The new life is a new beginning.

[Name: Song Gua]

[Age: 18]

[Level: 5 (2%)]

[Profession: First Turn - Bound [A, Combat System, Command Sequence]]

[Professional Talents:

——Simple and Unpretentious: See Chapter 1

——Power of Unity: See Chapter 1]

[Weapon Specialization: None]

[Armor Specialization: Light Armor (Specialization activated, Strength attribute +10%, Agility attribute +10%)]

[Strength: 55+5.5]

[Constitution: 25]

[Spirit: 25]

[Agility: 55 +5.5】

[Growth: 2.0]

[Skills (4/5): See Chapter 1]

[Equipment: Weapons - None, Top - Chainmail (Normal, Lv5), Bottom - Scale Leggings (Normal, Lv5), Feet - Bronze Boots (Normal, Lv5), Head - Black Iron Helmet (Normal, Lv5), Ring - None, Necklace - None, Bracelet - None, Cloak - None]

"Level 1 has 20 attributes, and after 5 levels, my attributes have doubled."

The doubling of attributes means that every aspect of Song Gua's body has doubled.

The power of punching, the speed of running, the reaction to emergencies, etc.

Even sensory abilities, but the sensory abilities are not as exaggerated as doubling, because sensory abilities are very difficult to improve physical qualities.

At this moment, Song Gua only felt that his ears and eyes were sharp, and his whole body seemed to have endless strength.

"I'm not used to my body after upgrading so fast."

The clones who were still struggling to kill monsters all looked at him with contempt.

"If you feel like being so nagging, why don't you come and help me fight?"

"I've been working all afternoon and my back and waist are sore..."

"Isn't there a brother from the logistics department who is an oracle magician? He should be able to make a potion that can quickly eliminate fatigue. Give us one."

"I don't have the materials. I'll make a few."

Wild monsters will not drop any materials, and even their corpses will disappear soon after death.

As the main force of the clones gradually upgraded to level 3 and level 4.

The monsters in the Swamp of Sorrows were not enough.

As the main force's strength increased, the group of clones formed by the clones changed from ten people at the beginning to five people, and even two or three people.

The more groups there are, the more wild monsters can be killed at the same time.

The wild monsters in this area finally couldn't keep up.

"Take a break, just in time to wait for the next wave of monsters to refresh."

At this time, it was already dark.

Song Gua took out the food from the package and started to enjoy dinner.

The clones also sat on the ground and ate in groups of three or five.

The clones also have the ability to carry backpacks, so each of them has 10 grids to carry things.

Originally, clones don't need to eat.

When they overlap the main body, the body will be in a constant state. Although they can communicate, they don't actually consume energy.

But when they go out to fight, work, and get tired, they still have to replenish water and food like normal people.

"Report-Boss! Someone is coming!"

The dozen poor guys in the logistics department have nothing to do, so they simply stand guard in the distance.

If there is any movement nearby, they don't need to run over to pass on the message. They can just speak directly and broadcast it to everyone in Song Gua's local area network, and everyone can hear it.

"Wear a hood."

The clones who were eating, chatting, and being gay pulled down their hoods in unison.

Eight-barreled, sixty thousand, five-barreled, etc., looked quite scary in the middle of the night.

"Boss, the people who came are acquaintances, one is Zhao Can, and the other is Hua Xiangrong! There are also six people of more than ten levels with them. They are probably the trainers hired by Zhao Can."

Song Gua smiled.

Only six.

I have two hundred trainers!

The Zhao family is one of the four major families in Yunshan City, a local tyrant.

The local forces are complicated and the business landscape is intricate. There are many high-level professionals in the family, and they also control some large guilds in Yunshan City.

Zhao Can is one of the sons of the head of the Zhao family.

In fact, Zhao Can is the big family relationship that Ma Feng climbed up.

Three months ago, Ma Feng got away from the fight safely because Zhao Can guaranteed him.

As for Hua Xiangrong?

Song Gua searched the original body's memory.

Finally found this person in the corner.

One of the many girls who confessed to the original body.

She seemed to be the school beauty of No. 5 Middle School.

Although the clones were all wearing hoods, Song Gua still

The clones standing guard outside were all put away.

In case someone comes and tries to pull off the hood for fun.

The clone ability must not be exposed, this is his biggest trump card in this world.

After putting away the clones around him, Song Gua heard footsteps and voices approaching.

"There are too many mosquitoes here!"

"It's like this near the swamp, be patient."

"Go to another place to level up, why do you have to come here?"

"After a day, the monsters in several level 5 leveling areas are nervous, only the Sad Swamp has few people. Don't you want to level up all night? This is the most suitable place."

Hua Xiangrong walked while slapping the army of mosquitoes that were chasing her.

Zhao Can half-hugged her and walked among the trainers.

"We're here."

"Master Can, the Sad Swamp is ahead, the monsters should be fully equipped, and I guess no one will come to fight all day."

It was too dark, Zhao Can glanced in the direction of the swamp, and there seemed to be no movement.

"Are there monsters here?"

Among the professionals who were training Zhao Can, there was a dazzling magician who released a flash skill towards the sky above the swamp.


The skill light ball exploded in the air, like fireworks, releasing colorful light, illuminating most of the swamp.

A scene that made everyone speechless appeared.

There was not a single monster!

It was empty and terribly quiet!


"It's impossible, no one has ever come here."

"Look, there's a person roasting a fire on the shore."

Zhao Can frowned slightly, "Did he kill all the level 5 monsters in the Swamp of Sorrow?"

Hua Xiangrong took a closer look and felt that they looked familiar.

"It seems to be..."

Everyone was very unwilling to walk so far under the attack of mosquitoes.

They immediately walked towards Song Gua, wanting to ask for clarification.

When they got closer, Hua Xiangrong saw clearly with the weak light of the fire.

"Song Gua? It's really you, why are you here?"

Song Gua was fiddling with the fire with a stick, chewing on a fast-food chicken leg.

"I'm here to level up, what else are you doing here, basking in the moonlight?"

"You're leveling up alone in the level 5 area? Don't make me laugh."

Zhao Can was more thoughtful and checked Song Gua's information.

Because Song Gua hid his personal information, Zhao Can could only see his level.

"Level 5? He's level 5!"

Hua Xiangrong was horrified.

"Impossible, we've been busy all day and only reached level 3, which is already very fast, how could he..."

Hua Xiangrong checked and found that Song Gua was really level 5.

She was stunned.

How did he do it?

"Song Gua also has a trainer? How can he, an orphan who relies on the school to support his living expenses, have such financial conditions? And he reached level 5 in one day, how many trainers does he have to hire? People in the Zhao family don't play like this!"

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