After spending hours in the dream world, only an hour passed in reality.

After Ye Changge went offline, the reality was not yet noon.

This kind of game that deeply deceives the human brain and allows human beings to indirectly enjoy increased lifespan, no wonder the world view has not yet been announced, it has already been strongly on the altar, and the epic online game is well deserved.

After returning to reality, Ye Changge first checked the forum on the Internet and found that hundreds of millions of people above were discussing.

Three topics have generated the heat of national attention!

The first and second topics are Ye Changge and the two ceremonies respectively.

Everyone is speculating about the identities of these two people, and even looking through previous virtual games, whether anyone matches the characteristics of these two people.

Those media that don’t want anything for the sake of click-through rate have made eye-catching headlines, threatening that “those below me are my own sons” is about to become the number one on the heavenly list.

The brain-dead fans who were the first in the entire Heaven List erupted angrily.

Seeing this, Ye Changge had to sigh.

Even in the twenty-fourth century, these media have not changed at all.

The third topic is about dream updates.

The official has released the fantastic update content, and Ye Changge clicked on the official forum with anticipation and curiosity.


Dream World is optimized as follows:

One: worldview.

Fantasy world, boundless, there are many mysterious continents, players in each country and region will descend to the corresponding continent, after this update, all players out of the novice village, will unlock a feature [Chronicle].

Two: experience points.

With this update, Dreamworld will retire digital experience and will take % as experience points. Due to the thousands of races in the fantasy world, there are countless secrets that need to be discovered, and players are allowed to pursue the real 100%, the monster will only announce the level, attributes, and experience points after the update.

Three: Currency exchange.

After this update, in order to allow players to develop rapidly in the fantasy world, the fantasy world will open the exchange of real and virtual currency on one day within three months of virtual time.

Four: Replica function.

The dream world has many dangers and is full of mysterious treasures. After this update, in order to allow all players to enjoy a sufficient trip to brush monsters, three dungeons will be opened for each continent in Dreamworld.

Five: Six list honors.

After this update, Dream World will open six lists with the player’s conditions, namely: level leaderboard, gang leaderboard, equipment leaderboard, reputation leaderboard, wealth leaderboard, and pet leaderboard.


The above are the main optimized functions of Dream World.

“Replace numbers with percentages? If the worldview is really the same as the village chief said, then it is indeed a good optimization. Ye Changge only paid attention to the experience points, and the rest were all glanced at.

The world view, he had already known in advance from the village chief of the novice village.

Currency exchange, this is where those gang leaders and krypton gold players need to pay attention.

If it was Ye Changge’s predecessor, he would definitely be very concerned about this optimization.

But now Ye Changge feels that it doesn’t matter.

As for the quest and the six leaderboards, this is a feature that appears in every virtual game.

The previous virtual game, even if the world view is large, but do not forget that Blue Star has a population of tens of billions.

Huaxia alone has a population of billions.

Among them, there are at least more than two billion people who play virtual games, excluding the sick and weak, the old and young, and there are also more than a billion people.

The Blue Dragon City in the fantasy world is very large, and there may be many monsters outside, but what number of races can withstand the elimination of more than a billion players?

Even if they die, they can be refreshed.

The player’s level up speed will also be greatly limited.

Replicas, like hundreds of thousands of novice villages, belong to independent small worlds.

These quests are a stage for players to level up.

Not to mention the six lists, money and honor are among them, which is what everyone chases in the future.

After reading the official update content, Ye Changge did not visit the forum again, but called the management of the Blue Dream Villa area and asked him to help order a luxurious lunch.

As an otaku, Ye Changge did not have any cooking skills before or now.

Three meals a day, let the manager in charge of his villa No. 1 help him bring it back from outside.

The same is true today!

Anyway, billions of inheritance, even if it is a treasure of the sea every day, it will not be spent in a lifetime.

“Dear Mr. Ye, you have a call from a stranger… Is it connected? ”

After finishing the order, Ye Changge was just about to take a bath and wait for lunch.

The ceiling painting the starry sky suddenly sounded an ethereal sound.

Hearing this voice, Ye Changge looked confused.

It’s not that I was scared by high technology, after all, in the twenty-fourth century, science and technology are developing rapidly, and communication has already undergone many generations, and even holographic calls have appeared.

What he wondered was that someone was actually looking for him?

If the memory of this body is not wrong, the predecessor is the same as himself, unsociable, belonging to a closed-end house, except for the manager of the villa, he does not know anyone at all.

Since his phone number is also a special set of numbers, harassing calls are even more unlikely.

So, who called him?

“…… Connect it. ”

Ye Changge thought about it, but still nodded.

“A-la-a-la… Brother Changge, should it be a long time since we met, or is it the first time we met? When the call was connected, Ye Changge’s ears suddenly heard a pleasant and goosebump-making flattering sound, amazing content, and he jumped when he spoke: “But congratulations, become the first player to walk out of the novice village!” ”

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