At the beginning of the sunset, with the end of the chorus "Friendship Forever", today's theatrical performance came to an end. This performance presented to the audience excellent stage art works with Rurik characteristics, displayed traditional artistic content, enriched the cultural and entertainment life of the officers and soldiers stationed outside the space and the citizens of City of Knowledge, and showed the unique culture of the Rurik Kingdom Foundation and charm.

After the performance, demon race Crown Prince Kalashnikov invited guests and audiences to the dinner.

Before the dinner, Charles cautiously approached Altria.

"Thank me, please." Charles whispered to her, "There is something very important to discuss with you."

Altolie Yali ignored it. This guy, in his desperate gaze, walked towards the huge restaurant tent.

Altria who eats revenge is very scary. Charles is worried that the Marine Corps girls will be hungry tomorrow.

But the girls in the Marine Corps are very clever. They ran into the sea to fish as soon as the situation was wrong, and finally fed her with sashimi as thin as cicada wing.

The moon climbed up into the sky, and outside the gate of the barracks, Bismiao, who had sent Altria away, sighed to Charles beside him: "If someone doesn't have a lot of money, I really can't marry her."

Charles nodded and said, "So she hasn't married out for so many years."

The dull hair under the moonlight turned 180° backward.

Tonight’s work is over, Charles is going to go back to Diana’s house to go to sleep, but when he leaves the barracks, he is pulled into a van.

There is a three or four kilometers long mangrove forest on the north coast of City of Knowledge. The ground there is muddy. There is no one except the fishing Old Brother who would go in and try his luck at high tide.

Some fishing Old Brother will set up a shack at the junction of the forest and the sea. They come here before the high tide and wait for the high tide to fish. If the air force is there, they will wait for the low tide to catch in the pool in the forest. Some shrimp and crabs who didn't have time to return to the sea came home.

When Auston I used to hide from Uncle on the island, he didn't have much money, and sometimes had to rely on fishing to fill his stomach.

The fishing stilt house he built back then is still there. It can be seen that a lot of fishing Old Brother used and maintained it after he left.

Tonight's sea is high tide at midnight, and Auston I took Charles and Ji Shijun to the stilt house to prepare for fishing.

The three of them are sitting in a row on the floor outside the tall house, tidying up their fishing gear.

Charles took out his steel fishing rod and asked: "Why are you interested in going out fishing tonight?"

Alston I pointed to Ji Shijun next to him. , Said: "Catch a few fish to make up for his mother-in-law."

"Oh?!" Charles looked at Ji Shijun in surprise. Got it?"

There are too many slots for these words. Ji Shijun doesn't know what expression to respond with, so he pretends that he didn't hear it.

Auston I helped him replied: "His mother-in-law was pregnant for more than a month, and she was diagnosed after a pregnancy reaction in the afternoon."

"The Sybil from your family helped him Divine Item crystal ball is a girl."

Charles said with a smile: "This is a good thing."

This is still the first pair of friends of his age With the offspring, you can imagine what kind of flying dogs are in the Southern Sea Farm now, otherwise Auston I and Ji Shijun would not run out to fish.

But there is Gawain’s mother, Marcy, who is sitting there. What’s wrong with It shouldn’t be.

The character of the good old lady Marcy has long regarded Lancelot and the others as her own children.

The question now is that the island is too dangerous, where should Gneville go to give birth. This is what Lancelot has to consider, and I hope he will not be as stupid as his fairy teacher now.

Here Ji Shijun started to change the subject. He asked Auston I: "Are you okay if you don't return to China?"

Charles heard what Ji Shijun meant, Lei There are also many internal contradictions in the Rick Kingdom. Generally speaking, when Auston I was going to engage in the textile industry, the domestic big nobles were just watching the excitement. Now the royal territory relies on cotton cloth to make money. These big nobles I just want to pick peaches.

Compared with economic conflicts, political conflicts such as liberating slaves are not so important.

I saw Auston I slightly smiled and said: "I just approved the opening of cotton spinning mill technology to those small nobles who had previously replaced saline-alkali soils with me, and a preferential policy for purchasing cotton from them. It depends on how they accept the move."

Charles and Ji Shijun sneered after hearing this. Auston I made the first pot of gold from the textile industry and now depends on the money to develop Heavy industry.

At present, some heavy industries have achieved initial results. He can open the textile industry to small nobles who are loyal to him to buy people's hearts.

In this way, those big nobles who have been staring at him will turn their attention to the little nobles who are more likely to be bullied.

At this time, King Auston I looked towards Charles and said: "Old Ji and I have an idea, you can refer to it for us."

Charles nodded, asked:" What do you want to do?"

"It's not a major event." Auston I said, "We want to build a party."

Charles looked towards seriously and curiously There was no unexpected performance after the two of them.

This world has many rudiments of political parties-factions.

For example, when Charles played his own role in the blue crystal hype in Mason City, the dealer was a faction formed by several nobles in the southeast of the kingdom of Biberach who wanted to maintain a high degree of autonomy.

The Northern Military Group, dominated by the Hermanrick Family, the neighbor of Charles's family, is also considered a faction.

The four Princes of the Bischberg Kingdom competing for the throne can be said to be the competition of the four domestic factions and their agents. At the same time, Charles’s nominal fiancee Linda and those engaged in the wool textile industry can also be regarded as the competition. A new faction in the country.

Even in the Kingdom of Rurik, there is no exemption. How Charles became the admiral is not a dispute over the various sects of the military and politics. Finally, the navy who joins in the fun picked up a leak.

Even inside the Spirit Race, Charles vaguely felt the existence of factions.

There has not been a well-structured political party in this world before. Even if there is a transmigrator who wants to form a feudal landlord class party, it will not work. The soil of feudal society is difficult to grow political parties, at most factions can only be formed.

In theory, one of the necessary conditions for factions to develop into political parties is the emergence of parliaments. Political figures form political parties based on certain special principles agreed by consensus and seek benefits through parliamentary struggle. At this time, the party has nothing to do with the people until universal elections. After the power has expanded and developed, a mass party will appear.

And what Auston I and Ji Shijun have to do is far more fierce than the parliamentary struggle. It is a road built on blood and fire. The establishment of a unified political party and a perfect organizational structure are It is imperative.

Charles just wondered why they started to build a party now.

But I think it is, this is not just a mouse click in the P game, it is enough for the two of them to lose their hair just to establish a theoretical foundation suitable for this world.

"You can do it." Charles said, "I'm not sure about some things, but someone has to try it. At worst, you can go to the west to hide if you fail."

At this time, the sea was already high tide, Charles hung a shrimp on the hook as bait and then swung the hook into the sea.

Ji Shijun also took the bait. He said: "I intend to take advantage of the opportunity of no more wars between humans during the war in the past few years and the death of Spirit World to lay a solid foundation. The plan' allows us to manage a lot of farms. After the fertilizer is put into use next year, it is estimated that there will be more farms that can be managed."

"Currently, a wealthy battle has been cultivated in the basin and these farms under our management. The strength of the cadre team, the next work will be easy."

Charles slightly nodded, reminded: "Be careful of the counterattack of the landlord class."

Ji Shijun said: "My plan is to train a team that can talk about politics and fight through battles here. They will be sent to various places to form militias in the form of security teams. They have new guns and weapons. Battle strength is not a problem. "

Alston I also reminded him: "Your site is scattered, inconvenient communication, beware of hilltopism and corruption of discipline."

"Remember that year. Why did the Old Master of the secretary’s house smash the TV? It’s not that the protagonist is unorganized and undisciplined in the drama with the red flag against the red flag. He is also portrayed as a positive deed. His old man is an old revolution in the Long March. Seeing the problem is more accurate and deeper than us, we should take it as a warning."

Ji Shijun silently nodded.

Charles continued: "The situation in your place is the most complicated and the situation is the most serious. Now I finally know that on the basis of studying the documents, I check my work and thoughts, conduct criticism and self-criticism, and find out The source of the error and the way to overcome it is important."

At this time, Auston I asked Charles: "What are your plans?"

Charles just shook the head, he doesn't have a strong enough basic disk, unlike these two.

He said: "I don’t have many cards in my hand, but I can make a difference in other areas."

"Someone pestered me recently and asked me to give her A way to make money. That person’s intelligence network is very difficult to deal with, and I can take advantage of this."

"My plan is to start a magazine mystifying the class contradiction of this world. Start."

At this time, the expressions all looked towards this guy by Auston I and Ji Shijun changed. The most troublesome thing for them was how to open up the people's wisdom without attracting a counterattack.

In this regard, those "known" and commonly used methods are naturally very useful.

If this is done, he will become an "opinion leader" with at least five Altria's formidable power.

In this way, the major event of heaven shaking, earth shattering asked the three of them to go fishing on the beach and discuss it.

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