Charles didn't give up the course of zoology. He was surrounded by his classmates as soon as he arrived in the classroom that day.

The li in the crowd is shocked, what's the situation?

"cough cough..." Classmate Enrico spoke first, "Your Excellency Medivh..."

"Stop!" Charles immediately stopped him, this guy is so Being polite is definitely asking for yourself, and then looking at the students around you, this must be a major event.

He said: "What's the matter?"

Enrico returned to his usual tone and said, "As the class leader, my classmates asked me to ask you something. Words."

Charles said immediately: "If it is a ticket for the demon race show, I don’t have any extra tickets."

He heard it in the cafeteria during breakfast. Some wind noise immediately blocked Enrico's words.

It is okay to help one or two people in, but depending on the situation, almost the whole class will have to watch the excitement.


Sure enough, someone jumped out, and Agatha angrily punched Charles on the head and said: "You obviously gave Vichy elder sister a place! "

At this time, Charles remembered that this elder sister and Vichy are very familiar with this elder sister. It is not strange to know this.

"hehe, man..." Langsha had a scary voice when she got up mystifying. She had a bad relationship with Vichy since she was a child.

"hmph huh..." Enrico looked at Charles with a bad look, "This is the situation, it's up to you."

Charles frowned, that's it. Not to mention, sitting there with her hands in her arms, it looked like it was difficult to do.

The classroom suddenly became quiet, no one dared to bother him to find a way, only Agatha continued to tap his head with her small fist, whispering in her mouth: "You won’t give me a ticket. I'll knock you to death."

"Yes!" Charles suddenly yelled, and the students around him almost jumped up.

"How many months have it been?" a voice in the crowd asked.

"This stalk is too old for me to answer." Charles said.

He continued: "I have a way for everyone to go to the show without a ticket."

"I heard from the Crown Prince Kalashnikov of the demon race There may not be enough staff to decorate the venue. I’ll talk to him. Everyone will help move tables and chairs. When the time comes, you can watch the performance as a staff member, how about?"

What else? Most of the people who had tickets to see the show that night were either rich or expensive. It was very attractive to get involved in a job, enough for everyone to brag with relatives and friends in the future.

In many cases, it’s not just the performer who can brag about a performance, but whoever watches the performance in the same venue is also a manifestation of bragging.

According to the information brought back by Hayden, the popes on the island will also attend.

In this way, everyone can brag with others in the future. Back then, I watched the show with several popes.

So on the morning of the performance day, when Charles brought a group of people to the front of the Marine Corps barracks, many onlookers were shocked.

Many students were very nervous when they first entered the military camp, for fear that they would accidentally anger the demon race and then be chopped and put in the pot and braised with potatoes.

Especially when Charles led them towards the big tent with smoking behind them, some people started to shake their hands.

The curtain of the big tent was opened, and a scene inside made the students startled.

Charles pointed to the long table and said, "Everyone has breakfast first, so that you can work when you are full."

After he finished talking, he took Diana, who had come to join in the fun, to take the lead and walked in. The tent ate.

The food in the barracks is not exquisite, but it has a wide variety and tastes good.

The big leba on the long table is the most eye-catching. Charles picked up a knife and cut a few pieces, then used a wooden spoon to scoop some jam from the big jar and spread it on top. Cut some red sausage slices and eat together.

And Diana filled a large bowl of soup in a large pot at the end of the long table, and then broke the large Leba slices and put them in to eat together.

When the classmates saw someone taking the lead, they walked in and ate together.

In addition to big liba and red sausage, there is a sweet thick pancake on the long table. This kind of pancake made of flour, eggs, and sugar is good with oatmeal.

Charles took advantage of this time to arrange the tasks in a normally small group, and then said: "We help prepare the venue in the morning. When we hear the trumpet at noon, we will come over for lunch. The seats are in the last row. When the performance is over, we will come to have dinner first and then help clean up the venue. Finally, we will have supper when we are done." Go to the table.

After more than half an hour, everyone started to work when they were full.

Charles handed over the groups to the girls in the Marine Corps who were in charge of setting up the venue. These classmates followed them cautiously.

The girls had been instructed before, and they all took the initiative to chat with the marshal’s classmates.

Many people are cautiously, but Diana didn't feel any pressure and talked loudly with the girls about how to maintain and beautify the horns of their heads.

Charles is speechless. Diana has a small cosmetics workshop on the island.

This workshop was originally managed by Linda. After she returned to her hometown as the "wool queen", she was managed by a professional manager hired by Diana.

She wanted to take the opportunity to promote the keratin from the formula provided by Crown Prince before the demon race, but the girls declined.

Because the navy is too poor, everyone does not have much military pay.

With everyone's efforts, a stage with a length of 10 meters, a width of 4 meters and a height of 1 meter was quickly set up. Just a few meters high screen is a bit troublesome, there is not so much red fabric, and finally Charles, who is speechless, quietly uses teleportation to make a trip to Abyss City to solve the problem.

There is one hour before lunch. The stage of the venue is set up, the chairs in the auditorium are all neatly arranged, and the road signs from the venue to the bathroom are set up. Just wait for the afternoon performance to begin.

At this time, Charles greeted the classmates between the two big tents. The table behind him was full of cloth bags, and everyone was curious about what new tricks might be available.

"Agatha." Charles rolls the names in order, the first being his elder sister.

After Agatha passed by, he took the bag he handed over in doubt. Charles whispered a few words to her and immediately ran into the nearby tent happily.

Not long after, Agatha, who put on a beautiful dress, walked out of the tent.

The students who were discussing spiritedly outside exclaimed at the same time, their eyes all focused on her, making her a little sorry.

Agatha's upper body is wearing a white butterfly-style sleeve tube long-sleeved shirt, outside is a cyan-green sleeveless dress, the dress's long skirt and bust are embroidered with flower patterns, and a belt In addition to embroidery, the headscarf is embellished with shiny beads, and a pair of exquisite red Little Pi shoes and floral socks are worn on the feet.

The traditional grass cutting skirt of the demon race girl occasionally appears in oil paintings, but don't expect human painters to paint it so beautifully. The patterns are all Demon ghosts, which are far from the real thing.

Charles announced to everyone: "This is a gift from the girls of the demon race!"

The acceptance of beautiful skirts by young students is extremely high, and the girls are very quick After Charles received his own skirt, he went to the nearby tent and put it on.

Next, the boys stared at Charles and the bag on the table behind him.

At this time, Charles said to them: "The demon race boys' clothes may not look as good as girls' skirts. Would you like them?"

Alvin came out and he was in alphabetical order. The boy's first.

He didn't speak, and reached out directly to Charles.

The boys quickly received their clothes and changed into another tent one after another.

Their blouses are white, and the hem, cuffs and neckline that grow to the thighs each have a geometric pattern with prominent colors such as orange and yellow as the main colors. The trousers are just slightly dark stripes. But to bring out the bright pattern of the top, it is the matching straw sandals that made everyone complain about it.

Everyone put on the traditional demon race costumes, and there was noisy comment on each other.

At this time, the trumpet sounded. Charles, who was also wearing new clothes, waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone, go to eat!"

It was the same tent just now. Many girls in all kinds of demon race costumes have dinner here. They are all actors waiting to perform on stage.

Everyone has lost the restraint of at first, and many people take the initiative to talk to the girls.

Lunch is very rich. In addition to big liba and red sausage, there are salads, soups and meat dishes on the table.

This is the first time Charles has seen some dishes. He is studying a cylindrical meatloaf about the same diameter as a mooncake.

This round meatloaf has fish underneath, and grated carrots and beets on the top. The white fish, red carrots and purple beets look pretty layer by layer.

During the time Charles was studying, Diana next to him was already in combat.

There are a lot of people at the table and eat fast, so slow your hands and you won’t have to eat.

She made a bowl of soup boiled with cabbage, diced meat, and diced carrots. At the same time, she put a few croquettes made of mashed potatoes and meat into her plate. Also stared at the fragrant chicken pie.

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