Logically, after taking her own medicine, her pain should be lessened!

Is the medicine wrong?

Thinking like this, Duanmu Yawang's brows tightened and tightened, and she untied her robe. She untied the bandage that Madam Lan had bandaged for her before and glanced at her chest.

From this look, I suddenly discovered that the original scarlet wound, at some point, turned into purple and black!

Moreover, the black area is two palms wide!

"Damn! What's going on?"

Duanmu Yawang's face changed, and she started to signal her pulse, and found that her pulse was normal, and her heart rate was normal, but the wound on her chest was very strange.

She checked the wound again and found that the wound was non-toxic.

In other words, the purple-black wound was not caused by poison.

Duanmu Yawang suddenly thought of another possibility: "Couldn't it be that Mo Meng's master commander wind has a certain characteristic, that is why this situation is left behind after he shot himself?"

Unable to help, she got up from the boat and went to the Lans and asked about it.

Of course, she didn't directly talk about the condition of her chest, just said: "My wound is a little bit painful, is it because the hand of Mo Leng is extremely powerful, I was hurt by Zhen Qi?"

When the Lans heard her asking, they were extremely nervous when they could even think of answering her questions. Madam Lan even said: "Where can the wound pain be tolerated? Deyin, please enter the room quickly and let me show it to you. Look at the wound."

"No, there is no pain when the bleeding occurs."

Duanmu Ya looked forward to rejecting it, and endured the pain with a smile, "I just want to ask, if Mo Mengzhu's previous palm was so sharp, could my chest be hurt by real qi?"

"It shouldn't be."

Master Lan shook his head enduringly and said: "We have known Brother Mo for more than ten years. Brother Mo actually didn't use his full strength with his palm. The power will not be so powerful that he can release his true energy."

"okay, I get it."

Gongyu Dechun was worried: "Deyin, you took a stab at the bucket yourself first, and when you came back, the wound was hurt more severely by the spiritual energy layer. Now you have suffered a palm, triple injury, or the big ratio of unknown children. I really can't worry about you like this."


Duanmu Yawang shook his head and smiled: "I know my own problems, and I can solve them by myself. You don't have to worry about me. I stopped breathing when I returned to the room." After that, she stood up and left.

Mrs. Lan was worried, and stood up: "Deyin..."

"All right, ma'am."

Master Lan stopped Mrs. Lan, and said warmly: "Deyin knows medicine by himself, so he has a sense of measure."

"I know, but Deyin keeps hurting like this is no way! Deyin is a girl, and girls are a little more delicate. Master, you don’t know. When I bandaged Deyin, I saw that her chest was really flesh and blood. It's vague, I feel so distressed."

"Deyin also doesn't want us to worry."

Facing Mrs. Lan, Master Lan has a very good temper, "We don't have much to help Deyin, so you can just prepare Deyin for every meal."

Mrs. Lan was worried, and sighed: "Oh, that can only be done."

Duanmu Ya hoped to return with nothing, and lay on the bed again.

But I couldn't fall asleep anyhow, the wound was painful like being burned by fire.

Finally, she suddenly thought of the evil beast in Banyue Island's hands, and also of the substance she had extracted from the dead body of that evil beast there.

Those substances, when she was on Ban Yue Island, she mixed them with some herbs to make several large pots of powder.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly reached into the medical system and took out the things.

After a few big doses of medicine, she left a bottle for the old man to use, and the rest of herself was thrown back into the medical system.

This time, she only used a shallow medicine spoon, took the spoon out of the medicine jar, and then applied it to her wound.

Although I haven't used it formally, I don't know how effective it is, but I shouldn't kill myself, just treat it as a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

Unexpectedly and logically, not long after the powder was applied to the wound, the pain of the wound on her body actually weakened a lot, and the large purple-black piece, as time passed, turned back. The normal red color.

Seeing the wound healed, Duanmu Yawang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But wanting the main effect of the powder, she still narrowed her eyes and twitched the corners of her mouth coldly.

Duanmu Yawang visited a lot because of her injuries. On the same day, no matter it was lunch or dinner, someone came to greet her and bring supplements and food.

Some people are not familiar with Duanmu Yawang at all.

Duanmu Yawang didn't want to owe favors, so every person who came over would take out a bottle of medicine and give it as a gift, and thank you medicine based on personal circumstances.

Duanmu Yawang didn't want to deal with it. These people are going to come, and many of them are still uneasy and kind. Her room can almost be said to be very busy. Because of this, she didn't get a good rest all day, and her heart was annoying and dry.

Most importantly, there are some supplements and foods. Duanmu Ya looked at it and couldn't help but sneer, then let Xiao Bailu throw it into the corner, and said: "Xiao Baibai, don't be greedy, otherwise you will probably Only a pool of deer bones remained."

They are all good things. Little Bailu couldn't put it down at first, and immediately retracted his hand when he heard it, and said, "Poisonous?"

"Most are mixed with laxatives."

"I want you to be unable to get up and not let you participate in the big competition?" Xiaobailu said in a huff: "These people are too small in their minds. Usually they don't practice well and think about these damages. However, give them to others. It’s too courageous to give gifts and give medicine!"

"In fact, this is the best way. The method of bringing medicine in the herb is very wonderful. Even a very powerful healer may not be able to see it at a glance. If ordinary people boiled and drank it, it would be difficult to diagnose because of the interference of the medicine. When the laxative comes out, I will only think that I am caused by poor health."

"Unexpectedly, these people are quite clever!"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Will so many people give me the same medicine without appointment?"

Yin Huiyin raised his eyebrows: "Is someone trying to unite to fix you? Isn't it the Fen Tianzong who united people?"

"I don't know, it's probably my existence that's hindering others." After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, he said to Xiao Bailu: "Those gifts, whoever sent them, should be remembered for me."


After such a day, when I woke up the next day, when I had breakfast with the Lans and the others, they were all listless.

"Deyin, why don't you go back to sleep?" Gongyu Dechun probably regarded Duanmu Yawang as a paper man. She was worried whenever she moved. "You look like you, I'm worried about your martial arts competition. "

"it's OK."

Duanmu Yawang yawned, shook her head and said, "I can, let's have breakfast."

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