The two level 10s are a bit low for Brother Xuezi now.

But the store hasn't opened yet tonight, so I won't be picky.

Just when Brother Xuezi took out the whip and was about to start, a cold female voice came.

"Bai Ban, I've heard of your name for a long time."

In the hazy fog of the night, a woman wearing a butterfly mask walked slowly.

Behind her, there were two tall men.

Looking at their equipment, one should be a warrior sequence and the other a guard sequence.

Brother Xuezi used the information viewing function to check.

The woman was only Lv10, and the two men couldn't see their levels above their heads.

Have you never changed your job?

They don't look like it at their ages.

Using a secret treasure like "Confusion" to hide the level?

Brother Xuezi thinks the latter possibility is more likely.

Seeing the woman coming, the three people just greeted her respectfully.

Brother Xuezi doesn't understand this, he fell into the trap.

"You deliberately put on such a scene just to lure me here, right?"

The woman smiled lightly and said, "Yes, we want to contact you, but we don't know who your contact person is, so we have to resort to this. Sorry for the offense."

Quite polite.

Brother Xuezi continued to squat on the tree, keeping a distance from them vigilantly.

"Why are you looking for us bandits?"

"No matter what the reason, we admire your behavior of punishing evil and promoting good, which is also what we are doing. Since we share the same ideals, I would like to invite you to join us and become our branch in Yunshan City."

"You, you, who are you?"

"The Avengers."

Brother Xuezi was silent for three seconds.

Then she laughed out loud.

"I'm still in the Justice League!"

The woman looked around in confusion, then smiled helplessly.

"Indeed, Yunshan City is in the southwest corner of the Huaxia administrative region. It is remote and the surrounding foggy area is too large. There is little communication with second-tier and first-tier cities. It is normal that they don't know us."

On the other side.

At Song Gua's home.

When this group of people appeared, Song Gua had already focused his attention.

He consciously blocked the voices of other clones and focused on the memories synchronized from Brother Xuezi.

Hearing the name of the Avengers, Song Gua was also stunned.

Is it so second-year?

After checking online, I found that there is such an organization on Blue Star.

They are not small in size and are spread all over the world.

It is the most wanted underground organization by the Blue Star Federation.

The Avengers are just as their name suggests. They only do one thing - revenge.

To be precise, they help people to avenge.

As long as you find them, they will help you to avenge.

This kind of revenge is not limited to, "You killed my father, I will kill your whole family."

In the business war between enterprises, the Avengers can help you retaliate with economic losses.

In the love and hatred between lovers, the Avengers can help you to trap the scumbag.

They are even proficient in hacking technology and can fight information warfare to help you revenge.

In short, this organization gives people a feeling of being omnipotent and having full skill trees.

Moreover, the magical thing is that they help people to take revenge without receiving any reward.

Of course, if you insist on giving, they will not refuse.

In addition, they help people to take revenge, provided that the recipient is the victim, not the perpetrator.

On the Internet, the reputation of the Avengers is polarized.

Some people say that they are a group of antisocial personality abnormalities, and the so-called revenge is just a reason for them to vent their abnormal psychology of abusing others.

Others say that they are the last conscience of the Blue Star world.

"What a strange organization."

Song Gua commented.

After orally recounting the basic situation of the Avengers, Brother Xuezi heard it simultaneously.

Brother Xuezi quickly changed his words.

"Oh! Avengers! I know, I know. You specialize in helping people get revenge! Right, right, right, you are similar to us bandits."

The woman asked again.

"Then are you willing to join us?"


Brother Xuezi answered very straightforwardly.

He is Song Gua's clone, and his attitude is naturally the same as Song Gua's.

It is impossible to live under someone else's roof, and there is no talk of buying shares.

I just want to be the boss myself.

The woman was also straightforward.

"It doesn't matter if you don't join us, it's okay to cooperate once, right?"

"Okay, how do you want to cooperate?"

"Save a person, he was treated as a psychopath, trapped in

Yunshan City Mental Hospital, we need to take him out. "

"Your Avengers are all over the world. Saving a person from a mental hospital is such a simple matter. Do you still need help?"

The woman explained.

The Avengers are indeed very large.

But they can't infiltrate all cities.

There are no Avengers forces in a remote and third-tier city like Yunshan City.

The woman and the people around him actually just came from other cities.

Originally, they had enough manpower.

But in the dense fog area around Yunshan City, the forbidden area entered a violent stage, and their flights were grounded.

If they went directly through the forbidden area, it would be too dangerous.

They simply looked for help from Yunshan City.

The key is that the person they want to save is not simple.

This person is Yue Sheng, the captain of the law enforcement department of the Professional Association. He was previously in The "thief" caught outside Yunshan City.

This guy was considered a lunatic and could not be communicated with at all.

He was temporarily placed in a mental hospital for treatment. Yue Sheng was waiting for the prisoner to regain his sanity so that he could interrogate him.

It was not easy to get him out with a law enforcement officer watching over him.

"I saw your 'fake-busting' video on the Internet before. You have quite a few people, and among them there are masters who killed their opponents 15 levels higher. In addition..."

The woman took out her mobile phone and played the scene of a clone self-destructing when Song Gua and his clones were fighting the three bearded men.

"Your level is indeed not high, but you are crazy enough. If you maintain this madness, our cooperation will be successful."

Song Gua's home.

"She needed someone to self-destruct, so she came to me. "

Let Brother Xuezi commit crimes for so long, in fact, just to keep the bandits hot, so as to sprinkle blood in the sea and attract sharks.

Now, the sharks are finally here, even if this commission requires the bombing of one or two clones, Song Gua thinks it's okay.

There are still many B-level professional cannon fodder clones that are not prepared for training, and it's good to make use of their residual heat.

"Ask her for the reward."

After receiving the order, Brother Xuezi squatted on the tree and asked: "We can cooperate. After the matter is completed, what is the reward?"

"We don't have money."

"No money, how can we cooperate for a few... No, we can't work for you for free, right?"

"We can use a magic weapon as a reward."

Song Gua at home jumped up from the sofa.

"Magic weapon?!"

Although the quality of the magic weapon is also legendary, it is actually a separate category, and its effect and bonus are above the legendary equipment.

"Wait, ask her first, which part it is, especially the weapon, I can't use it. ”

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