The truth is, the truth is that the leader of the bandits is so strong? A level 15 player kills a level 30 player?!" "How did he do that? Even if the guys from the Berserker Guild didn't have a second transformation, he wouldn't be able to break through the defense of the level 30 armor!" "Real damage?" "No, I just used a skill to enhance my vision and saw that the damage numbers he dealt were all red, which was physical damage." "Does he have a magic weapon?" "Hiss... It's very likely! The bandits are not simple!" Some onlookers recorded the scene with their mobile phones. The battle between the bandits and the fake bandits quickly spread among the professional circles in Yunshan City. A group of low-level professionals at level 10 or so killed three level 30 professionals in a row. This is unheard of.

Even if this group of people is relatively large, there are hundreds of them.

But the best situation is to rely on the number of people to trap and delay the three people. It is too outrageous to kill them in return.

Of course, the most widely discussed one is the one who directly blew himself up to kill the enemy in the previous battle.

All professionals know about the common skill of self-destruction.

But few people really use self-destruction.

After all, if you use it, you will really die.

Who doesn't fear death.

Even if the hope of survival is slim, you will never give up survival. If you use self-destruction, there is no turning back.

On the Internet, the discussion about bandits was very popular.

"The bandits are so quick. Someone just pretended to be them, and they came to fight back? And there are so many people?"

"What? They used a teleportation array or a teleportation scroll. Do you think it's a show? The Berserker Guild issued an obituary. Those three people are really dead."

"That's the only explanation. They can teleport hundreds of people at will. This is something that only top guilds can do. Many big guilds in Yunshan City don't have the financial resources to do so."

"Bandits, a group of guys who are only a dozen or even a few levels, but they look very impressive. Every time they show up, they wear hoods and act mysteriously. Who are they?"

On the same day, the Yunshan City Public Security Bureau also held a press conference.

The fat and big-eared director severely condemned the bandits' blatant killing at the meeting.

"In broad daylight, in the clear sky!

A group of bandits killed three innocent professionals in public in the dungeon area!

Such behavior is extremely cruel and has extremely bad consequences!

As Yunshan City, which is about to be selected as a civilized and hygienic city in the Chinese administrative region, will never tolerate such rare and bad incidents!

Now, the wanted reward for all bandits has been increased to a minimum of 100,000 yuan!

If the identity is finally confirmed and the status in the bandit organization is higher, the reward will be higher!

In addition... hey, hey, hey, why are you throwing rotten eggs again! You said you would throw fresh ones?!"

The press conference scene was in chaos again.

People threw all the things in the kitchen at once.

"The bandits were there to save people! The three from the Mad War Guild are not good people. They want to kill Song Gua!"

"That's right! The bandits have always been like this. They like to punish evil and promote good, not to mention that they are doing bad things in their name!"

"The bandits are right about this!"

"The bandits are not wrong! Damn Director, get off the stage! Don't you know how chaotic the public security in Yunshan City is? It's so rare! You really said that!"

"Be happy that someone is helping you punish criminals!"

The Director carried two kitchen knives on his shoulders and stepped off the stage in embarrassment. "The one who threw the kitchen knives was too much. Be careful next time!"

In the corner of the press conference, Wang Miao was cold and no one was allowed to get close to him.

"Song Gua?"

Wang Miao found the video on the Internet where a level 15 bandit killed a level 30 giant axe warrior.

The shooting angle was not good, and the level 15 bandit did not show his face.

And the clarity was not high.

In addition, he was covered in flames, so even with high-definition, his face couldn't be seen clearly.

But Wang Miao's intuition from many years of handling cases made him feel that he should go to Song Gua to check.

He didn't know Song Gua.

But he had heard about this great genius who had grown 2.0, and some of his recent feats.

At this time, Song Gua had used the return scroll to return to the city, and then went home.

After killing the bearded man and the mage, he asked the clones to pick up the things that the two had exploded, and then they left separately.

The clones who were not level 15 stayed outside the city and did not come back.

Song Gua asked them to continue leveling, and when they reached level 15 and could wear level 15 equipment, they would go to the level 15 dungeon together.


Everyone has a scroll to return to the city.

If someone is targeting them, just open the scroll to return to the city. Song Gua will go to the return square of the professional temple to pick them up.

If they really can't escape, just self-destruct. In short, they can't reveal their identities.

"Old thief, this wave of fighting is in vain. Those three stupid guys didn't drop anything valuable, and it's not enough to cover the loss of our brothers' damaged equipment."

Song Gua was lying on the sofa watching TV, with a cup of happy water in one hand and fried chicken in the other.

Today's battle was so hard, I have to reward myself.

The sixteen clones overlapped on him and borrowed the virtuality, and they didn't want to talk at this moment.

"Don't always focus on money, look at the long term."

"What do you mean by long term?"

"Today we are going to warn the world, and let the world know that anyone who dares to pretend to be a bandit will be punished no matter how far away he is!"

"Will it work? After all, those three people haven't turned two, so they are not that powerful. Those powerful professionals are afraid of us who are more than ten levels?"

"Is it necessary for such powerful people to do such a thing? We haven't lost their interests, and it's good to deter the scoundrels for the time being."

"That makes sense."

"Besides, the Public Security Bureau is advertising for us again, and I believe our commission will come soon."

People are sitting at home, but there are many clones outside leveling up.

Song Gua's experience bar jumps forward from time to time.

However, after level 15, the experience required for leveling up has increased many times.

Even with the continuous feedback from many clones, Song Gua's leveling speed has slowed down a lot.

Someone lied about the appearance of a wild BOSS, which was also on the news.

Considering that Song Gua was surrounded by three fake bandits, and the three fake bandits were the first three members of the Berserker Guild who spread the news of a wild BOSS.

Clever netizens speculated that they did it on purpose.

The purpose was to get rid of the people in the dungeon area so that they could attack Song Gua who walked out of the dungeon with the job transfer gold medal.

"Hiss... This is indeed a problem."

After seeing this news and the comments below.

Song Gua thought that he should get rid of the job transfer gold medal.

Currently, the world knows that he has obtained four job transfer gold medals.

Two of them were used by him - with Yue Sheng's endorsement, the credibility is very high, and no one doubts it.

One of the life-related ones was bought by Zhao Can, the victim.

Another one is still in Song Gua's hands - this is what others think, the real situation is, of course, it was used, that is the Nether Fire Enhancer.

But Song Gua had to make others think that he had used up or sold his fourth job transfer gold medal, so that no one like the bearded man would target him again.

Suddenly, Song Gua had an idea.

"Hey? I have a good idea..."

"Ding Dong——"

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Song Gua came to the cat's eye and took a look.

The man outside the door was familiar to Song Gua, but he should not be familiar with Song Gua.

Wang Miao.

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