The sun rises as always, and the sun shines on the fields, so that the farmers who started their day's work have to tilt their straw hats.

A piece of white water vapor rose up at the entrance of the village. Lord Turnip just threw a few pieces of quicklime into the water tank, and there were tumbling bubbles in the tank.

Facts have proved that the medicine and prevention methods that Peel brings are very effective.

Since everyone started to replace water with tea, there have been no new patients in the village.

Patients with mild symptoms improved after taking a mixture of tea and red leaf fungicide. Some people have already recovered completely.

Severely ill patients no longer get worse after enema treatment, and with the treatment of the medicine, the body gradually recovers.

The most important thing is that youngsters now dare to work in the field, as long as they wash their hands with lime water after returning from the field.

The radish master who finished configuring the lime water put on a straw hat and walked to his farmland. He just watered the field yesterday, hoping that the harvest of beans would not be affected too much.

He carefully observed the pods that were damp compared to the same period in previous years, and lifted the head from time to time to look towards Dalu. Today should be the day when Peel will come back again.

Although the situation in the village has improved, the assistance of the Knight Corps of the hospital is still indispensable.

The sun slowly slanted to the west, and Lord Turnip, who had finished weeding the field, did not know how many times he looked towards the side of the road, thinking that it seemed that Peel would not deliver medicine today.

He has been a soldier for most of his life. Although he could not be an officer because he was not a noble, he was only a non-commissioned officer who assisted the Lord Knight in managing the Hundred Men Squad when he retired, but his military knowledge was no worse than that of some young Knights.

He has a rough idea about the size of the place infected by the plague and how many villages there are. Combining the situation in the village, he can estimate that so many will be cured by just using the method of calculating rations. The medicine that the patient needs is as high as the mountain.

It doesn't matter how much it costs, whether there are so many medicines is the most important thing. It is not unheard of that money can not buy things.

He judged from some clues that there are not many stocks of fungicides that work well, so now he can only drink it with tea. It's like in the army, there is not much oats left, so let's cook it with wild vegetables, grass roots and so on.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of tea in the village. New teas that are on the market in the summer are bought and drunk in the winter. There are still some stocks at home. If necessary, put less fungicides.

The sunset glow began to climb to the sky, the day's work was over, and the villagers began to return to the village one after another.

A hello suddenly sounded, and the farmers whose fields were far from the village greeted Peel who was riding a tricycle excitedly.

Now Peel's driving skills are already very good, and he can control the tricycle to go straight with one hand.

He followed the villagers. When he entered the village, he washed his hands with lime water and washed them with the well water on the side.

It's just that the lime water is a bit thicker, which hurts the skin a bit. Although the last time he came here, he said that he could add some well water to make it lighter, but the villagers stubbornly believed that the thicker the better, the wounds were a little bit skinny and they worked in bed and had diarrhea to death.

The first step back, Lord Carrot, casually grabbed a few youngsters on the side of the road and told them to go to the tricycle to move things.

The youngster knows that the box in the car is filled with potion. When he is holding the wooden box, he is cautiously and dare not to let out the atmosphere. He is more careful than holding his own child.

It's just that Peel didn't touch the last big iron box, but unloaded the car with extreme caution.

Master Carrot asked: "What is this?"

Peel smiled mysteriously and secretively, and replied: "This is a good thing. You inform the movable people in the village today. After dinner at night, when it’s dark, everyone will gather in the small square in the middle of the village. Don’t forget to bring a small stool."

Master Turnip’s eyes lit up and he immediately agreed. A few days ago, he took the medicine. Bringing and telling everyone that the lime water was used to wash their hands when they were not afraid of touching the river water, they gathered the villagers. This time, they obviously brought good things.

Peel asked: "Is it enough for the village to water the ground for three to five days?"

Master Turnip replied: "Almost enough, what's the matter?"

Peel said earnestly: "The Queen Your Majesty wrote to you the day before yesterday. Your Majesty said that since lime water can kill those small insects, you can simply throw the lime into the river and kill all the small insects in the river."

"We did an experiment, and it was really effective, but the water can't be used to irrigate the ground for the time being, and we have to wait for that section of water to go away."

"Really?! "Master Carrot shouted excitedly. If that's the case, then it's very good."

It’s just that Peel poured cold water on him: "Don’t be too happy. Although the source of small insects, those mud monsters have been burned to death, the holes they live in are sealed up, but the river bottom There may also be these small insects in the mud. There are so many rivers, it is impossible to kill them all."

"It’s just that there are not as many small insects as there are now. Be careful at ordinary times, as soon as you have diarrhea. Drink strong tea, so that basically you won’t die."

These words he said were announced during the Knight group meeting this morning and asked to be communicated to every village.

While speaking, smoky smoke came out from the chimneys of every house, and the whole village was immersed in the smell of fireworks.

Because tea can cure and prevent diseases, the villagers invented the never-before-seen way of using tea to cook oatmeal.

Although the taste is not very good, but to survive, and because some of it is good to eat, everyone eats very happily.

Two days later, when the bread oven in the village opens, the housewives are studying the feasibility of using tea to make brown bread.

In the northern village, there is basically a huge bread oven. This one is as high as a one-story building and the bread oven like a stone house is the property of the lord master. It will light up every once in a while. The villagers After paying the money, we can put the dough we prepared into it and bake it into brown bread.

It was getting dark, and the villagers came to the small square in the middle of the village one after another, and saw the village chief and the Knight Old Brother hanging a large piece of white cloth on the bread stove.

In the past, when the lord’s people came to collect taxes, they would also hang the lord’s flag on it, and then collect taxes in front of the bread oven.

It’s just that I haven’t seen the white cloth, so many people are curious to take a small bench and sit in the open space in front of the High Level.

The white cloth was hung, and Peel took out two wooden boxes the size of his head from the iron box and placed them on both sides of the white cloth with a tripod.

He flipped the switch on the box, the magic circuit was turned on, and a small yellow light came on.

Then the heads of a group of people turned with Peel, and he came to the end of the crowd and fixed an iron box on the tripod.

He squinted his eyes and took aim, confirmed that the projector was aimed at the center of the white cloth, and then turned on the leftmost switch.

Diana and Nasrdin considered the level of the operator when designing the projector. When using it, just flip the switches in order from left to right.

A strong white light suddenly appeared on the top of everyone's heads, and the white light from the opposite side shone on the white cloth, which was even higher.

After a while, a horizontal golden shadow appeared on the white cloth, but it was very vague and I couldn't see what it was.

Peel moved the knobs on the left side of the projector according to the training method, the light curtain on the screen moved to the middle position, the size became more suitable, and the pattern on the top became clearer and clearer until A gear with wings appeared in front of everyone.

The third group of viewers on this world discussed spiritedly and wondered what painting this is.

The active youngster stood up and waved her hand, and found that her shadow appeared on the screen layout, and then she played a hand-shadow scene.

Not to mention, the girl's hand-shadow drama is quite good, and the animals imitated are so vivid that many people laughed heartily.

Lord Turnip wanted to stop her, but Peel stopped old Captain.

The girl didn’t know that her naughty behavior changed her life.

At this time, Peel pushed the second switch, the speaker in the distance lit up with a green light, and then a string of crisp sound of music was emitted. This sound was adjusted to the appropriate level with the twisting of the right knob the size of.

Diana doesn't want to engage in silent movies, so he integrated a set of walkie-talkie system in the projector, which can make distant speakers sound synchronously.

system everything is normal, Peel took out an iron box from the iron box, and cautiously took out a magic crystal from it after opening it.

The cross section of the magic crystal is trapezoidal, and he immediately put the magic crystal, the most important video recording magic crystal, into it.

The third switch was turned down, and suddenly a rolling mountain appeared on the curtain, with a hat made of glaciers on the top of the mountain.

"I'll do it!"

Peel hurriedly turned off the third switch, hurriedly took out the video magic crystal, and replaced it with another one.

As planned, two movies will be released tonight, first the epidemic prevention science and education movie, and then the continent landscape movie. As a result, this guy got the wrong order.

At this time, the villagers are discussing spiritedly. It seems that Peel’s Old Brother is going to show himself landscape paintings and listen to music, but someone who is attentive finds that the painting will move just now.

"The white cloth will naturally move when the wind blows."

This is what most people think.

"Quiet everyone!" Peel shouted at this time, "Let's wait for the picture I show you to move and talk. Don't be foolish and scared to pee your pants!"

The villagers suddenly whispered to each other with a "weng" whisper. There are various magical reasons in this world. In addition, Lord Carrot has often bragged with them in the past. Everyone has a high degree of acceptance of all kinds of new things. They are surprised that It turns out that Peel’s Old Brother is a deeply hidden Magic Master.

Peel did not explain for the time being. This kind of thing is expected. The villagers in the village also talked like this last night, which happened to be used to maintain discipline.

The magic shadow began soon. A line of black and white characters appeared on the screen. At the same time, the male voice in the speaker read out the name of the magic shadow: "Fight against germs, disease and death."

The picture flashed, and everyone saw a mud monster slowly moving forward in the black and white woods, and then a back figure appeared in the picture.

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