The wind on the sea has become noisy, and the residents of the east and west continents met very harmoniously this time.

Joyce looked at the man in front of him in surprise. She didn't expect the other person to be a mage.

Rachel’s magic was taught by Meliti, and her strength is not bad, otherwise she would not dare to assassinate Jenny.

The healing effect in Water Element magic is good, and the bone injury can almost be seen on Joyce's arm and healed within a few breaths.

Suddenly, Rachel's gaze condensed, looked towards behind the dark elf, said "Run", and then hurriedly dived into the water.

The two black elf girls turned their heads and saw a white shark dorsal fin nearly one meter in height quickly approaching them.

Don't think about it, it was attracted by Joyce's blood.

The two girls hurriedly climbed up the wooden raft, picked up the oars and moved towards the shore.

With a sound of "boom", the megalodon, which is almost 20 meters long and weighs five-sixty tons, was suddenly blown out of the water for several meters, and then slammed into the water.

The black elf girls turned their heads and saw the shark fins popping out of the water again, and they continued to move towards themselves.

The strength in their hands has increased, and they have drawn the raft at an unprecedented speed, but the megalodon's speed has increased a lot, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

The dark elf girls who exploded with the power of Great Desolate finally escaped to the shore. They lay on the beach panting, and they were too tired to move.

It's just that the shark's fin still didn't turn, but moved towards the beach and rushed over.

Rachel, with the carcass of a megalodon in the sea, didn’t know that she had an oolong. She wanted to ask the two dark elf girls where it was, so she planned to give the shark as a gift. Talk to them everyone, didn't expect I almost scared them to pee now.

It’s just that the murloc girl suddenly discovered a problem when she approached the shore. She didn’t wear any clothes on her body, so it’s not good to just go ashore.

So she threw the carcass of the megalodon on the shore, moved towards the shore in the sea and waved the dark elf girls, then turned and returned to the sea.

The seafood in the Pearl Sea is quite rich. It took Rachel for a short half a day to make herself a simple dress with kelp and shells, and then she dared to go ashore.

At this time, a large group of people had surrounded the megalodon corpse on the shore. Everyone was talking at once and discussing who killed the monster in the sea.

When he received the news, the lord brought a large family with a large family on a cow. He is almost four meters tall, his feet are too big, his arms and legs are thicker than Rachel Waist circumference.

Joyce and Coughlin, who are almost 1.8 meters tall, are like little children in front of the lord master, answering the master’s questions trembling with fear.

The lord’s wife was also on the sidelines, interjecting to ask this and that from time to time.

They are very curious about that "delicate female bigfoot", especially she is a mage, bigfoot giant Rick does not have such a profession.

At first, the master and madam thought that these two girls were both frightened and misunderstood. It was not until someone exclaimed that someone had come out in the sea, and then they were sure that they were right.

When Rachel came out of the sea, her lower body was still the tail fin, until she reached the shallow sea, the tail fin became her legs in full view.

"Really strong Body Transformation Technique!" Lord Lord immediately in the heart gave the Murloc girl the label of powerhouse. Those who can change their form by magic are extremely powerful mage.

In his eyes, Rachel has turned into a fish shape, which makes it easy to move in the sea.

As for the megalodon corpse next to it, isn't it justified that it was killed by a powerful mage that can move freely in the water?

Dark elves, trolls, lizardmen, four-winged giant dragons, or legendary demons... The lord master can't tell the other party's true race. Heaven knows how she became like this.

And the kelp outfit she wore...maybe this is a popular outfit in a big city. It's normal for her to be in a poor country to keep up with the trend.

If there is a powerhouse on your own territory, as a landlord, you have to express yourself.

Lord Lord walked over and greeted: "I am the local host Tom Brady Baron. Your Excellency the audience is here. Thank you for getting rid of this cannibalistic devil beast. I am here. I formally invite you to come to my castle and let me enter the friendship of the landlords."

When Rachel first came ashore, he discovered that the intelligent creatures here are different from his own, and a single flashed in his heart. Thought: "I was burned to death and crossed?"

She has read the book "Legend of the Otherworldy Hero", and transmigrators like Ji Shijun have also seen it. Thinking of this.

She quickly found a solution for the language barrier and her own history.

Rachel is now an adult. In recent years, due to long-term exercise and good food, her height has grown to more than two meters, plus her own strength is guaranteed, and she can still run at any time by the sea. Make her not lose the opponent in the imposing manner.

First, she bowed and saluted the giant with big feet in front of her, and then beckoned to the black elf girl over there.

Joyce went over first, and Coughlin was a little timid and took a step slower.

Rachel first babbled the dark elf girl in Elvish language for a round, and then Joyce translated to Master Brady: "This lord said that he recently had some small problems in his study of magic. It made her mind temporarily uncomfortable and she forgot something. The lord asked if she could change your clothes with that fish, and could she stay at the beach for a few days?"

Brady Baron didn't doubt Rachel's words. Although he doesn't know magic, he still knows magic.

He had heard that a mage once became a dog, and when it turned back, something went wrong. The behavior of the whole person was almost like that of a dog, and the pet dog at home was even more miserable.

Mrs. Baron was immediately called back to bring over a set of their daughter's skirt.

Most branches of this kind of problems caused by magic disappear with the passage of time, even if permanent repercussions are left, it doesn't matter to Brady Baron.

The mage who can learn the Body Transformation Technique must be the discipline of a certain archmage. As long as one’s own etiquette is in place, when the time comes can use this mage to connect with the archmage, when the time comes regardless of the family It's easy to say whether you can use your strength to stand up, or have a life-saving straw in times of crisis.

Mrs. Baron came back soon. She sent Rachel a set of skirts that did not fit well, and she also carried a purse full of gold coins.

The clothes are included, and the money is the money that Baron's family bought the megalodon.

Now it’s the Baron family who wants to please Rachel and get a relationship with Archmage. Rachel wants to know the situation of this place through their family, so the two parties had a pleasant conversation under the interpretation of the dark elf girl .

On the way to the castle, Brady Baron and his wife rode a huge cow each, while Rachel and the two dark elf girls were sitting in a bullock cart.

Joyce translated Rachel’s words cautiously for fear of being slapped to death by the master.

Rachel wanted the two dark elf girls I met today to follow him for the time being. Joyce was afraid that the master thought he was talking nonsense as an interpreter.

Brady Baron doesn't understand Elvish, but he has the dark elf henchman by his side. He asks henchman and Rachel to confirm.

It's just that Rachel didn't want to talk to henchman, she waved and fanned in front of her subconsciously, and then gently nodded.

This move made Brady Baron heart startled. This kind of not talking to the opposite sex with no identity is a habit of those old noble ladies.

He never thought that Rachel just disliked the henchman's bad breath and didn't want to talk.

So, Joyce and Coughlin, the two beading girls, became Rachel's maids. Master Baron also urged them to serve Miss Rachel, which will benefit them greatly in the future.

With the consent of the master, the two dark elf girls were ecstatic in their hearts, but they did not dare to show it too much. In any case, it's better to be a maid than to lose your life in a seabed.

At this time, Rachel is thinking about how he should settle here. Learning to grow greenhouse vegetables and artificially cultivated pearl mussels at the Southern Sea farm seems to be a good choice.

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