The trumpeter who leads the way

Chapter 262 Stop making noise! I'm busy doing one versus two!


The 437 Ancient Regiment on the frontline battlefield took the lead in attacking, and Vanguard Gaozhan, under the command of [Ancient | Shadow], began to attack the 446 Jingzhou Fortress Group.

Although the [Ancient Regiment], the former face of District 437, has experienced a split, its combat power cannot be underestimated.

【Leave the group】Chat room

Li Sao: @All members, online! Let the fight begin! Let’s start!

Li Ge: Lao Sao, why did you let us go first this time? Didn’t we all play support positions before? /funny

Leave: It’s not a good idea to let me go first! Even Wu Xun couldn't get it.

Li Sao: Don't worry so much, just fight and it'll be over.

Li Ge: Is there any reward this time? /funny

Li Xinxin: Lao Sao has no money, you have to see whether the boss Mo Ran will give you military expenses, hahahaha!

Li Sao: Stop talking nonsense. If you don’t have martial arts, go to the wild.

Li Ge: Dog management, using power to bully others!

Li Sao: You are the one being bullied!

Leaving people’s hearts: [Battle Report]*2

Leaving: [Battle Report]

The Sorrow of Leaving People: [Battle Report]

Leaving: Is this their core group? Why does it feel so awesome!

Lirenchou: Level 38 Dudu is available.

Li Ge: Niu wow, Niu wow, this level is almost the same as mine. Is this because they are fighting?

Li Renchou: [Battle Report] should be, this is [Ancient | Shadow]! His team is quite popular.

Li Ge: It’s only 9 hits, just average. I'll meet him!

In the blink of an eye, the arrows of both sides were intertwined, and the battle situation between the [Ancient Regiment] and the [Legion Regiment] fell into a state of anxiety. On one side, the old C-level regiment was brutally split, and on the other was the newly promoted C-level regiment after the high-level reform. The fight was evenly divided.

Yi Meng command group

Little Jasmine: Lao Sao, is that okay?

Lisao: What’s wrong? Don't ask, you can choose to take action directly!

Little Jasmine: Hehehe, let’s wait for the email! But I can shoot a team of Spartans to support you on the battlefield!

Li Sao: Then I really thank you!

Little Jasmine: No need to be so polite, just send me a red envelope~/呲呲

Li Sao: It's daytime now!

Duituan chat room

Security guard: We should take action too! Jiuyou’s is here!

Little Teemo: Let’s fight!

Little Jasmine: Hey, which group is coming?

Little Security Guard: Yanyu Tuan

Snackman: Why are you not facing the Nine Nether Group?

Little security guard: Haha, do you look down on Yanyu Tuan?

Snack: Not as famous as Jiuyou.

Security guard: Okay. The mist and rain group are not easy to fight, and they are very strong. Several of them are very popular in the battle. Be careful about that Wu Meng, he is a red boss. This person's team @snack, you and I will pick him up.

Snack: Got it.

Little Timo: Didn’t Jiuyou come with three groups?

Security guard: That's right, we're in a group of 1 versus 2, so we don't have to worry about it.

Little Jasmine: Tsk tsk tsk~

Jiuyou Command

Idiot: We have a group meeting here.

Sunshine: Oh, then we will join forces.

Black Cavalry: Let's attack from the flank, @Sunshine, you attack from the front.

Sunshine: OK.

Jiujie: Be careful. The members of the group should be very powerful. They are ranked according to their strength. Gangtuan is the leader of gossip!

Idiot: What? So that means joining a group is better than joining a group?

Jiujie: In theory, this is indeed the case.

Idiot: Damn it, let me show you the battle report we just fought!

Idiot: [Battle Report]*5

Idiot: The main force is full red at level 40, and two of them are released at once. Isn’t this the strongest?

Picture context: /cover face

Baby:/cover your face

Picture context: Boss Wu Meng is awesome, one versus two!

Wu Meng: No, I definitely can’t handle it alone. The two of them directly knocked out my main force. I was seriously injured in the two draws and they were both slightly injured.

Idiot: Don't panic, Lao Qiu, I'll call someone for you!

Painting: / Cover your face, damn! Why is your battlefield so terrifying! Our side is much weaker.

Baby: Fart, that’s because the stronger one is fighting with our group.

Picture context: Ha~

Baby: [Kantuan] is here with us.

Picture context: Hahahaha~ That’s it, no wonder~ The one we fought with the [Qiankun Group] was the [Kun Group], and the [Gen Group] seemed to be blocked by the people from Tiance Palace.

Baby: They don’t have to play this game if they can’t stop a group with the 70th to 80th members of their alliance!

Huaqing: That’s right.

Sunshine: I’ll fuck you! Why are there so many reds!

Idiot: Meow meow meow? what's going on?

Sunshine: [Battle Report]*10, these 6 teams are all red! Damn it!

Da Fei: We have met our opponent.

Arthur: No wonder he is the leader! They have a lot of head strength.

Da Fei: @Arthur @An Xinger, go to the other side of the mountain! There are two full red teams, you can work together to deal with them. @Huangquan, there is a red one on the west side of the fortress.

Arthur: Yeah.

An Xinger: OK OK received.

Zichuan: @Da Fei, front line, front line! The front line is leaking!

Da Fei: Don't panic, I'm calling Mr. Egg Controller, I'll be here soon!

Black Cavalry: My main force is here too!

Da Fei: What level is your main force?

Black Knight: Level 38 Dudu.

Da Fei: Don't come. It's not worthwhile to stay here. Go to the battlefield in the west.

Black Rider: Okay!

An Xing'er: Wucao, I'm penetrated! The two guys with red faces opposite me fucked me in seconds!

Arthur: Morde...

Da Fei: Who still has a team? ? Go up and push it up. Everyone in the group goes and shouts, those with more than 10 reds go.

An Xing'er: Here comes...who is Gu Ying?

Black Cavalry: From our group!

Da Fei: What team is he on? Do you know? @Sunshine, just in case, go and give it a thumbs up!

Sunshine: I'm on my way! ! !

Black Knight: Huh? I don’t know what team he belongs to, but his power is the highest on our side! It's a reflux.

Sunshine: I’ll go! Another returnee?

Jiujie: Is your group also going back and forth?

Black Rider: Yes! I never noticed it, but he has always been very powerful, and I happened to see it today.

Ninth Street: How high?

Black Cavalry: I didn’t pay attention. Anyway, he must be higher than me. I am in the 270th place.

An Xinger: Wonderful! He's a boss! 【Battle Report】

Baby: Holy shit! Level 40 is full of red! This Gu Ying is also a big boss! /Funny, your group has found a treasure! ! !

Black Cavalry: Hey~ It’s also the first time I’ve seen his team! When we asked him before, he always said his team was average, so we didn't ask.

Jiujie: Which regiment is he from?

Black Knight: He said it was a small group. It seems to be called Yuefu Troupe...

Baby: Oh, damn...

Black Knight:? ? ? What's up? Very strong?

Jiujie: Damn, it turns out that their alliance is a group of low-key pretenders!

Baby: That’s right!

Idiot: Don't be too tempting! who is he!

Nine Streets: Guangwu’s core troupe—Yuefu Troupe

Idiot: Guangwu?

Black Rider: The ambition of Guangwu? ?

Baby: Yes, that’s him, the one who ranks among the Three Emperors along with Bank and Tongquetai.

Jiujie: These people all look panicked! ! It all flowed back down.

Ishiki: Because the World Cup just ended not long ago.

Baby: Daddy Stone! ! !

Jiujie: Lao Wang, are you back when you have time?

Yishi: No, the company is busy. I just have free time now so I will come up and take a look.

Jiujie: Oh oh.

Sunshine: Where’s No. 1? Where’s No. 1? Support! ! ! @No.1

No. 1: ...Don't make any noise! I'm busy doing one versus two!

Sunlight:? ? ?

No. 1: Otherwise, why do you think Yizhou’s support hasn’t arrived yet? Don’t you look at the mini map?

PS: Second update, thanks to the boss of Nuanyang 1314 for the Silver Alliance

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