I have to say that the girl who knocked down Charles grew up pretty cute.

Especially when she had moist eyes and pouted her mouth to pay Charles from the purse, she suddenly found that the cash and the meal ticket combined were almost a little bit cute. At that moment, she almost let me eat melons. In the eyes of the masses, she helped her lose money.

Charles looked at the rather delicate but deflated money bag in her hand, and said helplessly, "Forget it..."

The girl thought she didn’t have to lose money anymore. , A smile from the bottom of my heart suddenly appeared on his face.

"Let me put this wallet here as a mortgage." Charles took the wallet over the girl's desperate gaze, "I will pay you back when you collect enough money to pay me."


After he finished speaking, he left casually, leaving behind the tearful girl, a group of onlookers who were jaw-dropping, and the disciplinary committee who had just mediatored the conflict.

The study room was the same as when they left in a hurry yesterday, except that the opened books and notebooks were turned to the end by the wind blowing in from the window, and several semifinished products of griffon quill fell on the ground.

Charles picked up the quill on the floor, bounced off the dust and put it back in place, then sat back in his place and continued with yesterday's calculations.

After calculating a set of data, he feels that this is the campus life he wants. Everyday all has the joy of learning new knowledge, and occasional surprises brought by innocuous little accidents. Don't worry about encountering things like a sudden drop from upstairs and hitting yourself a few meters away on the ground like you did on a construction site.

Today's wind is very strong, and the curtains with two feet tied to the window frame are blown bulging, like a fat belly.

According to Sybil's divination, a huge typhoon will sweep over City of Knowledge before sunrise tomorrow.

A holiday notice has been posted on the Academy’s bulletin board. It will be a day off tomorrow.

Now the most troublesome thing is the garrison stations on the island. Temporary tents can't withstand the violent typhoon.

At the same time, the vegetable greenhouses of Southern Sea Farms are to be tested. Whether these reinforced greenhouses can withstand the typhoon is still unknown.

A flower that was blown in by the wind rolled across the desk. It was caught, ready to become a bookmark.

These small purple flowers are as big as a palm and open like an umbrella. They grow near the coast. They bloom and pollinate before the typhoon arrives. Then the petals carry the ovary and torus with the wind under the action of the wind. After traveling, the petals and receptacles provide nourishment for the seeds in the ovary to mature in a short time.

When Charles saw this flower for the first time, clicking one's tongue in wonder, he never thought of such a reckless way of reproduction.

Someone walked into the study room, threw down a few large meal tickets on the table, and then took the money and purse that the girl had paid Charles and walked out.

The money bag seems to have a very important meaning to the girl. After she took the money bag from Vichy's hand, she kept thanking the student council president.

Sent away the smiling girl, Vichy sat down opposite Charles and continued to sharpen the nib of the Griffin quill.

Charles threw the meal ticket in front of her back and said, "Just be a pauper and learn from others."

Vichy put the meal ticket away and stared at him and said:" Why are you bullying the little girl so rich? Those two Fire Dragon Fruits were brought back by Tarantula, and it didn’t cost you any money."

Charles gave her a blank look, "If I were Bullying her, I'm lying in the Supreme VIP ward of the hospital and waiting for her to pay for the medical bills."

Vichy understands this guy's thinking, and there is no end to money.

Charles continued to write and draw, and at the same time asked: "I said, with your wisdom and strength, you don't need to make a quill to make money?"

Vichy sighed, said: "Those people hired me, they didn't want to get on with me in the end."

"[Mining field foul language]! I thought you were quite pure when I saw you like that, didn't expect it to come up right away. It’s a silly sex."

Charles was stunned. Feelings. She wanted to play a game of jealousy yesterday, first playing with her feelings, and then letting herself be taken advantage of.

Vichy went on to say: "Forget it, I can't play this line. The junior sister's methods are higher than mine just now. At the same time, five or six boys from the four academies can be played round and round, at most. Let people hold hands and they will be planted in front of you."

"I'm still obediently and honestly earning money with my hands..."

"Why look at me like this?"

Charles put down the pen, the fingers of the right hand tapped the table rhythmically, watching Vichy seriously there.

It was the first time that Vichy saw his expression, she felt a little hairy, and said, "Why, do you want me to be your lover too?"

"Neither No, after all, I don’t know how to pay back the favor I owe you, as long as you don’t give me away or enjoy me with others."

After she finished speaking, she trembled slightly. A panic expression passed over the beautiful face, but it didn't escape Charles' eyes.

Charles thought quietly for nearly ten minutes, and then said seriously: "I accept you as a disciple and teach you the techniques of assassination. At the same time, you have worked for me for a few years, and I don’t agree to give it to me in three days. Reply."

Vichy stood up with a "jerk" and asked in disbelief, "Are you serious?"

Charles nodded, and said, "Diana is over there I have a job with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan. If you are interested, you can go to her."

Vichy didn't care about work or anything, but focused on the previous sentence.

I don’t know that someone’s nature has not changed, he just wants to find a trustworthy and capable employee.

In this world, the relationship between people is still difficult to be restricted by a single contract, and the ancient methods still dominate.

Especially Charles and Diana decided to go to the demon race to develop in a few years. The industry in the east must be watched by someone who can be trusted.

Prior to this, Charles and Professor Erbach proposed to establish a production-university-research base for the Shield Bridge Academy and Joyoung Chamber of Commerce. This proposal was passed in the Academy, but was interrupted by the sudden earthquake and subsequent events. The work process.

Now this work is restarted, but the candidate for the Academy to manage the production-university-research base has not yet been determined.

At this time, Vichy appeared. She was clever and had a profound knowledge of magic. As the president of the student union, she had a lot of prestige among the students, and she was very familiar with the Academy’s senior management. The department that students deal with is just right, and it can also recruit a group of good student workers.

Now I have brought her in for an internship for one year. Next year, she will graduate and become a full member. The time is just right.

In a few more years, Biqi, who is in charge of the daily work at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters in Dianagrad, will be tired of Vice-President, and Vichy just happened to take over.

But to make Vichy work at ease, her Heart Demon must be cut off.

Although I don’t know who killed Vichy back then, Charles has the knowledge of the assassination of the elite demon stealth that he absorbed back then. This knowledge was passed on to Vichy, coupled with her current talent and strength, believe her The revenge is not difficult.

The evil boss is still human, at most when the time comes trouble purple cabbage, they just follow the guarantee and protect secretly.

I don’t know that she will fall into the pit of capitalism in the future. Vichy is still thinking about Charles’s purpose in the old way. It’s just that she hasn’t realized that she can bring huge profits to the boss, think about it. Eliminating a certain person will not be able to think of any benefit outside of him.

"I want to think about it." Vichy sat down and continued to sharpen her quill, thinking about whether she could take advantage of this opportunity to be among the noble ranks.

If you Boss knows what she is thinking, you can only say that the evil feudal society limits your imagination.

However, some of the homework of Boss is not in place. I don't know that even the capitalists in his hometown needed noble status to decorate the appearance and enter the upper class circle.

For example, Ruth and Carl in "Titanic", they happen to be the representative of the combination of the old noble with status but lack of money and the new bourgeoisie with wealth but lack of status.

even more how Noble's status in this society is particularly important at present. As a commoner, Vichy was tricked into being abused by Noble and almost died. At present, those nobles are still alive, and revenge can only rely on Vichy herself.

After all, it’s still someone who hasn’t shared fate with ordinary people for so many years. They didn’t touch their thoughts and goals in life.

The wind blowing outside the window is getting bigger and bigger, and the dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker, and Charles has to close the window of the study room.

At this time, Vichy asked: "There will be a demon race military performance on the next day off. Can you get tickets? The student union tickets have been issued. I want to go with Tarantula. "

Charles said to her: "Don't forget that I am the liaison officer. When the time comes, you can tell the guard that you are my friends."

Vichy didn't think much, kind of Said expectantly: "I don't know what the performance of the demon race is like. I heard that they sing very good songs every morning when the flag is raised."

Charles just smiled because of the early raising of the flag. In that song, Auston I and Ji Shijun almost joined hands to make the real demon race Crown Prince stuffed with dumplings, otherwise he would not lose the job of the liaison officer to "Count Megadon, who is proficient in demon race." Then I ran back to school and became a good student.

As the saying goes, one mountain can hardly tolerate two tigers, it is strange that three copyists don’t fight together.

It’s just that Charles felt that he was a bit wronged, so he copied "Singing the Motherland" and changed the lyrics to "Two-headed eagle flag fluttering in the wind". This person is Old Ancestor Fillip. He has nothing to do with him. .

By the way, Charles is still looking forward to this artistic performance.

This event was decided after he saw many people often wandering outside the Marine Corps barracks. Instead of isolating these people, it is better to organize various exchange activities in a planned way to increase understanding.

If the results of this theatrical performance are good, then activities such as the open day of the barracks can be held regularly.

Anyway, these girls joined the Kingdom of Rurik not long ago, and later they only stayed in the south. They didn’t even know Altria, and they would not disclose relevant state secrets at all.

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