The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"Why, don't tell me that this illusionary monument will drive people crazy?"

Bingshen shook the red wine glass.

"Think about it, if the rise and fall of a whole civilization were stuffed into your brain all at once, could you bear it?"

Song Gua frowned slightly.

"The rise and fall of an entire civilization? Is the so-called Fantasy Monument a container that carries information?"

"More or less. I don't know much. I just know that the federal government attaches great importance to this thing. They have stocks in various important safes."

"Did you steal it?"

"Are you kidding? What do we, the Night Owl Thieves, do? Of course I stole it!

Unfortunately, there are too few of us in the Huaxia Administrative Region, and no one is there to help me, so I have been hunted by Yue Sheng's gang.

After hiding for several months, I was finally caught."

"Has the Fantasy Monument always been with you?"

"If it was with me, I would have died long ago.

After I was caught, I pretended to have seen the Fantasy Monument. The stele collapsed because the brain could not bear so much information and became crazy.

They wanted to know where I hid the stele, so they didn't do anything to me and found doctors everywhere to treat me.

Of course, you can never cure a person who pretends to be sick.

In fact, I did see it. I only took a glance and my head almost exploded.

At that time, I felt as if something was wrong with my nerves. I was often confused and couldn't tell the east, west, south, and north. I even questioned whether the world was real or fake.

You see, isn't this a mental illness?

I am familiar with that state, so I pretended perfectly. "

Beifeng (very smart) nodded repeatedly, "I understand."

Bingshen added.

"Fortunately, the divine tablet I stole was the smallest one. Even so, I couldn't stand it after just one look.

If it was a larger one, I would be trapped in a sea of ​​information and unable to escape.

The information obtained from the divine tablet will be quickly forgotten over time, and later my mental disorder gradually recovered."

"Will the information be injected into my mind as long as I stare at that thing?"


"The divine tablet of illusion... Is the information provided in the divine tablet about the illusion?"

"Yes, it is said that each illusion has a corresponding divine tablet, but the illusion and the divine tablet do not necessarily appear at the same time. Some illusions appear, but the divine tablet has not appeared yet, and vice versa."

"Wait, I remember that the illusion does not seem to be part of the game "Priest", right?"

The current situation on Blue Star is caused by the game merging with reality.

After the game "Priest", which was popular all over the world 1,200 years ago, was integrated into reality, all backups disappeared and became a legend.

But related game guides, player game videos, etc. are still preserved.

It's just that it has little reference value.

Because after being integrated into reality, the game mechanism is adapted to the real world, and there is a big difference compared to the original.

During the three months of reeducation through labor, Song Gua had a thorough understanding of the game "Priest".

There is no illusion in the original version.

Bing Shen's words also confirmed this point.

"Indeed, illusions and monuments appeared later than "Priest" was integrated into reality, probably a thousand years ago?"

A thousand years ago?

Isn't that the dividing point between the Golden Age and the New Calendar?

I felt that the handover between the two eras was a bit abrupt, lacking a major event.

Could it be the appearance of illusions?

What exactly is illusion?

According to what Song Gua learned on the Internet.

There is nothing digitized in the illusion, like another real world.

But it is incomplete.

It may be as big as a city, or even smaller.

There are all kinds of lives in it, some of which have their own extraordinary powers, but they are not a professional system, but a variety of them.

Superpowers, magic, martial arts, magic, weirdness...

There are even illusions of immortals!

But the strange thing is that in this incomplete world, all creatures and rules can operate normally.

For example, some worlds may not have the sun, but there is light, and plants can grow.

It is very unscientific.

Therefore, it is called an illusion by humans, and it is believed that the illusion world may be just an illusion in essence.

Although it is an illusion, some things in it can be brought out.

What can be brought out are all extraordinary resources, and after entering the blue star, they will automatically be converted into professional resources.

Similar to water,

Oil, wood, and common metals, these resources that existed before the game merged with reality, cannot be brought out.

When the extraordinary resources in the illusion enter reality and are transformed into resources for professionals.

They follow a basic principle.

That is, the quality and level of rare and precious things in the original world will be very high after being brought out, and the quality and level of things that were originally common will be low.

For example, elixirs for strengthening the foundation and nourishing the essence are very common in the world of immortal cultivation. Mortals can get rid of all diseases and become strong and healthy after taking them.

But when brought to the Blue Star world, they have no such effect and can only be a small life potion.

Even so, the illusion is enough to attract professionals.

Because the resources obtained in this way may get things that are extremely difficult to obtain in the Blue Star world.

However, the things in the illusion are not so easy to get.

The low-intensity illusion limits the level of professionals who enter.

There are many strong people in the high-intensity illusion. Even if a high-level professional enters, he may not be able to come out alive after robbing the streets.

"The divine tablet is actually a guide to the illusion!"

After integrating the information about the illusion, Song Gua understood.

Why does the federal government attach importance to the illusion divine tablet.

The divine tablet records the history of a certain illusion.

Taking a history book and going to someone else's world, isn't that equivalent to opening the eyes of heaven?

Provide financial assistance before the strong grow up.

Dig out the treasure before it comes out.

Before the superior falls into trouble, prepare and replace it.

Become her adoptive father before the beauty grows up, cough cough...

In short, with the illusion divine tablet, you can do whatever you want in the illusion!

You don't have to worry about breaking the social rules in the illusion world and causing trouble for yourself.

"You are very smart, but you only thought of half of the effect of the monument."

"What else?"

"There is a main task in the monument."

"Isn't there anything digitized in the illusion?"

"I am just giving an example. Suppose you enter a zombie illusion. How to avoid the end of the world, or how to save the end of the world if it has already come, this is the main task of this illusion.

The information in the monument will tell you what the main task is to complete in the corresponding illusion.

If you complete it, the illusion will disappear completely, and you will get a big prize from the illusion."

"What big prize?"

Bingshen took a sip of red wine and said slowly: "Increase lifespan and be reborn!"

A group of clones took a breath of cold air.

"Can you really live forever?!"

"Can you really be invincible?!"

"What are you waiting for! Flatten the illusion!!"

"What's the point of flattening it? We need a strategy!"

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