The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 866: Your wife is in my hands

When he let him go forward, he will go forward, let him go backward, and he will go backward, without the slightest violation.

In a blink of an eye, Dongtang slowly walked to Huo Baiyuan. Huo Baiyuan looked at him, smiled at him, and said like a pet: "Well, really good."

Dongtang stayed quietly beside Huo Baiyuan, motionless.

Huo Baiyuan looked at Mu Chenbi, who was sitting next to the tree trunk: "I am only responsible for controlling Dongtang Chiyou. As for Yunci, I will not intervene. You should do it yourself."

Mu Chenbi looked at Yunci who was alone on the opposite side, endured the pain, and squeezed out a little voice: " can't escape."

Yunci suddenly evoked a smile of unknown meaning: "Really?"

Mu Chenbi squinted his eyes. Just as he couldn't understand the meaning of Yunci's smile, he suddenly heard a sound of footsteps in the distance. Then, dark and crushing figures emerged from the woods behind Yunci, standing in succession. Behind Yunci, it seemed that the single Yunci had backing in an instant.

Mu Chenbi laughed: "Aci, do you think it's useful to call so many people? Dongtang Chiyou has been controlled. As long as Huo Baiyuan is here, no one can take him away, and you are alone, willing to take him away. Leave him and go?"

"Who said it's useless!"

At this time, a man's voice came from a distance, and immediately afterwards, I saw Hualien running over, and in the dark night, it was vaguely visible that he was still holding a person in his arms.

Huayi panting and ran to Yunci's side, looked at Huo Baiyuan on the opposite side, and yelled: "Hey! Look at who I am holding in my arms!"

Huo Baiyuan slowly turned his head, his eyes under the white silk seemed to be looking into the flowery arms, and suddenly, his face sank.

"Li Shu?!"

The corpse of Huo Baiyuan's wife, Song Lishu, held in his arms!

Song Lishu was still wearing pajamas, her head drooping, one arm hanging weakly, strands of hair covering her pale face, faintly weird under the moonlight.

The flowery smile sneered towards Huo Baiyuan: "Do you think that you are the only ones who can intimidate others? Now, your wife is in my hands. You should know how to do it, too?"

Huo Baiyuan stared at the woman in Hua Yi Nong's arms, his expression became anxious, and he obviously did not expect that Hua Yi Nong would steal Song Li Shu from his home.

Mu Chenbi looked at Huo Baiyuan and scolded: "Huo Baiyuan, don't be fooled by them."

Huo Baiyuan didn't pay attention to Mu Shenbi, but always looked into the flowery arms.

Flowery raised the woman in her arms and threatened fiercely: "If you don't get the gu worm out of Dongtang Chiyou's body, I will burn her in a fire, anyway, she is a corpse! "

Huo Baiyuan hardly hesitated, immediately raised his hand and pressed Dongtang's shoulder.

Mu Chenbi seemed to have discovered Huo Baiyuan's next move, and immediately stopped: "Huo Baiyuan! Are you crazy? Just because of a corpse, are you going to ruin our special medicine plan for so long?!"

Huo Baiyuan tilted his head slightly, glanced at Mu Chenbi, and said with a sneer: "You do so much, not just for a woman."

Mu Chenbi was speechless for a while. He wanted to stop it. As soon as he moved, there was a severe pain in his lower abdomen, and he couldn't get up at all.

Huo Baiyuan pressed Dongtang Chiyou's shoulder, and after a while, there was a Gu worm that crawled out of Dongtang Chiyou's neckline.

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