The fire burned Da Congming, who was completely unrecognizable, and covered his face with blisters, speaking incoherently.

"Ha, curse Ri Chi Da Ji Heng¥%¥@#@..."

Song Gua frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Although he couldn't hear clearly, Song Gua could guess a little.

"The next step is to do something crazy, right?"

Da Congming nodded and said with difficulty, "Can you give me some iodine? I'm afraid of infection."

"It's more realistic when you're infected. Go! It's time for you to shine for the organization. If you succeed in lurking this time, your upgrade priority will be ahead of the big three!"

The clones broke the show on the spot.

"Another big promise."

"The capitalists are just experts."

"Last time they said they would increase my priority, but they ended up putting me in the cannon fodder group. Damn it..."

Da Congming shouldered the glorious mission entrusted by the organization and left with a bloody face.

"Let's discuss the next topic. If our home is gone, it means our old nest is gone. When we find a new nest, where is the most suitable place? We have sufficient funds at present, so we can raise it freely."

The clones expressed their opinions.

"Let's open an Internet cafe. If you don't have enough experience, we'll meet in the wild area. If you have enough experience, we'll meet in the canyon!"

"Hey? This is good, this is good!"

"Crack! That's all you want! If I were to ask you, let's open a foot massage parlor. If you don't have enough experience, we'll meet in the wild area. If you have enough experience, we'll meet the technician!"

"Your plan is so good that the neighboring city can hear it!"

"Can you give me some serious advice? If I were to ask you, we should rent a basement. An organization like us that can't see the light of day should crawl in the dark, scream in the dark, twist...hiss, hiss..."

"Watch less Cthulhu!"

After a bunch of nonsense, Song Gua felt that this factory building was good enough for now.


Far away from the city.

However, after this place was abandoned, the water, electricity, and Internet were all cut off.

This is a small problem. Just arrange an avatar to reopen it.

As for the real-name issue.

Looking at the quality of the law enforcement of the Public Security Bureau, you will know that the government departments of this world can handle everything with money, no matter what the real name is.

At the end of the mafia conference, Song Gua once again urged the clones to step up their leveling.

Only by breaking the record of the 15th-level copy before the first mock test and getting two more job transfer gold medals can they increase the success rate of their rescue operation of Bingshen.

"It costs some money to go out of the city recently."

"What's wrong?"

"The city defense has begun to tighten. You can only go in and out through the city gate, unlike before when you can climb over the city wall at will."


"It's January, the first month of each year, when the world boss appears. The city defense of each city will be tense to prevent the boss from spawning outside their own city."

"Huh? Yunshan City is unnecessary. If a world boss really spawns in Yunshan City, even the lowest level Yunshan City will not be able to defend it."

The city scale of the entire Blue Star is divided into four levels: third-tier, second-tier, first-tier, and super first-tier.

Yunshan City is a third-tier city, and it is the lowest among the third-tier cities.

Although the four major families are showing off their power in the local area, once they leave Yunshan City, they are nothing.

Although the Yunshan Municipal Government also knows that if the World Boss spawns near Yunshan City, the local city defense will definitely not be able to defend it, and it will have to call for reinforcements from other cities, but it still has to do what it should do.

Otherwise, the citizens will be panicked and the operation of the city will be affected.

However, the municipal government also knows in its heart that the World Boss likes to spawn near big cities, and Yunshan City has not had many World Bosses in history.

Therefore, the government is actually tight on the outside and loose on the inside.

"Really, you have to spend money everywhere. Fortunately, the big money owner Zhao Can gave you 10 million before and after, otherwise it would be difficult to support you."

Song Gua began to give money to the clones, so that they could leave the city to level up through some gray means when he was not out.

"Okay, let's all disperse!"

The ones that should be recycled were recycled, and the ones that should be released were released, and the clones dispersed in a hurry.

Song Gua casually lay on the ground, took out his mobile phone, and started looking for a house to rent.

He couldn't live in this warehouse in the suburbs.

This place can only be the headquarters of the gangsters.

In the future, the clones will not show up where Song Gua lives, and all matters that need to be resolved in person will be handled by the headquarters.

"Beautiful landlord? Now all the people who rent houses are playing soft porn, ugh! Take another look... The price is quite cheap, and it's close to the school. Let's go and have a look.

These clones are too expensive, we should save money. "

The next morning, Song Gua took the bus to look at houses.

Bored on the way, he searched "Golden Age" on his mobile phone.

Song Gua was a little interested in the term mentioned by Yue Sheng yesterday.

Yue Sheng also asked him to go back and check it out.

Today is January 3, 1000 in the new calendar.

Just as the new year began, the city was decorated with lights and colorful lights, and the shops on both sides of the road held various New Year activities, which was very lively.

"'Golden Age' refers to the era before the new calendar, when there were more than a hundred countries in the world...'

That was a thousand years ago?

Something big must have happened a thousand years ago, so Blue Star used a new calendar. What was it? Did "The Clergy" integrate into reality? "

After a careful check, Song Gua found that "The Clergy" was integrated into reality 1,200 years ago, not 1,000 years ago.

The world entered the extraordinary era, but did not start a new era?

What happened a thousand years ago that was bigger than the game being integrated into reality?

Song Gua searched through search engines, but could not find what happened a thousand years ago.

That year, and the events in the previous few years that can still be found.

It's nothing more than someone breaking a new copy record.

A certain restricted area went berserk and affected a certain city.

Or the world boss attacked a certain city and was massacred.

And so on.

Song Gua felt that they were not enough for humans to change the era.

"It's really strange, it seems that the transition from the Golden Age to the New Calendar lacks a little logic. ”

I didn’t delve into this issue. A thousand years have passed, and it has nothing to do with me now.

He just checked it because he was bored on the bus.

Soon, Song Gua arrived at his destination.

A community just across the road from Yunshan No. 5 Middle School, Xihaiyuan.

At the agreed place, Song Gua met the beautiful landlord in the advertisement.

“Ms. Jia Shilan?”

Big waves, black stockings, a cigarette between her big red lips, puffing elegantly.

Jia Shilan is a traditional beauty, with regular and three-dimensional features, not like an internet celebrity face.

Song Gua didn’t know her age, but judging from her appearance, she should be under 30 years old, with a standard royal temperament.

“Classmate Song Gua, I’ve heard a lot about you. I read the local news every day. It’s either a gangster or you. I’m very familiar with you.”

This sentence “It’s either a gangster or you” made Song Gua smart, but fortunately he was calm enough and didn’t show any abnormality.

“Let’s go and see the house. "

Jia Shilan took a few steps closer and blew a smoke ring towards Song Gua.

"Little brother, I'll give you this house. Can you share a copy strategy with me?"

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