(Classes are full on Friday, the first chapter is late, and there are two more chapters twenty-four hours ago.) )

Qinglong City, eight thousand miles away from the east gate.

The mountains are undulating, the grass is green, the breeze is gentle, and the stream flows.

There is a huge herd of cattle, which are grazing by the stream.

Extremely huge, with scales as clear as a stream on their bodies, and blue flames burning all over their bodies, they are the creatures of this mountain, a level 15 wild monster – [Water Moon Flame Scale Ox].

At present, players have generally reached level 14, and 45% of players have begun to level up in level 15 wild monster territory.

So this mountain, every big mountain is full of people.

The noisy sound seriously destroys the beauty of nature.

On a certain mountain, something like this happened.

“Cleared, this is now the territory of our Sea Breeze Pavilion! Give you five minutes to either go back to the city right away or get out of here…”

A team of hundreds of people, carrying banners, began to expel players who had leveled up in this place.

A young man at the head spoke arrogantly, and his tone was full of contempt… As a member of the Sea Breeze Pavilion, one of the top ten gangs, and one of the squad leaders, he is used to bullying and arrogance.

From his body, you can also see the quality of the Sea Breeze Pavilion.

Compared with the calm and calm psychological quality of the black-faced army and cold officer, it is simply more than a hundred times worse.

It can also be seen from the side that there are also strengths and weaknesses between the top ten gangs.

In the face of the expulsion of this gang, those players who were either scattered or teamed up to level up dared to leave angrily.

After all, the name of the Sea Breeze Pavilion is too loud in the virtual world.

“Let’s start brushing monsters! Everyone is divided into three groups, 40% of the people brush ordinary monsters, 40% brush the elite monsters, and the other 20% follow me to find the golden boss, once the boss is found, immediately watch my signal collection! Once the silver equipment is exposed, it is immediately handed in. After expelling the player, the young squad leader skillfully commanded his subordinates behind him.

Although the personality is arrogant, he is still a little capable of becoming a squad leader.

“It’s firefly, but it’s not dim… Barely eye-catching target, not bad! ”

After assigning the team, the young man led more than two dozen people and prepared to go to find the golden boss.

In my ears, a voice with special magnetism suddenly came.

Looking in the direction where the voice came from, I saw a man wearing black clothes inside, a red coat on the outside, and a red top hat looking a little funny in the distance, walking slowly.

Under the courtesy, there was a smile on the young and handsome face that I didn’t know whether it was fun or appreciation.

The red eyes that shimmer with orange light burst with a charm/seduction light that makes thousands of women addicted.

“Earlier, this place has already been chartered by our Sea Breeze Pavilion!”

Looking at Accardo who came with a smile, the young man somehow felt cold in his heart, but seeing that there was only one person on the other side, he warned loudly: “If you don’t want to drop the level and exploded equipment, leave immediately!” ”

Hearing this, Accardo smiled even more, and a red glow flashed at the corner of his eyes.


The black and white double gun suddenly appeared in the hand, and the blue magic was like being attracted by a magnet, and the substance rushed to the gun.

On the bodies of Gasir and the jackal, there was a sound of accumulating energy.

“Gun! You…… Are you, Accardo?! ”

Looking at the two guns in Accardo’s hand, the young man’s face changed greatly, and his eyes looked at Accardo in horror.

Immediately, the young man’s face changed, and he greedily looked at the double gun in Accardo’s hand: “Legendary weapon, if I burst this weapon and give it to the pavilion master, wouldn’t the position of the hall master be within reach?” Even…… The position of vice president is not impossible. ”


And while he was fantasizing, the loud gunfire was already ringing out.

A silver bullet, like a laser, shot at a speed far beyond an arrow.

Up to 60 hit rate, accurately hitting the youth in the forehead.


“Bang! Bang! ”


Two more gunshots rang out, and two bullets fell on the young man’s body one after another.

Three bullets hit the target, less than a second before and after.

The burst speed of the white pistol is terrifying and extraordinary.

In less than two seconds, the young man’s body lost a piece of blood.



Without showing the slightest look of horror on the young man’s face, another gunshot rang out.

And the sound is several times larger than the previous three, like a sniper.

A black bullet, like a black beam, shot out.

At a distance of less than 500 yards, this black bullet with a range of 1500 yards hit the young man’s forehead without even half a second.

First, ordinary damage emerged, followed by a set of dark black, numbers representing the immediate death effect, floating from the top of the youth’s head.


The young man whose blood was emptied didn’t even have time to say a word, so he turned into white light and disappeared.

A piece of equipment flowing with silver light fell on the place where he died.

“One shot triggers and dies, good luck.”

Accardo said to himself, then looked at the group of players who were shocked by the thermal weapon and their eyes became terrified, the corners of his mouth raised high, and whispered: “Then let’s play… A song that belongs to the gun dance! ”

Bang bang bang!

Like the sound of machine gun fire, it resounded continuously.

Groups of high or low damage floated out of the two dozen players’ heads, and sometimes a set of dark black instant damage.

Faced with sheep shocked by thermal weapons, Accardo harvested mercilessly.

In just over thirty seconds, more than half a minute, the group of players collectively turned into white light and disappeared.

Instead, the ground was piled with equipment with flowing blue and silver light.

“Ding! Your number of resurrections accumulates full value and cannot be increased…”

“Ding! You attacked the player for no reason, now red name, kill value: 26. ”

At the same time, the system’s prompt sounded in Accardo’s mind.

At this, Accardo smiled unabated, walked forward, and began to pick up the harvest.

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