Shield Bridge Academy has been studying rowing for a long time. Everyone knows that it is almost impossible to build a new rowing boat in a month. It takes a long time to process the wood used for shipbuilding. .

But Principal brought a message that a few days ago, a student from Niudu Academy bragged after drinking and said that the Academy had prepared several engines this time, when the time comes on a full-equipped racing boat.

After Charles heard it, there was a black line. It sounded very similar to the "big fly" used by smugglers in his previous life. That guy can still run eight or ninety kilometers. According to the current engine power, it is estimated that this year's rowing boat of Niudu Academy can run at a speed of 60 to 70 kilometers.

The traditional rowing boat of the Shield Bridge Academy is a bit speechless. For so many years, the reaction force provided by the magic array at the stern is used as thrust. This must make the underwater part of the rowing boat sufficient Space to inscribe more magic arrays, but this increases the underwater resistance, which offsets a lot of the increased thrust.

The discussion has begun. The outstanding students are still working on how to strengthen the power of the magic array. Only Charles, Vichy and Langsha sat together and said nothing.

Charles is a little strange about Langsha's appearance. The female classmate's magic knowledge can only be said to be above average. It must be the Principal who knows what she has.

Vichy sat on the other side of Charles. She originally wanted to join the discussion, but keenly noticed something was wrong with the professors and became an audience.

The Principal and the professors are quietly watching the students arguing and writing on the blackboard, but their disappointed eyes grow stronger.

Charles discovered this too, thought about it, and quickly discovered the problem.

The rowing competition between the academies has received the support of two academies. It must be more than just stunned, but to promote subject development and student education.

These sophisticated old professors are keenly aware that the change has occurred, but many students are ignorant, and their thinking is still stuck in the same way.

I have to say that Niudu Academy walked in front of Shield Bridge Academy at this point.

Perhaps, the burden brought by the development of magic for thousands of years is too heavy.

Charles winked at Principal. Principal seemed to have been waiting for him, and immediately nodded gently.

Taking advantage of the effort of the students to stop and think, Charles walked over and said directly: "Everyone, your thinking is wrong."

These words immediately caused public outrage. However, these people are all very smart, knowing that this "vegetable" Charles martial power value is extremely high, and you might be knocked sap directly when you go straight up.

If one day a pea shooter suddenly comes out in the grass on the side of the road and sprays himself a bag, or the watermelon drops from the sky and smashes himself on the ground, it is really not easy to catch the current situation.

More girls have heard that this "vegetable" holds a kind of entanglement and binding magic, which scares some girls into excitement.

So everyone decided to fight against each other rather than fight by force.

"Then what's the right thing to tell you?" An Old Brother with glasses passed the chalk to Charles, with a hint of anger in his expression and tone.

Charles did not pick up the chalk, but took a hair dryer out of the storage ring.

This hair dryer was prepared for him to go to the outer islands with his female classmates. After they came out of the sea, they had to dry their hair after washing.

"What do you mean?" Brother glasses looked at the hair dryer questioningly.

Charles tucked the hair dryer in his hand and turned on the maximum gear at the same time.

The hair dryer "hu hu" sprayed the wind, and the force produced made the glasses brother almost unable to hold it firmly.

Is the excellent student of the top Academy, the glasses brother instantly understood what he meant, "Are you going to use this as the power for rowing?"

Charles nodded his head. , He certainly didn't want to install a bunch of hair dryers on the bottom of the boat, and there is a difference between the circular magic array and the water spray.

He is a graduate of the demon race St. Fillip Polytechnic University. This can be said to be the greatest invention in recent hundreds of years. The basic principles and several variants are written in the latest edition of the textbook. Now, the simple truth is still known.

Although he can directly take out the circular water-spraying magic array, he is unwilling to do so. He wants to see if the research of Shield Bridge Academy will take a path of his own innovation.

The glasses brother thought for a while, then reluctantly returned the hair dryer, and said at the same time: "Unfortunately, if one month earlier, we still have hope."

At this time, Professor Erbach stood up suddenly and patted the table fiercely, and roared: "What a pity! What a pity!"

"How many years have motorcycles and vans appeared, have you studied it? ?"

"Last year, Niudu installed the engine on the rowing boat. Have you ever thought about the significance of it?"

"When you were making a steamed bun machine, you were exposed to wind turbines Have you ever paid attention to it?"

"There are three layers of hair dryers in the laboratory downstairs. Have you ever been to learn about it?"

"Nothing about the frontiers of technological development I know that I don’t have a sense of smell for the meaning of new technology, and I don’t think about the use of technology. This is either stupid or lazy!"

The glasses brother retorted with his neck: "That's not magic..."

"[City of Knowledge swearing]!" His Excellency Principal slapped the desk in front of him, "Your head is the same as your father and your father, and as stubborn as a stone!"

" What is magic, it is the flexible use of magic power, rather than simply using magic arrays directly!"

Charles is the first time to see such an angry Principal, and think about it, the best in the Academy There would be such a dull person among those few students, and he would be mad when he changed.

The angry gaze shifted to Charles, and the Principal sternly said: "Medievan, I let you take the lead, can you come up with a rowing boat that can definitely outperform Niudu in a month! Academy's. All resources are at your disposal, at any cost!"

Charles immediately said: "Let me think about it for five minutes."

I have to think carefully. If there is a year, he will definitely agree to it. , Two months are fine, at worst everyone doesn't sleep.

Now there is only one month, which is too tight.

The spectacle brother just now understands the meaning of the phrase "Unfortunate". Whether it is a hair dryer or a water jet, it must be installed on the racing boat to match its keel structure, otherwise the hull will be strong. The thrust to break the rack.

Just like someone put the hook on the bumper when towing a car, the car in front dragged the bumper away, leaving a sand sculpture driver and the car without the bumper left in place.

If you want to use new power, you have to redesign the structure of the rowing boat and build a boat from scratch. This time is not enough.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed through Charles' mind.

He turned his head and looked towards Langsha, and asked: "Langsha, did your research produce any new results, such as strong slime glue?"

Langsha didn't 't expect Charles will suddenly ask herself, she replied: "The slime glue you added the wrong reagent on that day formed a hard lump after cooling. It is a bit brittle and lacks toughness."

This time Charles got it. No wonder Principal would squat at the gate of the dormitory to grab himself, thinking that when they first met that year, he had solved the toughness problem of brittle materials.

Charles Chao Langsha was nodded, and then said to the Principal: "I took this task."

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