her fingers are slender, her arms are moderately proportioned, and her teeth are intact and wear-free. It is very likely that she was a beautiful Eldest Young Lady with good living conditions during her lifetime."

At this time, someone asked him: "What if she is a Big Fatty?"

Charles took a closer look, and then replied: "Her lumbar spine looks good, there is no lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc Prominent marks, so it won’t be Big Fatty."

"Indeed," said Big Fatty Danbo, who is next to Charles, "People in our family have low back pain when they are old."


Just now the person asked again: "What about her appearance?"

Charles replied: "Recovering the appearance with a skull is a kind of meticulous life. It will be unclear for a while, and there is no guarantee. Are there freckles on her face?"

The last question came: "Then you can see that her breasts are big?"

Charles shook the head and said: "I can't see this. There are too few research materials on the relationship between breast size and skeleton. If there is...ah!"

Diana retracted the foot that kicked you downstairs. Then he said to the surrounding commando members: "It's time, let's set off!"

At this time, the decoy team in the distance had already retreated, and the undead team was crossing the simple temporary line of defense.

The second team of Necromancers just appeared in the middle of the Transmission Gate and is moving towards the other direction.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the assault team led by Diana can go around the enemy’s rear as planned to launch a surprise attack, then divide and surround the enemy with reinforcements, and then capture the opponent’s leader.

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