Hundreds of years ago?

so long?

Duanmu Yawang thought of the old man. He did look like an old man, but he looked 80 years old at most. Even after spending some time with him, she found that his age spots and skin wrinkles had improved significantly, and he was at least young. It's over ten years old.

He seems to be only seventy years old at most.

Hundreds of years of things, at that time the old man should have just been born, right?

But, when he was just born, how could he ask about the Fu family and the Nie family?

Duanmu Yawang couldn’t understand it. Hearing the words from the shopkeeper that disappeared, and remembering the young man named Fu he saw today, he said in a puzzled way: “Today there is also a young man floating in Ziyun City, and there seems to be many others. People are very jealous of him, he should have a bit of status in Ziyun City, right?"

The shopkeeper waved his hand and looked disinterested: "Really, is there such a young man in Ziyun City? Why haven't this shopkeeper heard of it?"

"In Ziyun City, isn't there a good-looking and talented floater?"

The shopkeeper did not answer. Seeing that Duanmu Yawang had been asking about the floating family, she moved her brows, "That's good, how come to ask the floating family? It's really only a whim?"

"Of course it is."

Duanmuya's heart jumped, feeling that the shopkeeper is really the more people get along, the more people can't understand. The first time we met, he happily received the gold ingots. He originally thought he was an ordinary person with good money, but then he took the gold ingots again. As a meal expense, no cents are taken.

Normally chatting, you will think that he is timid and fearful, so how to make her pay attention at night, and looks unusually lazy and easy-going, but occasionally he will be as sharp and sharp as now.

Seeing that the shopkeeper was still staring at her, she touched the tip of her nose and smiled: "Actually, before we came, I heard someone mention a name and found it interesting, so I deliberately inquired about it."


The shopkeeper looked interesting, "That person's last name is floating?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded repeatedly, with a wise expression of the shopkeeper's hello, "That person is called Floating Zero, have you heard of it?"

Who knows, when the shopkeeper heard the name, his face sank, and his voice was icy and cold: "I haven't heard it!"


Duanmu Yawang was taken aback by his strong reaction. Before he could react, the shopkeeper flicked his sleeves and turned around, and said as he walked: "Since you are all right, then I will leave first. For the sake of safety. You don't want to go out anymore."

The voice fell, and the person disappeared in front of the inn.

Little Bailu blinked his eyes, staring at Duanmu Ya, and asked in a heart-to-heart voice, "Master, what's the matter?"

"How would I know."

Duanmu Yawang frowned and shrugged.

However, the shopkeeper's reaction at least proved that he must know the person Floating Zero, even if he is not familiar with it, he must have heard it, but the reaction seemed a bit too strong.

Could it be that the old man had any bad behavior before that made others hate him?


Duanmu Yawang couldn't guess, and rubbed his forehead with a headache. Speaking of it, the old man's personality was indeed elusive, gloomy and unpleasant at all.

Duanmu Yawang did not stay in the hall for a long time, and went upstairs back to the room after a while.

When going upstairs, Duanmu Yawang patted Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu on the shoulders and said, "Everyone, rest early. We will go to the city to find Supreme Pavilion tomorrow morning."

"Early tomorrow morning?"

Yin Huiyin's brows moved and looked at Duanmu Yawang's eyes, "We have shown our faces before and made a lot of noise. It is estimated that it is easy to be recognized. Even if it is inconvenient to dress in disguise, how about two days later?"

Before Duanmu Yawang could answer, he saw Huo Fei coming out of the room. Duanmu Yawang was a little surprised when he saw him: "Xiao Fei, aren't you cultivating? How can you give it up?"

Huo Fei had a meal and looked at her and said: "It's my brother who has written a letter."

"Gong Yulan stop?"

Duanmu Yawang hadn't seen Gong Yulan for a few months. He thought tightly. Hearing that his eyes lit up, he immediately ran over and reached out to Huo Fei, "I believe it, show it to me!"

Huo Fei's ears were red, and he handed a small rolled paper to Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang took it and wanted to tear it down immediately. Yu Guang caught a glimpse of other people approaching, eagerly wanting to see it. The movement on her hand suddenly stopped, and her arms akimbo fiercely: "What do you look at, Gong Yulan will give it to me." Write a letter, what's the matter with you?"

"It must be a sour love letter!"

Little Bailu replied with akimbo and hummed: "You think everyone wants to read your love letters, no!"

"In that case, go ahead!"

Duanmu Yawang waved them away and went back to the room by himself.

After returning to the room, she took a happy look, and then her face turned black immediately: "..."

I wiped it. After so long, a letter came with great difficulty. As a result, there was only one woman on it?

The woman just happened to smile and smiled with her mouth covered her mouth, her eyes were cunning and she was very aura.

But, not a word!

Although the girl paints very well, looking at a face, her hair color and eyes are undoubtedly her, but...whatever you say, what do you mean by giving her only a portrait of her?

Also, who is not good at painting, why should I paint her with a partiality?

Can't he paint himself?

Painting himself, when she misses him, she can see things and think about people anyway!

Well, in fact, this is not the point. You can't write a few words if you have painted such a complicated painting?

It's... so angry!

Duanmu Ya looked at her gums biting and biting, but it is undeniable that when she saw such a painting, her heart became soft and a puddle of water. Although she was angry, she couldn't help but smile when she looked at it.

"elder sister?"

She stared at the painting for a long time, and suddenly there was a knock on the door and the sound of Huo Fei.

Duanmu Yawang put aside his words, walked over to open the door, and saw that Huo Fei and Xiaobailu Yin Huiyin were all outside. She raised her eyebrows: "If you don't go back to sleep, why don't you come to me and do?"

"Sister, brother asked Ziyuan to bring me a word." The beautiful young man lowered his head and said.


Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, "Did Ziyuan bring the letter?"


Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head and asked, "What did Gong Yulan tell Ziyuan to tell you?"

"Brother is in Fuxian now, let's go there."


Duanmu Yawang's brows moved, "Gong Yulan is so good, why did he go to Fuxian?"

"Brother guess something is going on."

Huo Fei didn't know how to speak, and the beautiful young man's face was flushed, and he pinched the hem of his clothes at a loss, "He, he asked us to come over and help."

Duanmu Yawang moved her brows, "Are we? Including me?"

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