Fortunately, the one who came to Professor Batthias this time was "Medivine" instead of "Megadon". Fortunately, the professor didn't know that these two goods were actually the same.

The senior leaders of the Forging Temple have long regarded Megadon as a key cultivation object. If this guy hadn’t thought about using the divine technique to process materials, I’m afraid He Dou Dagger would get angry from the space gate. He rushed over and hammered him to death.

There is no way. After he came here, the family tradition is to treat the temple as a political power to play a balance. He himself has a little resistance to the gods and the divine technique, except for the divine technique contained in the gift package given by Reimu. In addition, he has never actively touched other divine techniques.

So, although he knew that God of Forging's divine technique could replace welding, he subconsciously didn't take it into consideration when working.

On this point, he is inferior to Diana who developed the holy light Gatling, and Ji Shijun who used the temple as a tool.

At this moment, Charles is incarnate as a stepping stone supporting role in the novel, with such things as not small, handsome, rich in the family, smart and the others, sitting there listening to the protagonist Batis When Professor Ya talked about his awesome research results, he almost showed an expression of "this impossible" on his face.

Since Charles proposed the concept of mesh armor that year, the Shield Bridge Academy has conducted a series of research on this.

According to different needs, the team led by Professor Batizia has developed more than ten kinds of metal inlay nets. Now the samples in the book are the most mature part of the technology.

"How is it?" The professor sipped his tea a little proudly, "I have the metal mesh you need here?"

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, Shield Bridge Academy Here is no exception.

The rowing competition can be said to be one of the top major events in the Academy, but the material subject has never had a chance to get involved, and the limelight has been robbed by the magic array subject.

Now that the Academy is looking for help, Professor Batizia must seize the opportunity so that he will have more energy to shoot the table when he is rushing the budget at the end of the year.

Charles didn’t know this. He studied the samples carefully and said at the same time: “If the bonding effect is no problem, then I would like to ask the professor to recommend two or three materials. The requirement is to have enough finished products. The tensile strength is high, it is easy to form, and the cost is next."

Professor Battsia took the slime hard plastic board to study, and this poor hard plastic board broke the second corner. .

"I understand your needs." The professor said, "You turn to pages four to six. Those three networks should meet your requirements."

Charles one by one After checking the sample, just pulling a few hard times, these seemingly soft nets are not so easy to pull off.

Then it’s easy to say, Professor Batizia promised to bring people and materials to the laboratory building in the afternoon to start work.

Charles went to Langsha again after leaving the office, told her to prepare the materials, and went over to study with Professor Batthias in the afternoon.

He finished his work, and went to the restaurant on the third floor of the canteen to discuss the meal arrangements with Mrs. Pumpkin in charge before returning to the laboratory building.

As soon as he walked into the laboratory, Vichy stuffed him with a list and said: "Catch these people as soon as possible, otherwise time is too late."

Charles looked towards There is a list of about 30 names in my hand, and I sighed in my heart: Yes, you are the protagonist, and I am the NPC who works and gathers party members for you.

He wondered if he was going to catch a few people to help himself, otherwise it would be choking just to do this.

Back to the office building, to the top of the building, the two girls in the broadcasting room were reading the news in "Daily Ji Wen" in turn.

Charles stuffed the list into the hands of the girls who were waiting to read the next manuscript. After a while, the entire Academy could hear the urgent news from the loudspeaker:

"A message is urgently interrupted now!"

"The following students are requested to go to the top floor of the new laboratory building immediately, and the following students are requested to go to the top floor of the new laboratory building immediately.


For a time, there was a lot of fun in the Academy, and the famous students who slept in the dormitory, studied in the library, and fell in love in the garden hurriedly He rushed to the laboratory building, and was caught by Vichy, who was holding the Principal warrant, on the spot and immediately arranged the task.

Before lunch started, most of the researchers from each group arrived. Only some students who were not in the Academy would be in place tomorrow.

Aunt Pumpkin’s speed is very fast, she brought the waiter in the restaurant to the Conference Hall that was prepared for them in the laboratory building, and the Conference Hall was set up as a restaurant in less than an hour. .

At lunch time, the staples, main dishes, snacks, soups, drinks, and tableware moved from the kitchen are already in place, making the students who were caught suddenly complain a bit less.

Charles sits at the table that was originally a desk, eats with his left hand, and writes and draws on the paper with his right hand.

Langsha and the others will start to do the hull material test in the afternoon, and he has to write down the manufacturing plan of the glass fiber reinforced plastic for their reference.

He just stopped writing when he finished writing, and another list arrived.

"What is this?" Charles looked at Brother Spectacles suspiciously.

"To speed up the calculation of the hull structure, you must use a calculator." The glasses brother helped his glasses, "At present, the only suitable calculators are the Wisteria Academy and the Academy of Forging God, which is the design of Ferlingen Iron We have to borrow two of the Pagoda and use it back."

Charles nodded, this calculator for calculating structural formulas was invented by Diana many years ago, but the current use is limited, the threshold for users is high, and the purchase The quantity is small, the cost remains high, and there are not many units sold at all.

The Shield Bridge Academy only purchased one and came back for research. The result of the research is that the machine looks OK after being assembled, but it can’t be turned on.

Recently, Diana is studying a calculator that specializes in bookkeeping, and then cooperates with an automatic writing robot as a printer, and plans to sell it to those merchants.

Now it’s easy to use. There are still a few in the basement of Diana’s house because they are not sold, so let’s take this opportunity to sell them to Shield Bridge Academy.

Only someone can do this, so he can only turn into an NPC who prepares powerful props for the protagonist again, so that the protagonist can shine in this mission.

"No problem." Charles agreed, not considering whether Brother Glasses would take this opportunity to let Academy purchase the equipment that was suitable for him in the past.

"Miss Vichy, please rest assured!" At this time someone in the restaurant said loudly: "I have seen the magic array, it is very simple, and it will be changed soon!"

Charles raised his brows and saw that he was talking about a handsome boy who was moving towards Vichy on the other side of the table confidently, who was discussing issues with everyone while eating and patted his chest.

After speaking, the boy looked around the restaurant, as if waiting for someone to question him, how long his eyes were on Charles for a while.

You someone quietly finished lunch before he didn't bother to take care of the boy.

Although the "wind to water" of the ring magic array is not small, it is estimated that it will take one day to understand the principle and three or four days for various modifications and experiments.

But what if someone has the protagonist's aura, it can be done in half a day?

This is a collective project. If you do a good job of his leadership, you can’t get rid of it. As long as you do a good job in overall planning and point out major problems, there is no need to discourage youngster’s enthusiasm. .

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