On this day, Charles blasted two wells on the ground.

Because the mouth of this well is in a regular circular shape, just like the sun and moon in the sky, the locals later called them "sun well" and "moon well" respectively.

Charles was sitting side by side with Ensia on the rock next to the "Sun Well", eating hot instant noodles together, and explaining the principle of the vegetable greenhouse. There is also a house heated by a hot spring, so The girl understood as soon as she saw the slime greenhouse film.

The two settled quickly. First, build the first batch of experimental greenhouses next to the two wells. If the results are good, then further promotion.

It’s not a problem to choose the person who will teach the vegetable greenhouse planting technology. The beastman tribe sent Charles a group of beastman girls, and these girls who were supposed to be the maids of the Xi family were all cultivated into vegetable greenhouses. Technicians, these years have been doing technology promotion in the settlements on the prairie, it is not a problem to call a few to assist Enxia.

Both of them are quick people, and the income distribution will be negotiated quickly. Charles just figured out the money for selling greenhouse film, and didn’t want too many shares. At the same time, he said that the materials and technicians are in the right place. It will be there within days.

There are many people in Enshia's family, and she can mobilize people to do this work herself, without disturbing Little Huihui.

The bamboo instant noodles sold by the elves are simply Supreme delicacies in Ensia's eyes. Charles had to take out the reserve supplies to make her eat a few flavors.

So Charles started another business and asked giant dragon to send a batch of canned convenience food to her every month as luxury goods.

Towards the evening, Charles rode Ensia to her house on a motorcycle.

Their home is in the Central Zone of the city, which looks quite big.

As soon as the two entered the door, they found that the atmosphere at home was not right.

Enshia grabbed a servant in a hurry, and after inquiring about the face instantly changes.

"Uncle Feng has an accident!" She said to Charles, and then hurriedly moved towards upstairs.

Charles followed him to a room upstairs and saw that Little Huihui and Rose were both there.

Rose comforted Little Huihui, "My Elf’s secret medicine is very effective, and his poison will be eliminated soon."

Enshia and Charles startled who just came in , This is a major event.

On the huge bed in the room lies a burly bull, but his original fortitude face is loose due to dehydration, and his eye sockets are deeply sunken.

Charles immediately cast several healing and detoxification spells on him, but they didn't seem to have any effect.

Little Huihui said: "Uncle Feng went out to buy groceries in the morning, but he never came back until he was carried back by a kind person."

"Good heart It is said that Uncle Feng had diarrhea in the public toilet and caused dehydration and weakness. He only told where he lived before he became comatose."

Enshiya said: "Where is that kind person, we have to thank him."

Little Huihui said: "He was wearing black clothes with a hood covering his face. He sent Uncle Feng back and left."

Charles has checked Uncle Feng, he frowned said: "He was poisoned. It is a very powerful laxative. If you are not careful, you will die." Lifting up Uncle Feng, slowly feed down.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise downstairs, and someone immediately came up and whispered in Little Huihui's ear.

"Not good!"

Little Huihui cried out in surprise, turned around and ran out.

Charles followed downstairs and saw a rather handsome little brother who was also dehydrated and unconscious, being lifted upstairs.

With Uncle Feng’s experience, everyone quickly settled in that little brother, and Rose also took out the detoxification machine used by the royal family to feed him.

On the first floor, Little Huihui held tightly the hands of the person who sent the little brother back, and said excitedly: "Thank you so much. If it were not for you, I would lose two important Family, please let me thank you!"

As he said, he pulled the kindhearted person into the first floor of the living room.

The kind-hearted person said: "Your family has been targeted, so you have to be careful."

He seemed to want to run after he finished speaking, all of a sudden. Just picked up the two victims of this family, won't you run away and stay with you?

It's just that he didn't run, because Charles came to the living room and said to Little Huihui: "Go and solve the problem at home. I will help you entertain this kind man first."

Little Huihui gave two orders and left, leaving Charles and the two of them facing each other in the living room.

Charles greeted the other person and sat down and asked: "Why are you here?"

Nasrdine was also surprised why he met the Boss here. He replied: "This I was on vacation for a while, and I asked a giant dragon friend where he fits the summer heat, and he brought me here."

Charles understands, because Nasrdine often stays up late and works overtime, and he loses if he gets overworked. Reasonable, so he specially approved this rare talent for mandatory rest ten days a month.

He complained: "I said, why don't you come out to play with Amia, do you want to come out with flowers and grass?"

"No, no, don't mess around Say!" Nasrdine almost jumped up, "Don't think that you are a Boss and you can spread rumors!"

Charles "hehe" smiled and said, "Maybe you had a wife before you lost your memory... "

Nasrdin hurriedly retorted, but he was a little lacking in confidence.

Charles said seriously: "No one knows what happened before your amnesia. I think you should get the certificate with Ami Ya as soon as possible. Do you know what other people say about me? I squeezed employees, and you dignified the chief engineer of Internaxonel to be squeezed so that there is no time to get married."

Nasrdine quickly changed the subject and asked, "Is this family your friend? It seems that I have gotten into a lot of trouble recently."

Charles said seriously: "Yes, Little Huihui is a good friend of mine. I guess this matter is related to the local political struggle, I decided Are you interested in helping them?"

Nasrdine nodded, said: "There are not many opportunities to behave in front of the Boss. I will wait for you to increase my salary."


Charles gave him a blank look. Intel's salary has always been high.

Soon after Little Huihui and Rose walked into the living room, Charles first said: "If you encounter any problems in your house, just tell me, I won't stand by. This Nasrdine is actually me Old friend, he will also help."

Little Huihui’s liquid nitrogen-like cold face turned into the temperature of dry ice. He greeted everyone to sit down and said, "This matter involves thanks. I don’t want everyone to fall into a crisis in the political struggle of Rager or even the entire snowy field."

Charles said indifferently: "What are we afraid of? Can you chase us there?"

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