Yun Ci put down the chair and sat down in the position of the time machine again, and asked smoothly: "How long has the time passed since I first traveled to the present?"

Dr. Yuan glanced at his watch: "It's been half an hour."

"Only half an hour?"

She traveled twice, the first time she went out to buy groceries, the second time she ate with Gu Jingwen, watched TV, and even stayed in the living room of the apartment until midnight. But why only half an hour passed in reality?

Dr. Yuan explained: "The past time is not parallel to the current time. If you stay for a few days in the past, in reality, only about two hours may have passed."

It turned out to be so.

Yunci slowly closed his eyes: "Let's start."

Dr. Yuan sighed and operated on the screen.

Like the previous two times, she would return to Gu Jingwen's apartment, at the same time, in the same scene, and in the same location.

But every time, Gu Jingwen would die from various reasons.

She could only watch Gu Jingwen die. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't prevent the accident from happening. Even if she was to bear the accident and death for him, it would be useless.

At the end of the fifth time, Yunci got up from the chair of the time machine, and suddenly felt dizzy. She fell to the ground severely. A warm current gushed from her nose. She stretched out her hand and wiped it with warm blood. , Her stomach turned to the sea, she couldn't help but vomited, her stomach was empty, and her vomiting was all acid water.

Dr. Yuan hurriedly helped her up and poured her another cup of hot water.

"I told you not to try it a long time ago. Multiple crossings will cause irreversible damage to your body."

Yun Ci suddenly grabbed Dr. Yuan's hand, gritted his teeth and forcibly endured the physical discomfort, and said in a trembled voice: "Last time, let me...see him for the last time, please..."

" really are...oh!" Doctor Yuan was shocked by the perseverance in the girl's eyes. She seemed to lay down her life and refused to give up. But she couldn't help but compromise. "Okay, okay, just the last once."

Dr. Yuan helped Yunci sit on the time machine, and then went to operate on the screen next to him. Suddenly, he twisted his eyebrows, tapped on the screen with his hand, and couldn't help muttering: "How do I get stuck? thing!"

He fiddled with it roughly twice, and suddenly let out an exclamation: "Oh, oh... I made a mistake!"

Dr. Yuan hurriedly clicked on the screen with his finger, trying to save, but turned his head to see that Yunci had disappeared before his eyes.

His eyes widened in fright, and he covered his mouth tightly: "It's over..."

The screen was too stuck just now, he was in a hurry and got the time and place wrong...


"Wake up... Are you okay?"

An anxious voice rang in my ears.

Yun Ci lifted his heavy eyelids, feeling that one hand was supporting her neck, and another hand was holding a glass, pouring water into her mouth gently.

The chaotic thoughts gradually became clear, and she realized that she was lying on the ground, her upper body was lifted up, and the surrounding crowd was also surrounded by dark and oppressive people.

The person who helped her was a young girl with a beautiful face and a gentle voice. She asked with concern: "Are you awake? How do you feel?"

At this time, a sharp voice came from the front: "When you wake up, stand up quickly, don't waste time!"

The shout made everyone dispersed.

The little girl helped Yunci to stand up and calmly said: "Hold on a little longer, it will be over soon."

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