The hospital is here.

A bunch of bandits are running, jumping, throwing flyers, hanging themselves upside down, and screaming...

The flyers have words and pictures showing mentally ill patients with hollowed-out abdomens on the operating table.

It's shocking to see.

Of course, the pictures are fake.

Dacongming doesn't have a camera on his body, so even if he finds the victim, he can't take a picture.

However, for those who see the flyers at this moment, whether the pictures are real or fake is not the point.

"Yunshan City Mental Hospital is so dark?!"

"They are so bold, they don't treat us ordinary people as human beings at all!"

"My son, my son is in there! I wonder why every time I go to visit him, they find reasons not to let me see him. Is my son in trouble?"

"Black-hearted hospital, unscrupulous, can't stand it!"

"This hospital is less than one kilometer away from our community. It's so scary that there are such a group of demons in such a close place!"

The crowd was outraged.

The surrounding residents rushed to the hospital gate, saying that they wanted to go into the hospital to give an explanation, and also to go in to check whether what was said in the flyer was true.

There was another group of people who were more excited than the residents.

"Big news! Big news! As expected, wherever there are bandits, there is big news!"

"Fuck, if the things said on the bandits' flyers are true, this news is enough to offset my KPI for a year!"

"We must take exclusive pictures! Quickly allocate a sum of money to invite a group of experts from the professional guild to escort us!"

"The Zhao family is behind the Yunshan City Mental Hospital. Which guild dares to help?"

"Idiot! Of course it's the big guilds under the names of the Pang family, the Xu family, and the Lin family. These three families are eager for the Zhao family to be destroyed!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The media people gathered at the entrance of the hospital with their guns and began to broadcast the situation on the scene.

Tianzhao Guild.

The major shareholder behind it is the Zhao family.

"President, President! Bandits appeared near the Yunshan City Mental Hospital! And they are still handing out these flyers everywhere!"

Zhao Yingxiong, who was receiving customers, saw the photos on the Internet displayed by the guild members, and his pupils contracted immediately.

"These bandits are not dead yet!"

When Zhao Yingxiong saw the flyer mentioning that the Zhao Pharmaceutical Group's research institute was using mental patients for human experiments, his heart tightened.

He is a member of the Zhao family.

Although he is a branch of the family, he has become the president of the Tianzhao Guild, so his status is not low and he knows some inside information.

If this is exposed and confirmed, the Zhao family will be outraged.

The people are not scary.

What is scary is that the other three families will take advantage of the situation and take the opportunity to bring down the Zhao family.

This matter can be big or small!

"Organize people immediately to eliminate the bandits!"

"But President, we haven't got the law enforcement power yet, is it appropriate?"

"Idiot! Can't you learn from the bandits and wear masks!"

June Qing Guild.

The major shareholder behind it is the Xu family.

"Hahaha! The bandits are so good! This wave hit the Zhao family's weak spot!"

Dao Youming looked at the post of the on-site record posted by netizens and laughed so hard.

Soon, he received a call.

"Okay, I understand. I will organize people to help the bandits!"

A guild member was puzzled.

"President, the bandits robbed our BOSS before, and we still have to help them?"

"Idiot! Are we helping the bandits? We are the sponsors! The Zhao family is not included in the equity of our guild!

As long as the bandits can thoroughly expose the Zhao family's secret activities today, even if the Zhao family does not fall, it will be seriously injured!"

Don't the other three big families know what the Zhao family is doing behind the scenes?

Of course they know.

But for some things, it is better to kill with a borrowed knife than to do it yourself.

Steel Heart Guild.

The major shareholder behind it is the Lin family.

"President, which side should we help?"

Sun Wenxiang was sipping tea and said lightly: "Transfer all the elites first."

"Then what?"

"We will help whoever wins."

Teng Xun Guild.

The major shareholder behind it is the Pang family.

President Ma Dongcheng is already 70 years old, with a head full of silver hair, but still energetic.

"President, the city is bustling again."

Ma Dongcheng adjusted his reading glasses and looked at his phone.

"Its the same gang of bandits again. They jumped off the cliff together last time and they survived. It's not easy."

"Maybe it's another group of bandits?"

"Haha, what do you think?"



"According to our spies in several major guilds, all guilds have set out. Some are going to help the hospital, some are going to help the bandits, and some are preparing to watch the fire from the other side. We..."


The younger vice president said with some embarrassment.

"But president, the Pang family called and asked us to help the hospital."

"Xiao Liu, you have to remember that shareholders must be respected, but shareholders cannot influence the decision-making of our guild.

You go back to the Lin family and tell them that our elites have gone out of the city to fight in the group. Those left in the city are all rotten fish and shrimps, and it is not worth joining in the fun."

"Okay." "

Tian Zhao, Liu Yueqing, Gang Xin, Teng Xun, Fei Ma, Luan Shi Hu, Ai Lin, Jin Men, the eight first-line guilds in Yunshan City.

When the incident at the mental hospital was exposed and public opinion soared, they all began to take action.

Except for Teng Xun who chose to stay out of it, the other seven guilds all arranged personnel to rush to the scene.

The sun was high in the sky.

The four gates of the hospital were all crowded.

"Why don't you allow us to go in for inspection!"

"My relatives are in there, why can't I visit them!"

"Freedom of the press! Freedom of the press! "

The hospital security guards held guns and formed a human wall, blocking the door and not allowing others to come in.

Behind the security guards was the law enforcement team of the Law Enforcement Department of the Yunshan Professional Association.

They were transferred by Yue Sheng to guard Bingshen.

However, Yue Sheng was wrong in that he arranged a local law enforcement team.

Someone inside had been bribed by the hospital.

So Bingshen was successfully replaced.

But not everyone was bribed.

"Go and inform Captain Yue, there is a sudden chaos here, I don't feel good, it's best to transfer Bingshen."

A person in charge of the hospital, holding a loudspeaker, stood behind the gate and argued with everyone.

"The hospital has its own regulations, especially the nature of our hospital!

If you let patients with violent tendencies out, can you afford the consequences!

Don't destroy our gate!

If you don't disperse, we will shoot!"

The media reporters were excited.

"If you shoot, it will be big news! "

Seeing that verbal threats didn't work, the person in charge ordered a row of security guards to fire at the sky to deter others.

"Bang, bang, bang! !"

After a round of volleys, the effect was much better.

The restless crowd outside retreated a little.

But they still didn't disperse.

Just then, someone suddenly shouted from behind the crowd.

"At the end of the park in the north, bordering the hospital, there is a wall with a big hole, and you can enter the hospital from there! !"

Another person shouted.

"Really! There are no security guards there yet!"

When the crowd heard this, they immediately swarmed over.

The hospital security was in a dilemma.

"Should we go or not?"

The person in charge cursed.

"Stupid! This is obviously a trap! Our wall is indestructible, and even a second-level professional may not be able to blast it open. Even if it can be blasted open, will there be no movement at all?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Yang is wise!"

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